53 Best Saint Charbel Quotes About Life, Love and Faith


53 Best Saint Charbel Quotes About Life, Love and Faith

Saint Charbel Makhlouf was a Maronite monk and priest from Lebanon. During his lifetime, he gained a widespread reputation for sanctity and was canonized by the Catholic Church.

He is renowned as the “Miracle Monk of Lebanon” among Lebanese Christians. His supporters claim they name him thus because of the amazing healing they have received in response to prayers to him, particularly those offered at his tomb, and because of his capacity to bring Christians and Muslims together. His relics can be found at the Monastery of Saint Maron. (Wikipedia)

Wisdom and Inspiration from a Spiritual Leader

Saint Charbel, also known as Sharbel Makhlouf, was a Maronite monk and priest who lived in Lebanon in the late 19th century. He is widely regarded as a spiritual leader and a saint, with many people around the world finding inspiration and guidance in his teachings. In this article, we will explore some of Saint Charbel’s most powerful quotes and their relevance to our modern lives.

Saint Charbel’s Quotes

1. Sin only gives you anxiety, sadness, unhappiness, and emptiness.

2. If a person does not turn into love, he dies.

3. The cross is the key to the door of heaven.

4. Your weakness is to be overcome, not to be used as a pilgrimage.

5. Sanctify the present moment of your life.

6. Holiness is a state of permanent transformation from matter to light.

7. Holiness is grace and a will; grace is from God and the will is from you.

8. Believe and be encouraged to bear witness.

9. Love to be sanctified.

10. Lead your senses to glorify God.

11. The most important, greatest, and most sacred sign is the sign of the cross.

12. The most important and greatest message is the message of the Gospel.

13. The most important and greatest verse is the Eucharist.

14. A person desires many things that he does not need and needs many things that he does not desire.

53 Best Saint Charbels Quotes About Life, Love and Faith
53 Best Saint Charbel Quotes About Life, Love and Faith

15. If you don’t stay in love, you cry for her.

16. Wisdom is controlling yourself.

17. God is love, God is true, God is true love.

18. Man can only achieve himself through love.”

19. From the heart of Godman came out and to the heart of God, he returns.

20. Your happiness is not in stone, it does not give happiness.

21. Your happiness is not from human beings because they do not have it.”

22. Man is much more precious than gold. Man is the son of God and his value is from him and in him.

23. Gold does not free a person from his chains, but rather makes it more shining.

24. Let your whole life be prayer and service.

25. The lack of your needs measures your wealth, not the abundance of your possessions.

26. Don’t start something on earth unless it ends in heaven.

27. Don’t walk a path on earth if it doesn’t take you to heaven.

28. Plant the earth with prayer and incense

53 Best Saint Charbel's Quotes About Life, Love and Faith
53 Best Saint Charbel Quotes About Life, Love and Faith

29. If you want to judge someone, judge yourself first.

30. Why did the human path go down, and the path of God was its descent?!

31. Love is universal, without limits, without conditions.

32. Holiness is not luck, but holiness is a choice.

33. Plant the land with prayer and incense. Be saints and sanctify the earth.

34. Christianity is neither a religion nor a temple, nor is it a book nor a temple. Christianity is the person of Jesus Christ himself.

35. Do not forget that you are not from this world. Do not drown in it, cross it, rise from it, and raise it to the Lord by the power of the Lord.

36. And the oneness of Jesus Christ can free all human beings from all their burdens, burdens, and burdens because a slave cannot free a slave.

37. They adhered fully to the Church and all its teachings and persevered in prayer without getting bored. Honor the Virgin Mary, and arm themselves with the rosary, because the name of Mary dispels darkness and crushes evil.

38. A tear of repentance only falls on the cheek of a brave believer.

39. The cross is the key that unlocks the lock on sin and removes the cost of death. And the door to heaven opens. The cross is the key to the sky, not the key to Gero.

40. Preserve the warmth of the family, because the warmth of the entire world cannot replace it.

41. By the Cross, the Church, the Gospel, and the Eucharist, you will be sanctified. God created you to be sanctified, not to die.

42. Holiness is not a choice; holiness is not an option.

43. Man only realizes the truth in the world of God.

44. What is the use of speed and running if the direction is wrong?

45. Your five senses are incomplete, it is the sense that completes them.

46. You cannot go to holiness without going through humanity.

47. The things that happen to you are much more important than the things that happen to you.

48. Leave your prayers to the Lord, the rocks split open, the springs burst into silence, the rocks hear the salaam and the springs speak, and all of them pray and glorify God.

49. If Christ is not in you, how do you give Him to your children?

50. The primary weapon against Satan is honesty. Every word of truth you say is an arrow that you shoot in the heart of the wicked.

51. Confess your sins by killing the evil in you. All the devil’s concern is that he distracts you from God.

52. Your prayer alone with the Lord puts you in the heart of the Lord,

53. Your family prayer in the family’s bosom is your humility in the bosom of the Trinity, and your collective prayer in the heart of the Church is your confirmation in the body of Christ. (Google autotranslate)

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53 Best Saint Charbel Quotes about Life, Love and Faith


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