60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church


60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Wisdom Sayings and Quotes

The Wisdom Sayings and Quotes offer a profound glimpse into the spiritual and philosophical insights of early Christian thinkers. Spanning centuries and encompassing diverse cultural contexts, these timeless words continue to resonate with believers and scholars alike. Let’s delve into the treasure trove of wisdom left behind by these venerable figures.

Unveiling Ancient Wisdom

The Fathers of the Church, also known as the Early Church Fathers, were influential theologians, bishops, and scholars who lived primarily in the first few centuries of Christianity. They played a pivotal role in shaping Christian doctrine, defending orthodoxy, and guiding the faithful in matters of faith and morality.

Delving into the Essence

At the heart of the Wisdom Sayings and Quotes lies a deep well of spiritual insight and moral guidance. These aphorisms and teachings touch upon various aspects of Christian life, including faith, virtue, prayer, and the pursuit of holiness. Let’s explore some of the timeless themes encapsulated in their words:


1. Thanksgiving in distress aids salvation in it – Saint John Chrysostom.

2. If the heart is imperfect in its love for God, then it will be shaken – Pope Shenouda III.

3. Trust that prayer is the key that unlocks the true meanings of the scriptures – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

4. If the heart is imperfect in its love for God, then its will is unshakable – Pope Shenouda III.

5. God’s love for the sinners and the repentant is more than his children who persevere in worship without repentance – the hemisphere with a complete grill.

6. Go and reconcile with those who offended you before he comes and apologizes to you and steals your wreath – Pope Kyrollos VI.

7. The soul that lives in love is more expansive than heaven – Saint Augustine.

8. The humble is like a rock that descends to the bottom, but it is firm and solid. As for the arrogant, they are like smoke that rises to the top and expands, and as it rises, it fades and scatters – Anba Musa the Black.

9. Always comfort the one who stumbled, and always cover him – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

10. Have insatiable love for reciting the psalms, for they are food for the soul – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church

60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church
60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church

11. Psalms are medicine to heal the soul

12. Test your love with endurance to know the extent of its safety – Pope Shenouda III.

13. Psalms are medicine to heal the soul – Athanasius the Apostolic.

14. If we do not pray when we want to pray, we will never pray, so prayer needs a system set at specific times, and since there is no greater jihad than prayer, so it must be an organized jihad – Agathon.

15. Guard your eyes lest your heart is filled with hidden ghosts – Anba Musa the Black.

16. He who neglects the chastity of his body is ashamed in his prayers – Anba Musa the Black.

17. Do not be inferior to the word of the Lord, let it be a vessel for all evils – Anba Anthony.

18. Ask for repentance at every moment and do not allow yourself to be lazy for a single moment – Anba Anthony.

19. If you wish not to be sad, do not grieve someone – John Chrysostom.

20. Some may ask: If Christ was to come from Bethlehem according to the prophecy, why did he live in Nazareth after his birth, so the prophecy was obliterated? No, he does not obliterate it, but rather cleanses it more clearly. For the fact that while his mother lived in a permanent row in one place, and he was born in another place, it is put that this was the event of a divine dispenser – John Chrysostom.

21. The Lord Christ did not depart from Bethlehem immediately after his birth, but he remained forty days, giving an opportunity to those who like to examine things carefully. There are many things about angels and shepherds, Anna and Simon, that was enough to give relationships that this is the coming expected in the prophecies so that the Jews would not say, “We were not We know when and where he was born.” – John Chrysostom

22. The journey from Jerusalem to Bethlehem was guided by the star, and it was not an ordinary star, and it was not only moving, but it would also (go ahead) that is, walk in front of them, guiding them in the setting of the day – John Chrysostom.

23. Let us love fasting because it is a great refuge with prayer and almsgiving – Pope Athanasius the Apostolic.

24. Those who were pleased with the beauty of this life and insulted you, O Lord, have gone with it – Saint Augustine – the love of God and I do what you want – Saint Augustine.

25. It is better for a man to stumble in the way than to hurry out of it – Saint Augustine.

26. The spiritual translation of the word distress means blessings and crowns… This is the spiritual language and anyone who translates it gets tired – His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.

60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church
60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church

27. More selections from the sayings and wisdom of the Holy Fathers

28. If God wants to comfort His true children, He does not remove temptations from them… Rather, He gives them strength to be patient with them – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

29. If temptation comes upon you, do not search for its cause… Rather, bear it without grief – St. Mark.

30. Whoever wants to triumph over temptations without prayer and patience grows more distressed because of the – St. Mark.

31. As much sadness and distress come, the consolation will be, because God does not give a great gift without a great experience – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

32. If you think that you can walk the path of the Lord without trials, know that you are walking outside and away from Him and not in the footsteps of the saint’s Saint – Mar Isaac the Syrian.

33. O Lord, rain your blessings on my heart so that the seed of virtue grows in my heart, and pledge mercies, so that the fruits of righteousness may come forth through Your mercies – Saint Ephrem the Syrian.

34. If you are too weak to be rich for God, then stick with those who are rich in him, so that you may be happy with his happiness – Saint Anba Pachomius.

35. Hold on to prayer to ensure salvation, our father Mikhail Al-Behairi.

36. Whoever is accustomed to speaking in the church indicates that there is no fear of God in him – Anba Musa the Black.

37. Make today the day of your repentance, lest death comes to you on this night – Mar Ephrem the Syrian.

38. You were with me, but for my misery I was not with you, O God – Saint Augustine.

39. Whoever wants to triumph over temptations without prayer and patience grows more distressed because of them – Saint Mark.

40. Manage the ship of my life with your commandments and give me an understanding to trade in weights as long as I have time before it is said to me: Come, show me the trade of your time – Saint Ephrem the Syrian.

41. Do not do an action in your repentance without advice, so that your days will pass with ease… And I know that there is nothing that makes demons happy like a person who hides his thoughts, whether bad or good – the spiritual sheikh.

42. Blessed are those who weep for the truth, for through their tears they constantly see the face of God – Saint Isaac the Syrian
60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church
60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church

43. Preserving the senses removes sins

44. Woe to us, because corruption does not inherit incorruption, and we, in contempt for incorruption, are recklessly led into corruption – Saint Isaiah of Secti.

45. I ask you, my God, and my soul lives, because my body lives by myself, and my soul lives by you – Saint Augustine.

46. If God wants to comfort His true children, He does not remove temptations from them… Rather, He gives them strength to be patient with them – St. Isaac the Syrian.

47. If a person completes all the good deeds and has a grudge against his brother in his heart, then he is a stranger to God – Anba Pachomius.

48. Blessed is he who sleeps with your holy name on his lips, for demons flee from approaching him and find in him no entrance or place – Sheikh Al-Ruhani

49. Preserving the senses removes sins and preserving the heart cuts off the pains that give birth to sins – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

50. O Giver of Salvation, pour into my heart even a single drop of Your love, and it will kindle in my heart to burn unclean thoughts – Saint Ephrem the Syrian

51. Strive in your youth to rejoice in your old age – Saint Anba Pachomius.

52. Silence your tongue so that your heart can speak… and your heart so that God may speak! Spiritual Sheikh.

53. Woe to us, who surrender our souls to be a dwelling place for Satan, instead of being a dwelling place for God – Saint Isaiah of Secti.

54. Listen, my son, and be polite and accept education. Love the one who disciplines you with the fear of God – Saint Anba Pachomius.

55. Whoever performs the virtue of seeking vainglory as an unpaid doer – Abouna Mikhail Al-Buhairi.

56. The prayer of the humble is like one who whispers in the ear of another – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

57. Unfortunately, it is easy to ask for things from God and not to ask God himself, as if the gift is better than the giver – St. Augustine.

58. The sorrows sent to us are nothing but God’s care for us – Saint Isaac the Syrian.

59. Woe to us who, if praise and flattery are directed at us, increase our kindness and gentleness, but if someone excites us, we lose that virtue – Saint Isaiah of Secti.

60. Beware of complacency about the matter of your salvation, because you do not know when the term will end – Abouna Mikhail Al-Buhairi.



As we conclude our exploration of the Wisdom Sayings and Quotes, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of these venerable figures. Their insights continue to illuminate the path of faith for generations of believers, serving as beacons of hope in a world yearning for spiritual guidance. Let us heed their words, ponder their teachings, and strive to embody the timeless wisdom they have bequeathed to us.

In the tapestry of Christian thought and spirituality, it stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith, reason, and love. May we treasure their words, for in them, we find echoes of the divine wisdom that transcends all ages and cultures.


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60 Wisdom Sayings and Quotes of the Fathers of the Church


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