Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!


Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!

Be Careful

On a spring morning, the warm sun descends into the office of the old businessman and CEO of his company. He made a decision to step down and give the new young blood a chance to run his company.

He didn’t want to entrust this task to one of his sons or grandsons and decided to make a different decision. Furthermore, he summoned all the young executives to the meeting room and threw the bombshell statement:

‘It’s time for me to step down and pick the next CEO from among you’ Everyone was stunned! He continued, saying: “You will undergo a practical test and return with its result on the same day next year, and in this same room.”

You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!
Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!

The Test will be Next

The following plant seeds, which I have specially brought from my garden, will be distributed and each of you will receive only one seed, which you must sow and take full care of all year round. Among the audience was a young man named Jim who, like the others, received his seed and returned home and told his wife the story.

The wife hastened to prepare the pot, the appropriate soil, and the compost, and the seed was planted, and every day they did not stop following the seed and taking good care of it.

Three weeks later, everyone started talking about his seed that had grown, except for Jim, whose seed had not sprouted despite all his efforts. Four weeks passed, five weeks passed, and nothing for Jim. Six months have passed – everyone is talking about how far his seed has grown and Jim is silent!

Finally, the time came
Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!

Finally, the time came, and Jim told his wife that he would not go to the meeting with an empty bowl, but she said we had to be honest about what had happened. He knew in his own decision that she was right, but he was afraid of the most critical moments of his life.

Finally, he made the decision to go with his empty pot despite everything, and when he arrived he was amazed by the shapes and sizes of the plants that were on the meeting table in the hall; they were very beautiful and wonderful. He crept quietly, put his empty bowl on the ground, and stood waiting for the president to come along with everyone present.

Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!
Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!

What Happened To The Seed?

His colleagues muffled their laughter, and some expressed regret over the embarrassing situation of their colleague! Finally, the President appeared and entered the room smiling.

He saw the flowers that grew and took wonderful shapes, and the smile did not leave his lips, and at that time the President began to speak, praising what he saw; congratulating everyone on this resounding success that they had achieved. Jim hid at the end of the hall behind his cheerful, cheerful colleagues!

The President said,” What beautiful and wonderful flowers and plants today. One of you will be honored and will be the next CEO. And at that moment, the President noticed Jim and his empty bowl and ordered the CFO to call Jim to the front. Here Jim was terrified and said to himself,” I will definitely be fired today because I am the only loser in the hall,

When Jim arrived, the boss asked him what happened to the seed I gave you. Tell him what happened to him, frankly, and how he failed despite all the relentless efforts. Everyone was standing at that moment looking at what was going to happen, so the president asked them to sit except for Jim, and he addressed them, saying: Welcome to the next CEO, Jim! There were whispers, murmurs, and protests in the hall. How can this be?

‘Last year we were here together, and I gave you seeds to plant and bring them back here today. But what you didn’t know is that the seeds I gave you were rotten seeds and could not grow at all. You all brought wonderful and beautiful plants, you all replaced the seed I gave him,’ the president continued.

Isn’t it? Jim was the only honest and trustworthy person who brought back the same seed I gave him a year ago, and accordingly, he was chosen as CEO.
For my company.

Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!
Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!


  • If you sow trust, you will reap trust.
  • Ifˆ you sow kindness, you will reap friends.
  • If you sow humility, you will reap respect.
  • If you sow perseverance, you will reap satisfaction.
  • Ifˆ you sow appreciation, you will reap consideration.
  • If you plant diligence, you will reap success.
  • If you sow faith, you will reap peace.
  • So be careful today what you sow to reap tomorrow.
  • As much as you give in life, the fruits will come to you. 

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Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!

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