Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life


Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda Quotes

Pope Shenouda Quotes, perfumed with the fragrance of holiness and wisdom, may they guide you to the path of light and holiness, and increase your wisdom and knowledge.

Pope Shenouda Quotes About Love

  • Do you love yourself? Well, you do, with this love, straighten it to return as it was the image of God, and be careful not to love yourself with a wrong love.
  • True self-love comes by training this self to love God and to perpetuate His dwelling in it, by submitting to the work of His Spirit… And he who loves himself is the one who walks the narrow path for the sake of the Lord and carries it on the cross every day.
  • Love is the mother of love, it gives birth to countless virtues, among which are tenderness and kindness, and among them are the word of encouragement and the word of consolation. Including attention and care, including forgiveness, and striving for self-salvation, and this is love.
  • Love without devotion is infertile and fruitless.
  • Self-love is not sinful, but what is important is that your love for yourself is directed in a spiritual direction. You love for yourself purity and holiness, and love for yourself to be a holy temple of the Holy Spirit, and be blameless before God.
  • Some think that his love for a person means that he protects and defends him no matter how wrong he is, but true love is to save him from his mistakes, even by scolding him until he leaves them.
  • You cannot have a spiritual influence on a person unless there is love between you and him.
  • If the heart is imperfect in its love for God, then its will is shaken.
  • By intimidation, you can make a man obey you, but you cannot make him love you. God wants our love before our obedience, then He wants the obedience that stems from love.
  • + Think carefully. What is the difference between love and lust? Love always wants to give, lust always wants to receive.
Many Topics in Human
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda Quotes About Friendship

  • Your true friend is the one who is sincere in his love, not in his friendship: hypocrisy, outwardly, or feigning, and there is no doubt. All his feelings are completely honest and real.
  • A friend is also a friend (by emphasizing the signifier), i.e. a righteous man because a true friend is the one who helps you to purify your heart, love God, and preserve your eternity. As for the one who accompanies you in sin, he is not really a friend, but he is a partner in life outside God.
  • There is a difference between the word friend and the word companion, the two adjectives may sometimes meet in one person. A person may accompany you without being friends with you. He is just a fellow.
  • A true friend is faithful to your secret. And as St. John Chrysostom said: “Let your companions be with a thousand, and keep your secrets from a thousand and one.”
  • Your friend is your second heart, who feels the same way you do. He grieves for your pain from his depths and rejoices for your joy from his depths. It is a balance of love for you, and a balance of help, especially in a time of distress that does not abandon you. How beautiful is the saying of Solomon the Wise in the Book of Ecclesiastes: ‘Two are better than one. Because if one of them falls, his companion will evaluate him. Woe to the one who is alone if he falls, for there is no other who raises him up. He who does not raise you cannot be your friend.
  • Your friend is not the one who compliments you, but the one who loves you. It is not the one who earns your approval by agreeing to everything you do, no matter how wrong it may be. but your friend is the one who loves you with truth, wants good for you, and saves you from yourself and your wrong thoughts if necessary. That is why the book says: ‘Aminah is the lover’s wounds, and deceitful are the kisses of the enemy’.
  • Your friend does not treat you reciprocally, precisely, but bears you at the time of your anger, and is patient with you at the time of your mistake. His love does not change if your circumstances or his circumstances change.
  • Review yourself. how many people have you used this frank and offensive method with, and you lost a lot unnecessarily, and you also did not win souls for the Lord.
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Jesus is the Only Friend

  • Beloved brother, you who have been abandoned by loved ones and abandoned by friends, do not weep. There is someone who feels you and still loves you despite the hatred of others for you. There are those who have many consolations for those who come to him and ask. It is God, it is Jesus who has gone through what you are going through now, he felt the betrayal of friends. Peter denied that he knew him three times, and Judas delivered him into the hands of his crusaders. He delivered him to death.
  • Have you asked for someone to stand beside you and support you in your time of need and you have not found it? He too felt that way.
  • Everyone abandoned him after his arrest, and only John and his mother were at the cross. Where did he go who saw him raise the dead with a word, and command the wind and the sea, so they submit to him Where did everyone go?! they left him. They let him who saw him fill the crowds with five loaves and two fish, their confidence in him was shaken and their faith in him weakened.
  • Therefore, he is the only one who can help us that he has gone through what we are going through. Do you know even loneliness and its bitterness he felt, they left him alone to pray in Gethsemane, and even when he reprimanded them: Could you not stay awake with me for one hour?! They did not wake up or apologize, but continued their sleep and left him.
  • Yes, Jesus is the only one who can help us, because while He was tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted. He is a loyal friend, a loyal lover, and a loving and caring father. Come‘ on, he is waiting for you to come to him and ask him to help you in your weakness. Come on, he’s thirsting for your salvation. Come‘ on, he loves you and is able to carry all your burdens. Come on, it’s there.
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda Quotes About Service

  • Service is the servant’s heart before his tongue, it is his heartfelt warmth before his educational means.
  • Service is not just knowledge that passes from one mind to another, but it is the spirit and life that the servant absorbs from the servant.
  • Pour yourself out before God before serving, to give you the right word that is beneficial to people.
  • Beware lest the service makes you lose your humility because many were humble before the service and then changed, but you are not like that.
  • Service is love in the heart that overflows in the form of service.
  • Service is a gift to all. The servant is in his nature to give love, education, lack, consolation, and aid to all.
  • Service is a flame of fire inside the heart of the servant, which makes him inflamed with the love of people and the pursuit of their salvation. It does not calm down except by connecting people to God.
  • The service is brimming and overflowing. The servant must be filled with spiritual things, and then pour them out on his servants. As for an imperfect servant, he cannot overflow on others, but must be filled first and then overflow on others.
  • The service is therefore spiritual, so the servant must have a strong, spiritual, and effective word, as the Spirit of God speaks from his mouth.
  • Service is an example and delivery.. It is the case of a person who tasted the sweetness of God and made him taste it to others. As the psalm says: Behold and taste what is the best of the Lord… Servants and children do not need information and taut words, but rather they need a pure heart that clings to God and connects them to God, and intercedes for them with Him… They see the image of God in him, so they love God who works in his life, and they love to be like him and to have their life like his.
  • Service is a spiritual means for growth, not only for the children but for the servant himself. A lesson that does not affect the life of the servant cannot affect the life of the servant either.
  • Service is a natural consequence of something greater than service, which is love.
  • He who works for the Lord must be faithful to the point of death, for faithfulness is a prerequisite for service.
  • The success of the service is not in many people served, but in those whose lives the service changed and brought them to God.
  • Service is the teacher before it is the lesson, it is a life passed from one person to another or others.
  • When we love the servants as God loves them, and when we love them as God loves us, then we reach the ideal of service.
  • Service is not just knowledge, limitation to knowledge produces scholars, not religious ones.
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda quotes about the role of a spiritual servant

  • The spiritual servant is a magnet with a strong attraction. Whoever enters his field is drawn to the life of the soul.
  • The humble servant does not review his information, but presents the teaching in a calm spiritual style, and does not try to philosophize the information.
  • The spiritual servant is a beautiful melody in the ears of the church and a pure icon by which everyone who sees it is blessed.
  • The spiritual servant is an incarnate gospel or a moving church, he is the image of God before his disciples, he is a model of ideals, a model for good work, and a means of clarification for all the virtues.
  • A servant is a spirit that reaches the hearer with words that reach his ears.
  • The spiritual servant is always moving towards God.
  • Spiritual service is a person who is constantly in conflict with God, striving for himself and for the sake of people.
  • A spiritual servant is an incarnate gospel or a moving church.
  • The successful spiritual servant is not the one who works, but God works in him. That is why God chose the weak of the world to shame the wise.
  • It is a concession from God to involve us in working with him and in caring for his children.
  • The humble servant is interested in preparing his lesson and does not review his information, and respects the mentalities of the listeners, no matter how small they are.
  • You cannot have a spiritual influence on a person unless there is love between you and him.
  • If you are not at the right hand of God, then you cannot serve.
  • Perhaps we see servants in eternity that we used to hear about, and perhaps some of the servants now appear that we do not see in eternity.
  • There is a need for spiritual preparation in which the servant is filled with the Spirit of God to take from him what he gives.
  • A spiritual servant is constantly a man of prayer, he is a burning torch, he is the sweet scent of Christ.
  • Many servants talk about many topics except God. You do not see God in their words, and they do not enter God in your love, in your mind, or in your life.
  • I want every servant to ask himself about three things: the spirituality of his service, the spirituality of his life, and the spirituality of his children.
  • It is not your job to remove the weeds but to grow them like wheat.
  • If you are a servant, you must be obedient.

Lack of Humility in Education

What tires our church the most is the lack of humility in education. Every servant brings a new thought in his meditations or from his readings trying to make it a doctrine and teach it to people, and there are some writers who like to cancel the prevailing concept, to present in its place a new concept as if one of them has discovered what they do not know The whole church.

Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda Quotes About Women

  • A woman is like a harp who is not good at playing it. She hears melodies that do not satisfy him.
  • A woman may exaggerate everything except to talk about her age.
  • A diplomat is one who remembers his wife’s birthday and forgets her age.
  • Women forgive when they feel they are wrong.
  • A mother’s love is deeper, and a father’s love is truer.
  • If behind every great man there is a woman, then behind every failure there is more than one woman.
  • A tank of water that is not afraid of drying out is a woman’s eye.
  • Some mothers-in-law are like government employee who finds a problem for every solution.
Many Topics in Human Life
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda Quotes About Sin

  • If you know that you are the Son of God, you will not sin, because the son must be like his father.
  • How easy it is to boast in vain, and say that we are children of God and our deeds do not indicate that.
  • A sinful person is a dead person because he was separated from true life by his separation from God, and God is life.
  • It is really unfortunate that God looks in his bag, but does not find you, it is unfortunate that God counts his dirhams so that you are not in the middle of them, and God keeps looking for you in his bag and in every place, where do you see you fall? He does not find you, and finally declares it a painful truth: I had a dirham, but it was lost.
  • Our life is measured only by the days we spent with the Lord, steadfast in His love. As for the periods of sin in our lives, they are periods of death.
  • Every day that is fruitful and steadfast in the Lord is a living day, and every day that has passed in sin is a dead day.
  • It is not correct, then, to rely on God’s kindness, and forget His strictness, and it is not correct to rely on God’s mercy and forget His justice.
  • If you cannot separate from sinners spatially, then separate from them in practice, separate from them intellectually, in style, and in the way of life.
  • Do we live as children of God, to be called His children?

  • Sin is a pleasure, and a person may not feel the extent of its danger until after it has occurred for a while when the conscience awakens on its own or by an external influence.
  • God is just in his mercy, and merciful in his justice, his justice is merciful, and his mercy is just, his justice is full of mercy, and his mercy is full of justice, and we cannot separate his mercy from his justice.
  • A heart that is firm inside cannot be subject to external pressures and does not fall because of them, nor does it take them as a justification for its downfall.
  • The soul may begin to sin and the body participates with it, and vice versa. The soul is preoccupied with the emotions of righteousness and God’s love, so it attracts the body with it in its spirituality.
  • Regardless of whether sin is against people or against yourself, there is animosity with God and separation from Him.
  • In the case of sin, the heart is separated from God. If his love for the world becomes complete, his separation from God will be complete.
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Pope Shenouda Quotes About Repentance

  • Since sin is a separation from God, then repentance is a return to God.
  • As long as sin is a dispute with God, repentance is reconciliation with God.
  • Repentance is a new and pure heart that the Lord grants to sinners who love Him with Him.
  • Repentance is the channel that delivers the merits of blood from the cross.
  • A small fish can resist and go against the current, because in it there is life, and while a great mass of wood can be swept away by the current because it has no will, be strong of character so that you may repent.
  • Without the Church, every spiritual feeling that would grow in a person would have been suffocated by the thorns of the world and would wither and dry up.
  • Repentance is the beginning of the path to God, and it is the companion of the road to the end.
  • The longer the period of contrition for the penitent, the deeper his repentance will be.
  • The penitent does not mention the sins of others, even if they are against him.
  • Concern for the soul is the positive aspect needed to preserve repentance.
  • Throw yourself before the Lord, wrestle with Him, and say to Him, I do not only want you to forgive me for my sin but to remove from my heart all love for sin at all.
  • True repentance is repentance that comes from the heart, and it continues.

  • Whoever says that he repented and then returns to sin, then repents and then comes back, this has not yet repented… This is not repentance but attempts to repent. As for the real repentant, he is a person whose life has changed and who has left sin forever, like the repentance of Augustine and Moses the Black.
  • Since sin is a separation from God, then repentance is a return to God.
  • As long as sin is a dispute with God, repentance is reconciliation with God.
  • Repentance is a new and pure heart that the Lord grants to sinners who love Him with Him.
  • Repentance is the channel that delivers the merits of blood from the cross.
  • A small fish can resist and go against the current, because in it there is life, and while a great mass of wood can be swept away by the current because it has no will, be strong of character so that you may repent.
  • Without the Church, every spiritual feeling that would grow in a person would have been suffocated by the thorns of the world and would wither and dry up.
  • Repentance is the beginning of the path to God, and it is the companion of the road to the end.
  • The longer the period of contrition for the penitent, the deeper his repentance will be.
  • The penitent does not mention the sins of others, even if they are against him.
  • Concern for the soul is the positive aspect needed to preserve repentance.

  • Throw yourself before the Lord, wrestle with Him, and say to Him, I do not only want you to forgive me for my sin but to remove from my heart all love for sin at all.
  • True repentance is repentance that comes from the heart, and it continues.
  • Whoever says that he repented and then returns to sin, then repents and then comes back, this has not yet repented… This is not repentance but attempts to repent. As for the real repentant, he is a person whose life has changed and who has left sin forever, like the repentance of Augustine and Moses the Black.
 Many Topics in Human
Best Pope Shenouda Quotes about Many Topics in Human Life

Best Pope Shenouda Quotes About Trials and Tribulations

  • Sayings of condolence in experiences: ‘Our Lord is present – all for good – its fate ends.’
  • God may allow the forces of evil to rise against us… but at the same time, he commands the heavenly forces to stand with us and protect us, and we sing with Elisha the prophet who went through the same experience ‘Those who are with us are more than those against us’.
  • If everything is lost from me and God alone remains for me, then I am with everything because God is all in all, so what grieves me?!
  • The believer cannot be tired by trial or hardships, because he believes in God’s work and preservation, and believes that God cares about him during the trial more than he cares about himself… He believes in the power of God who intervenes in the problem and believes that God’s wisdom has many solutions, no matter how it seems. Things are complicated.
  • Those who only experienced the tribulation and did not experience divine help, are people who did not open their eyes well in order to see God.
  • God’s children, whenever they enter trials, experience God, taste His sweetness and see God in events and in distress.
  • Narrowness is called narrow because the heart is too narrow to accommodate it, but the wide heart is not bothered by anything. Indeed, the big heart rejoices in everything, thanks God for everything, and is never annoyed with anything, no matter what things are.
  • There is no permanent distress, it lasts a lifetime, so in every experience that passes you say: ‘Its destiny ends, A time will come upon her, and she will pass in peace.” But during this time you should keep your calm and your nerves, so as not to weaken or collapse, and do not lose faith in God’s help and protection.
  • If you weaken one day, know that you have forgotten the strength of God.

  • The strong soul does not worry, does not panic, does not fear, does not collapse, does not hesitate, but the weak imagines fear and is disturbed by them.
  • Put God between you and the tribulation, so the tribulation disappears, and the loving God remains.
  • The children of God must be strong in their principles, firm, firm, and unshakable against the taunts of the wicked.
  • Why is the condition of some people bad at the time of trial?!… Because of lack of wisdom and lack of understanding of God’s will to allow it, And for not looking at its blessings in this world and the hereafter, and with a view similar to the thoughts of the people of the world and the thoughts of the enemy of goodness: that pain is severe divine wrath, But if you look at the saints and the Mother of God, the Virgin, if the sufferings were spiritually harmful, then God would prevent them from them.
  • If a person’s mind is renewed, he focuses his eyes on eternity more than he looks at the present world. He is not disturbed by tribulations, but rather rejoices in it and sees many blessings in it.
  • Do you say ‘adversities have shaken me’? I tell you: ‘If your heart was strong, it would not be shaken, because the heart was narrowed by it and could not accommodate it. As for the wide heart, it is not bothered by anything.

At the end of the topic about Pope Shenouda quotes, we wish you a life filled with knowledge and wisdom, its path is light and holiness, and its goal is eternal life. (Google Translate)

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