Spiritual Reflection
Christian Fasting – What Is It and Why Do Christians Fast?
Christian Fasting – What Is It and Why Do Christians Fast? Spiritual Story A great mystic and famous throughout the world for his holiness, he lived in a cave and…
Jesus Gave Himself as a Sacrifice for Us
Jesus Gave Himself as a Sacrifice for Us father, forgive them because they do not understand what they are doing (Luke 23:34). Through the sufferings and death of Christ on…
Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility
Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility The Cross is The Wood of Salvation and Redemption “He who does not take up his cross and follow me,…
I Place My Trust in You Alone, My Lord Jesus Christ
I Place My Trust in You Alone, My Lord Jesus Christ Meditation from the Father “I am a God full of mercy, and you can touch my heart; come and…