Stories and Tales
The Eagle Renew his Youth and Extend his Life (Real Story)
The Eagle Renew his Youth and Extend his Life (Real Story) How Does the Eagle Renew its Youth and Prolong its Life? The eagle lives about seventy years, but to…
The Real Story of the Woman and the Cross
The Real Story of the Woman and the Cross If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23).…
Love is Able to Restore Life and Heal Death – (true story)
Love is Able to Restore Life and Heal Death – (true story) Greetings and Peace of Christ Be with You! We convey to you the events of this true story…
Nothing Can Happen to You Unless God Allows it to Happen
Nothing Can Happen to You Unless God Allows it to Happen – story and lesson Submit to God’s Will when a believing woman found out that she had cancer, she…
Do Not Let Fear Hinder Your Success & Destroy Your Ambitions
Do Not Let Fear Hinder Your Success & Destroy Your Ambitions Do you Know Who is Hindering Your Progress in Life? One day, the employees arrived at their workplace and…
What do We Need to be Like Humans? (Story)
What Do We Need to Be Like Humans? (Story) The Lion King of the jungle asked this question: What do we need to be like human beings? Some People are…
Saint John the Baptist, the Seal of the Prophets
Saint John the Baptist, the Seal of the Prophets The Seal of the Prophets He was born to saintly parents: Zechariah and Elizabeth. From his mother’s womb, he was filled…
Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother
Story of a Brother Who Gave His Blood to His Brother The Story of the Boys, Pierre and Tony The boys Pierre and Tony grew up in a humble, peaceful…
Young Criminal Refused the Ruler’s Decision to Pardon Him
Young Criminal Refused the Ruler’s Decision to Pardon Him A story about a young criminal who lost his life because he rejected the ruler’s decision to pardon him… Follow the…
Stanford University Founding Story – True Story
Stanford University Founding Story – True Story We convey to you real events narrated by “Malcolm Forbes” about the story of the founding of Stanford University in memory of the…
Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow!
Be Careful Today what You Sow to Reap Tomorrow! Be Careful On a spring morning, the warm sun descends into the office of the old businessman and CEO of his…
Story of the Tree Inhabited by Satan & Worshiped by People
The jealous monk heard about the story of the tree inhabited by Satan & worshiped by people, and he was driven by sacred lust and decided to go and fight…
Saint Francis of Assisi The Story of Life and Prayers
Saint Francis of Assisi The Story of Life and Prayers Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury,…
Turn Around and Be Careful Not to Throw a Stone
Turn Around and Be Careful Not to Throw a Stone I’m So Sorry Sir while a business man was driving his new car on a street, his car was hit…
The Great Teacher and the Butcher (Story)
The Great Teacher and the Butcher (Story) Story and Lesson It was said that a great teacher who grew up from his childhood in a life of piety, devoted all…