Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua – Stay with Me, O Lord


Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua – Stay with Me, O Lord

1- O Saint Anthony, the beloved of the Church of Jesus, the intercessor of those who turns to you, the comforter of the afflicted, and the address of the lofty virtues. Grant us to walk in your footsteps, and to do what pleases you and pleases Him in this life. Ask us from Jesus our God for relief, help, and forgiveness of sins, Amen. Our Father, peace, glory.

2- Saint Anthony, faithful servant of the Virgin Mary. We ask you, by the great joy that filled your pure soul when you carried our Lord Jesus Christ on your chest, to look at us.

She asks for us what we need in this life of grace and divine help. Sanctify our souls, rejoice our hearts, give us all the lofty virtues, keep us away from adversity and calamities, and place in our hearts the love of God and our neighbor. Amen. Our Father, peace, glory.

3- Saint Anthony, the example of the fathers in purity and holiness, and the intercessor of worshipers. Do not close your ears without hearing our prayers and our requests, but listen to me, I am your sinful and despicable servant, and obtain for me a fervent faith, a steadfast hope, and a burning love so that we can please Him, the Highest, and ask Him for the blessings necessary for the salvation of our souls, saying to Him: grace) and help us to take up your cross, and protect us from all adversities and dangers forever. Amen. Our Father, peace, glory.

Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua

Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua - Stay with Me, O Lord
Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua – Stay with Me, O Lord

The Chaplet of St. Anthony

Most gracious St. Anthony, keep me from sin and enable me to persevere in good.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

Great St. Anthony, keep whatever is uncharitable far from me.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

Dear St. Anthony, make mine a true, lasting, and vibrant faith.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

Good St. Anthony, banish from my heart all that would cloud God’s love.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, encouraged by your gentleness, help me to grow in genuine conversion of heart.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, heal me. Obtain for me true love of God and health of mind and soul.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, with my Guardian Angel, guides me through the perils of this life and keep me safe.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, protect me from the Devil’s temptations and obtain for me God’s help.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, healer of the sick, preserve my life and grant me blessings of good health.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

Saint of miracles, finder of lost things, help me to discover what is truly important in my life.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, my helper, and friend of God be my defense and security in times of doubt.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, and friend of God, I ask your intercession at God’s throne for divine grace.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

St. Anthony, I join with you now, and with the whole company of Heaven, in praising the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua - Stay with Me, O Lord
Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua – Stay with Me, O Lord

The Miraculous Responsory

If then you ask for miracles, Death, error, all calamities, Leprosy and demons fly, And health succeeds infirmities. The sea obeys and fetters break, And lifeless limbs do you restore; While treasures lost are found again When young and old your aid implore. All dangers vanish at your prayer, And direst need does quickly flee;

Let those who know your power proclaim, Let Paduans say: these are three. To Father, Son, may glory be and the Holy Spirit, eternally. Pray for us, blessed Anthony. Make us worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray.

Lord God, may the votive commemoration of blessed Anthony, your Confessor, and Doctor, be a source of joy for your people. May they always be strengthened with his spiritual assistance and deserve eternal rewards. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (This prayer in honor of St. Anthony was composed by St. Bonaventure.)


Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua

O Loving St. Anthony, you were a special witness of God’s power and love in your day. Hear us now as we seek your powerful intercession in our time. We lift up our prayers for all families. Help them to grow in their faith; may they persevere in unity, love, and peace. Bless our children, protect our young people, and be a companion to those in their senior years.

Help them when they are tested by sickness, suffering, loneliness, or whenever they experience loss in their lives. Help all of us in our daily struggles, giving us hope and peace. Pray for us, St. Anthony, so that we may continue to grow in God’s love. Intercede for us through Christ our Lord! Amen.


St. Anthony of Padua: The Wonder-Working Saint

In the realm of Catholicism, St. Anthony of Padua is hailed as a remarkable figure known for his miracles and intercession. Born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1195, St. Anthony was an influential Franciscan friar who gained prominence as a powerful preacher and a patron of lost items. His unwavering devotion to God and his remarkable ability to connect with people’s hearts have made him an iconic and beloved saint. This article delves into the life, miracles, and enduring legacy of St. Anthony of Padua.


Early Life and Calling

St. Anthony, originally named Fernando Martins de Bulhões, came from a noble family and received a sound education. However, after witnessing the remains of five Franciscan martyrs, who were returning from Morocco, he was deeply moved by their sacrifice. This profound encounter inspired him to join the Franciscan Order, marking the beginning of his spiritual journey.


Embracing Franciscan Charism

St. Anthony’s dedication to the Franciscan Order led him to travel extensively, spreading the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi. He journeyed to Morocco, but due to illness, was unable to fulfill his mission and had to return to Europe. Eventually, he settled in the Italian city of Padua, where he spent the majority of his life.


St. Anthony’s Gift of Preaching

One of the most remarkable aspects of St. Anthony’s life was his gift of preaching. With eloquence and passion, he captivated audiences, drawing people from far and wide to listen to his sermons. St. Anthony had a profound understanding of Scripture and a unique ability to relate its teachings to the lives of ordinary people. His sermons were often accompanied by miracles, further reinforcing his message and inspiring deep conversions.


Patronage of Lost Items

St. Anthony is widely known as the patron saint of lost items. According to popular tradition, a novice who had left the Franciscan Order took St. Anthony’s Psalter, a book of prayers, with him. St. Anthony prayed fervently for its return, and miraculously, the thief returned the stolen psalter. This event led to St. Anthony being sought after by those who had lost precious possessions, and he became renowned for his ability to help recover lost items.


Miracles and Healing

Throughout his life, St. Anthony performed numerous miracles and healings, often attracting large crowds. There are accounts of him curing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and even raising the dead. These miracles served as a testament to his sanctity and strengthened the faith of those who witnessed them.


The Miracle of the Mule

One particularly famous miracle associated with St. Anthony is the Miracle of the Mule. According to the legend, a heretic challenged St. Anthony’s belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. To prove the heretic wrong, St. Anthony brought out a hungry mule and presented it with a choice between a bundle of hay or the Eucharist. Miraculously, the mule knelt before the Eucharist, affirming the Catholic belief in the Real Presence.


Veneration and Feast Day

St. Anthony of Padua’s profound impact on the lives of many earned him widespread veneration. His feast day is celebrated on June 13th, attracting countless devotees who seek his intercession. During these celebrations, prayers are offered, and the faithful participate in processions to honor his memory.


Iconography and Depictions

In art, St. Anthony is often depicted holding the Child Jesus, symbolizing his special connection with the Christ Child. This depiction originates from an apparition where St. Anthony was blessed to hold the Infant Jesus in his arms. This representation signifies his role as a protector of the faith and a guide for those seeking spiritual nourishment.


The Legacy of St. Anthony of Padua

St. Anthony of Padua’s legacy extends far beyond his lifetime. His teachings and miracles have inspired countless individuals to seek a deeper relationship with God and to embrace a life of faith. The Franciscan Order, in particular, holds him in high esteem, recognizing him as one of their most revered members.



St. Anthony of Padua stands as a beacon of faith and hope, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who encounter his story. Through his miracles, powerful preaching, and intercession, he continues to touch the lives of countless individuals around the world. Whether seeking lost items, spiritual guidance, or solace in times of trouble, many turn to St. Anthony, confident in his ability to intercede on their behalf.

His life serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and the profound impact one individual can have on the world. St. Anthony of Padua, the wonder-working saint, remains an eternal source of inspiration, reminding us of the enduring power of God’s love and grace.

🚩 Disclaimer: The views and beliefs expressed in this article are those commonly associated with the Catholic tradition and may not reflect the perspectives of all individuals or religious denominations.


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Chaplet of Saint Anthony of Padua – Stay with Me, O Lord


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