Conscience Has Become a Rare Coin in Human Minds
Conscience Has Become a Rare Coin in Human Minds
aquestion we always ask! Has conscience died and humanity died with it? Does this conscience still have a place in the hearts and minds of people? What is the concept of conscience in people’s minds, and what is the mechanism by which it works?
When Conscience Dies, Humanity Dies
When the conscience dies, many things die with it, and they become colorless, meaningless, and permissible, and with them, the person becomes just a rigid, empty structure, its echo only within him!
Conscience’s death is a problem that suffers from the threads of poisoned ideas mixed with double behavior, and a bigger problem that becomes striking when it contradicts the values of life, morals, and humanity.
I sat with myself thinking, and my imagination wandered to everything that happens in our reality, so I said, the person of this time has become incomprehensible, vague in behavior, double-minded, not caring about anyone, so that his biggest concern has become only himself (of course)!
We do not know whether life, with its developments, is the one who imposes this on him, or is the need motivating him, or is he starting from himself walking against the current, and not giving life the place that it must be in so that he is in it.

If we take a cursory look at the events taking place around us in their entirety without discrimination, we will see that the human conscience at his death plays his role brilliantly, and plays on the corpses of others, expanding his life from the permissible and reliant on it!
As we see it actively seeking: perjury, treachery, destruction, falsification of history, demolishing the truth, problems, killing, unjustified wars, destroying the houses of God, immoral behavior, humiliating many things and things … etc.
Is Conscience Dead?
All these misfortunes follow humanity because of man and the death of his conscience! So did conscience die and humanity die with it? Unfortunately, conscience has become a rare currency and man has become a mere servant of his desires, interests have become dominant and dominant, and exploitation and hypocrisy have become a slogan for many to reach their goals! Duplication of words and deeds has become an integral part of the lives of many!
Perhaps these are not the only reasons. There are psychological states resulting from events in life, which also play a role in some and push them to a path other than their own, which they take when there is no thought, and they may wake up after a while or continue on it. Yet it is not pillars to stand on, everything in life has its role and stage and ends!
Flimsy Excuses
But if you confront anyone about justice that does not extend to a person, you see him justify his behavior, that the world has changed, and time is no longer that time, and man has changed! But there are no convincing justifications to go against the flow. All of these do not give the right to anyone to exercise their arrogance on others!
Every human being has a mind that thinks and an ability to work and distinguish between the two halves, and this conscience is the second you who talks to you, speak with you, evaluates you, and guides you to what is right when you open your ears and heart to it, and on the contrary, you are lost in the paths of life without it.
You, a human with this artificial culture, build a fragile base for future generations. You show them that humanity is just a word that has no auxiliaries. You turn your human being with time into mere stones that do not feel or feel, but you hit others with them. You thus remove the barriers between permissible and taboos and make them be lost.
With each other, you confuse the rope with the noble, you blind hearts, silence tongues, and open mouths to words that make no sense. You keep pace with the developments of the times, but you compliment them. Do not master them, you live in the caves of the past!
Where are you from your humanity?
So the problem of humanity is that it does not stand on its humanity and gives the conscience its right. Most people, according to their whims, shape their lives and the lives of others, imposing their rigid and perverted thought, and then claiming perfection, integrity, and correctness. Their balance has become oscillating between good and evil!
Do you not agree with me, that if a person gave value to himself and loved it as a human being, his life would be a unique song of a unique violin, and the course of his life would be like a stream of pure fresh water, and the cities of his life would be inhabited by white doves that embrace the morning breeze, and the taste of his years would be like the taste of pomegranate juice! (Google Translate)
By Soha Botros
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