Do Good without Stopping, Even if You Are Not Appreciated


Do Good Without Stopping, Even if You Are Not Appreciated

The Story of the Woman and the Hunchback Man

It is said that there was a woman who made bread for her family every day. Every day she would make an extra loaf of bread for any hungry passerby and put the extra loaf on the window sill for any poor who passed by to take it.

And every day a poor man, hunchbacked and took a loaf, and instead of showing his gratitude to the people of the house, he murmured by saying, “The evil you do stays with you, and the good you do comes back to you!” every day.

The hunchback was passing by, taking a loaf of bread, and murmuring with the same words, “The evil you do stays with you, and the good you do comes back to you!” The woman began to feel annoyed that the man did not show gratitude for the kindness and favor you are doing, and she started talking to herself, saying: “Every day this hunchback passes and repeats.” His vague sentence and leaving, see what he means?

Do Good Without Stopping, Even if You Are Not Appreciated
Do Good Without Stopping, Even if You Are Not Appreciated

I Will Get Rid of this Humpback!

One day, she thought to herself, “I’m going to get rid of this hunchback!” She added some poison to the loaf of bread she had made for him and was about to put it on the window, but her hands started trembling, “What am I doing?!” She immediately said to herself as she threw the loaf to burn in the fire, then made another loaf of bread and put it on the window.

As usual, the hunchback came and took the loaf while murmuring, “The evil you do stays with you, and the good you do comes back to you!” He went on his way, unaware of the conflict raging in the mind of the woman. Do Good Without Stopping, Even if You Are Not Appreciated.

Every day when the woman was making bread, she was praying for her son who had been away for a long time in search of his future for many years. She did not receive any news about him, and she was always praying for his safe return to her. To her surprise – her son was standing at the door!!

He was pale and tired and his clothes almost torn, and he was hungry and exhausted, and as soon as he saw his mother he said, “It is a miracle that I am here, miles away from here. I was tired and tired and so sick that I collapsed on the road and almost died if not for a hunchback man who passed me. I begged him to give me any food with him.

The man was good and gave me a whole loaf of bread to eat! And while he was giving it to me, he said that this is his food every day, and today he will give it to me because my need is much greater than his.”

As soon as the mother heard these words, she turned pale, horror appeared on her face, and leaned against the door, remembering the poisoned loaf that she had made this morning! If she had not disposed of it in the fire, it would have been her son who ate it, and he would have lost his life! At that moment, I realized the meaning of the hunchback’s words: “The evil you do stays with you, and the good you do comes back to you!”

The moral of the story

Do good without ceasing, even if it is not appreciated at the time, because one day, if not in this world, surely in the next world you will be rewarded for the good deeds you have done. (Google Translate)

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Do Good Without Stopping, Even if You Are Not Appreciated

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