Forgiveness Prayers to Our Lord Jesus Christ
Forgiveness Prayers to Our Lord Jesus Christ
Offering Oneself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Heart of Jesus, my God, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, my deeds, and my pains on this day, in fulfillment of my sins and all the intentions of your Most Sacred Heart. Amen.
Prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ Ready to Communion
1- O our God, the God of salvation, teach us to give you all thanks for the good deeds that you have done and are doing with us. You, our God, accepting these offerings, cleanse us from every defilement of body and soul.
And teach us to perfect holiness in your fear, so that if we obtain a share of your sanctification with a good testimony of our conscience, we may unite with the holy body and blood of your Christ. And if we receive them in a worthwhile manner, we will embrace Christ dwelling in our hearts, and we will become temples of your Holy Spirit.
Yes, O our God, do not make any of us an opponent of these terrible heavenly mysteries, nor the weak of soul and body, to take them unworthily.
Rather, grant us to receive worthy, until the last breath of our lives, a portion of Your sanctities, a provision for eternal life, and an acceptable answer from the terrible pulpit of Your Christ. So that we too, with all Your saints who have pleased You from the beginning, may become partakers of Your eternal goods, which You have prepared for Your lovers, O Lord.. (Saint Basil)

You are Truly Christ, the Son of the Living God
2- I believe, O Lord, and confess that you are truly Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. I also believe that this is your pure body, and this is your precious blood.
So I ask you, then, to have mercy on me and forgive what I have done, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by word or deed, knowingly or ignorantly. Entitle me to partake, without condemnation, in your pure mysteries, for the forgiveness of sins and for eternal life. Amen.
3- O Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under the roof of my soul. But, as I consented to lie in a cave and in a low manger, and as I accepted the house of Simon the leper, that sinful harlot who came to you. I also consented to her entering into the manger of my soul, and into my sinful body.
And as you did not despise the harlot who kissed your pure feet, so do not despise me, my God and Savior. Rather, since you are good and loving men, make me worthy to partake of your most holy body and blood. Forgiveness Prayers to Our Lord Jesus Christ
4- I kneel before you, O Lord my God, and I firmly believe that you are present in this great mystery, in our temples with your divinity and humanity. I bow down to Your might, as the choirs of angels prostrate themselves before Your throne in Your heavenly glory, for You are worthy of prostration, praise, and honor forever. Amen.
5- I love you, my God, with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength above all. Because you granted me your divine self through your incarnation in the womb of your pure mother, then you gave me in the sacrament of the Eucharist all the treasures of your divinity and humanity. How could I not love you with all my might, when you loved me before and poured out the treasures of your mercy upon me?
Kindle in my heart, the fire of your love and makes me worthy is participating in your divine life-giving mysteries. You are my soul’s life, and it is dead without your love. And make my heart always lean towards you. And live in you forever.
Thanks to God for Handling
1- I have eaten your holy body. Do not be consumed by fire, and my eyes that touched it, your mercy sees. I was not here a stranger to your secrets, so do not make me out of your neighborhood. Do not stop me with the goats on the left side, but with the sheep on the right, I will praise you forever.
I have taken you, O son of God, as my provision for travel, and when I am hungry, I eat from you, O savior of mankind. The fire is extinguished from me when the scent of your body and your venerable blood appears. The secret of your baptism rescues me from the abyss of drowning, so I enter the abode of life that does not have anxiety.
2- O Spirit of Christ, sanctify me, O Body of Christ, save me, O Blood of Christ, intoxicate me, O water of the side of Christ, wash me, O Passion of Christ, strengthen me, O tender Christ, respond to me, and in your wounds hide me, and at the hour of my death call me, and command me to come to you, so that I may praise you with your saints. . forever and ever. Amen.
3- Here I am kneeling before Your holy presence, Jesus, my God, and my beloved. I ask you with lively fervor to imprint in my heart the passion of faith, hope, love, and regret for my sins. The Prophet David said about you: They pierced my hands and my feet and counted all my bones.
I Love You Lord
4- I believe in You, O Lord, so increase my faith, and I rely on You, O my God, so increase my dependence, and I love You, O Lord, so increase my love in flames. Guide me, O Lord, with your wisdom, control me with your justice, comfort me with your mercy, cover me with your power. I want, O Lord, what you want, and as you want it, as long as you want it, and because you want it.
Make me, O Lord, fervent in my prayers, contented in my food, faithful in my duties, and firm in my purposes. Make me, O Lord, gentle in my association, polite in my conduct, chaste in my speech, and upright in my conduct. Here, O Lord, I present to You my thoughts, my words, my deeds, and my labors. Make me, O Lord, think of you. Forgiveness Prayers to Our Lord Jesus Christ
I speak for you, work for you, and work for you. Fill my heart, O Lord, with love for you, with hatred for me and my vices, with compassion for my neighbor, and with contempt for everything in my world. Grant me, O Lord, victory over pleasure with death, over miserliness with charity, over anger with meekness, and lukewarmness with fervor in worship.
Make me, O Lord, sober in my affairs, courageous in my perils, patient in my adversities, humble in my success. Enlighten my mind, O Lord, kindle my will, purify my body and sanctify my soul. O Lord, make known to me how despicable the earth is, how great the sky is, how short time is, and how long eternity is. Grant me, O Lord, to prepare for death, fear judgment, escape Hell, and attain bliss. Amen.
5- I kneel before you, O Lord my God, and I firmly believe that you are present in the sacrament of the Eucharist, in your divinity and humanity. Amen.
Stay with Me, Lord
6- Stay with me, O Lord, because your presence is necessary with me so that I do not forget you. You know how easily I leave you.
Stay with me, Lord, for I am weak and need your strength so that I do not fall constantly.
Stay with me, Lord, because you are my life and without you, I am without heat. Stayˆ with me, Lord, because you are my light, and without you, I am in darkness. Stay with me, Lord, to show me your will.
Stayˆ with me, Lord, that I may hear your voice and follow you, and stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love you so much and always be with you.
Stay with me, Lord, if you want me to be faithful to you.
Stayˆ with me, Jesus, because though my soul is poor, it wants to be your center of consolation and a nest of love.
Stay with me, Jesus, because it is getting late, and the day is coming to an end… That is, life passes, death, judgment, and eternity are drawing near, and it is necessary to regain my strength so that I do not stop on the way, and for this I need you. It is late and death is near, and I fear darkness, trials, drought, crosses and torments, and how much I need you, my Jesus, in this night of exile.
Stayˆ with me, Jesus, for in this night of life, full of dangers, I need you. Let me know you as your disciples knew you at the breaking of bread, that is, that the Eucharistic Communion be the light that dispels the darkness, the strength that sustains me, and the only joy of my heart.
Stay with me, my lord, for at the hour of death I want to remain united to you, and if not by communion, then at least by grace and love. Stay with me, Jesus, I do not ask you for divine consolation, because I do not deserve it, but the gift of your presence. Yes, this is what I ask of you.
Stayˆ with me, Lord, for I seek You alone, Your love, Your grace, Your will, Your heart, Your soul, For I love You and I seek no other reward than to love You more, with. constant and practical love, to love you with all my heart on earth so that I may continue Your love perfectly in eternity. Amen. (St. Bio Petroleum China).
The Eucharistic Visit after Lunch: (Prayer for Priestly Vocations)
O Divine Heart, you have ordained the Christian priesthood on the night of the Supper, as a testimony to the sweetness of your boundless love. Have compassion, O divine heart, and endow your Church with priests on your example who love souls, the poor, and the cross.
Priests walk in your footsteps, so that there may be peace wherever they go, and goodness overflowing wherever they are. Fortify your church and beautify it with good priests, and through them bestow your gifts upon the faithful. Mary, Mother of Priests, pray for all your sons, priests. Ameen. (Auto Google Translate)
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