Holy Spirit Rosary Come & Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful


Holy Spirit Rosary Come & Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful

The Beginning of the Holy Spirit Rosary

First: a) Offering the soul to the Holy Spirit: O Spirit of God, we offer you our souls and our prayers with the prayer of the Virgin Mary and the apostles gathered in the attic, asking you to come and renew us, and renew the face of the earth.

Come, Holy Spirit, and send from heaven your ray of light. Come, O father of the poor, come, O giver of talents, come, O radiance of hearts, O glorious Comforter, O sweet dweller of hearts, O delicious rest, You are comforted in fatigue, in heat moderation, and in crying consolation.

O Blessed Light, fill the interior of the hearts of your believers, because without your ability there is nothing in man and nothing is pure. Purify what was filthy, water what was dry, heal what was a malady, soften what was solid, kindle what was cold, manage what was awry. Give the believers who rely on you the seven gifts, grant them the reward of virtue, grant them the purpose of salvation, and grant them eternal happiness. Trustworthy.

▶ Holy Spirit Rosary (Video)

Holy Spirit Rosary
Holy Spirit Rosary

This rosary consists of 5 mysteries that highlight the presence of the Holy Spirit

To begin: Make the Sign of the Cross with the medal.
On the First bead: an act of contrition*(see side 2)
On the Second bead: Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth, Who are everywhere present and fill all things. Treasury of blessings, Bestower of Life; come and dwell within in us; cleanse us of all that defiles us, and Oh, Good One, save our souls.
On the Third bead: Hail Holy Queen

For Each Mystery

On the two beads:

Recite the Our Father on the first bead
Recite the Hail Mary on the second bead
On each of the seven beads:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love!

At the seventh bead in each section, finish the prayer with, “Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be recreated; and You shall renew the face of the earth.

The First Mystery

Mary Is Conceived Without Sin

Let us adore Him in the Immaculate conception of Mary, sanctifying her from the very
first instant with a plenitude of grace.
The Second Mystery
Jesus is born of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit
Let us adore Him in His operation in the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Incarnation of the
Word, the Son of Bod by His Divine Nature, and the Son of Mary by His Humanity

The Third Mystery

The Baptism of Our Lord

Let us adore Him, the substantial Love which proceeds from the Father and the Son,
uniting Them in an eternal and infinite Love

The Fourth Mystery

The Holy Spirit in the Church

Let us adore Him in His coming to our Holy Mother, the Church, on the glorious Sunday
of Pentecost in the Cenacle.

The Fifth Mystery

The Holy Spirit in the Souls of the Just

Let us adore Him abiding forever in the Church and faithfully assisting her, according to
His Divine promise, till the end of time.
On the last two beads: for the intentions of the Holy Father
Our Father
Hail Mary

After the last bead: O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the
faithful, give us, by the same Holy Spirit, a love and relish for what is right and just, and a
constant enjoyment in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Close with the Sign of the Cross

*An act of contrition:

My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You Whom I should love above all things, I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.


O, King of Heaven, Spirit Almighty 
Giver of Truth and comfort and love; 
Fill hearts with graces and every bounty,
That we may glow with fire from above.

O King of Heaven, mankind consoler,
Come, dwell within us, O life bestower.
You are the Good One, treasure of graces
Spirit of Justice, filling all places.

O King of heaven, treasure of graces, 
Mighty Life-Give, come with Your aid;
And dwell among us, be in all places,
Sanctify people whom you have made.

Chaplet of the Holy Spirit

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Holy Spirit Rosary Come & Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful


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