How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?


How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?

in this holy time of the Year of Faith in which we must all take firm intentions to renew and prepare for the Holy Passover, let us reflect on our basic duties as believers… Prayer with fasting and almsgiving with righteousness is better than riches with iniquity, almsgiving is better than gossip. (Tu 12:8).



It is the first act of obedience to the faith, and therefore the first call of John to prepare the people for the faith was the call to repentance. In those days, John the Baptist appeared, calling in the wilderness of Judea, saying: ‘Repent, and so is the kingdom of Jesus Christ: 1’-2 Who emphasized the necessity of repentance during his message, Luke said, But if you do not repent, you will all perish likewise Luke. 13:3.

How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?
How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?

Repentance is an inner attitude enlightened by faith and wisdom and a profound change in the heart after reviewing the soul. Here we return to the parable of the prodigal son after he responded to all his whims and began to pay the heavy price. “So he came back to himself and said: How many hired men for my father bread is more than bread, and I perish here.”

And the movement back to God: “I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am not worthy, after that to be called your son, so make me come to me.” Luke 15:18-20.

The merciful Father accepts all penitents, regardless of their sin. Rather, he longs for their return. How much more does he accept them in the holy time? The sacrament of penance, which is necessary for spiritual renewal, should not be neglected, especially since this grace is always available in our churches.

We know it well, and avoid situations and people that lead to sin, and consider repentance as a continuous position of faith, so the heart always becomes like the heart of the publican shouting, crushed, beating the chest: “Oh God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Luke 18:13.

How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?

How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?
How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?


Fasting in the Old Testament was an act practiced by believers as a sign of repentance and humility before God by abstaining from all the pleasures of the body, the first of which is food.

Then another fast appeared that led to a change of heart, like the fast of Jonah the Prophet, who became more obedient to God’s will after he remained fasting in the belly of the whale for three days. Then he repented and became the cause of repentance for the people of Nineveh.

However, fasting has taken on a new dimension with our Lord Jesus Christ, so we saw in his fasting forty days and forty nights the elevation of the relationship between God and man to the peak of perfection, the one against which all experiences, whether they are bodily experiences, experiences of possession and power, or doubts about spiritual matters and God’s promises, are not strong. .

When the disciples of the Lord Jesus failed to expel the devil from the body of the boy with epilepsy, despite the many miracles they did in the name of Christ. After the teacher rebuked them, they insisted on knowing the reason for their failure. The teacher pointed out the weakness of their faith in addition to that, this kind of the devil does not come out except by prayer and fasting Matthew. 17:21.

This statement was the reason for the Church to reflect over the generations on the importance and spirituality of fasting and its decisive role in overcoming the attacks of the evil one, such as the one we live on nowadays.



It is openness to God and communicating with Him with what is in the heart and filial presence in His presence. Without prayer, renewal is impossible, but faith withers and recedes. The importance of prayer grows in the holy time because it gives meaning to repentance, fasting, and charity.

Rather, it is the oil that lights up all acts of faith, and that is why Jesus’ commandment was “Wake up and pray.” lest you fall into temptation. The spirit is eager, but the body is weak.” Mark 14:38.

It is in prayer that God bestows his forgiveness, reinforcements, grace, knowledge, and message, and through it He intervenes, transforms, and works wonders “everything you ask, and you pray with faith you receive” Matthew 22:21.

In our hearts to the heavenly Father as sons imitating the prophet David as he sings: “While I am nothing but prayer” Psalm 109:4, and let our prayers accompany our meditations on the word of God and the person of Christ, as it is the spiritual nourishment by which man also lives.

How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?
How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?


It is the gift of brotherly love that comes from the heart and not from the pocket, out of faith in our responsibility for all of our brothers. So that we do not behave like the Continents, who exclaimed harshly in the face of God when he asked him about his brother.

“Am I a keeper of my brother?” Genesis 4:9 Here we also stand before Zakka the publican, who in his meeting with Christ gave us a model of repentance. He returned the stolen, and offered half of his wealth as alms to the needy, as proof of faith and complete repentance.

“Lord, I give half of my money to the poor. And if I have wronged anyone something, I will return it to him four times.” Luke 19:8, the second model looks at him. The perfect gift was accepted before him because it was all that the widow had.

What faith! It is no wonder that the teacher cheers her blessing in front of everyone. He chooses her to be the teacher of giving to the believers in the Holy Gospel throughout the generations so that we also learn from her how perfect giving is.

How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?

How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?
How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?

Good Deeds

During the time of his mission on earth, the Lord Jesus was wandering doing good, and he taught us, saying: “So let your light shine for men, so that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 The good works of the heavenly Father are a true evangelization of hearts and a true source of love. All the best in existence.

And what is the simplest and most of those actions in the daily life of those who wish to do them. But in fact, what is most important in our present days, free of love and a lot of verbal and physical violence and rejection of others. The overwhelming majority claim wisdom and talk about what is right and what is wrong, and no one does good, including us.

No one plays a prophetic role in declaring the presence of the living, healing Christ in the naked, wounded, and bleeding society. We must confront our consciences with the voice of John the Baptist crying: “Then bear fruit that indicates your repentance.” Matthew 3:8, and let us review ourselves in the holy time in the light of the teaching of Saint James, the brother of the Lord. Likewise, faith, if it is not combined with works, is dead in itself.

And someone may say: ‘You have the faith and I have the works’. Show me your faith without works. I will show you my faith by my works” Jas 2:17-18 We conclude the article with a passage of Saint John Chrysostom on the occasion of the holy forty fast saying: “That is why the ancients called it the ‘spring of spiritual life’.”

Just as the plants and trees activate a life force with spring, and they are covered with flowers and filled with flowers promising abundant fruits. So the fasting person supports the power of the Holy Spirit to reconsider life and personal and family behavior. To cut off the lusts and desires of the body with the knife of the soul, and to control himself and abstain, growing in works of virtue and mercy. The poor and the poor.

Watching the word of God, persevering in heartfelt prayer in the bedroom with remorse, supplication, and chest-beating with his family, and all this is done with wonder in the soul without being terrified by tears or sadness, and without regretting or lamenting the sweet desires which it left forever, but in the warmth of the soul it advances In the life of holiness with delicious pleasure.” (Google Translate)

By Father Pius Farah Edmond Farah


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>How do We Live the Faith and Life of Readiness & Renewal?

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