I’m a Child of the King with Jesus My Savior – with Lyrics


I’m a Child of the King with Jesus My Savior – with Lyrics

A Child Of The King

My Father is rich in houses and lands,
He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands!
Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold,
His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

I’m a child′ of the King,
A child′ of the King:
With Jesus my Savior,
I’m a Child′ of the King

▶ I’m a Child of the King (video)

I’m a Child of the King With Jesus My Savior - with Lyrics
 Jesus My Savior – with Lyrics

My Father’s own Son, the Savior of men,
Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them;
But now He is pleading our pardon on high,
That we may be His when He comes by and by.

I once was an outcast stranger on earth,
A sinner by choice, an alien by birth,
But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down,
An heir to a mansion, a robe, and a crown.

A tent or a cottage, why should I care?
They’re building a palace for me over there;
Though exiled from home, yet still may I sing:
All glory to God, I’m a ′child of the King.


Embracing Your Identity as Royalty

As a child, have you ever dreamt of being a prince or princess? Wearing a crown, living in a grand palace, and ruling a kingdom? The idea of royalty has always been fascinating to many of us. However, as we grow up, we tend to forget that we are actually children of the King of kings, and we have been made to be royalty in His kingdom.

In this article, we will explore what it means to be a child of the King, how it impacts our identity, and how we can fully embrace this identity in our daily lives.


What Does it Mean to Be a Child of the King?

To be a child of the King means that you are a part of the family of God. You have been adopted into His family through faith in Jesus Christ. In John 1:12, it says, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” This means that we have been given the privilege to call God our Father, and we have access to all the benefits that come with being a child of the King.

As a child of the King, we have been given the gift of salvation, which means that we have been forgiven of our sins and have been reconciled with God. We have been given the Holy Spirit, who guides us and helps us to live a life that is pleasing to God. We have been given the promise of eternal life, and we have the assurance that nothing can separate us from the love of God.


How Does Being a Child of the King Impact Our Identity?

Being a child of the King impacts our identity in a significant way. It means that we are no longer defined by our past, our failures, or our circumstances. Instead, we are defined by our relationship with God and our identity as His child. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, it says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

This means that we have been given a new identity in Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin, but we are now free to live a life that is pleasing to God. We are no longer defined by our mistakes, but we are now defined by God’s grace and mercy. We are no longer orphans, but we are now part of the family of God.


How Can We Fully Embrace Our Identity as a Child of the King?

To fully embrace our identity as a child of the King, we need to first understand who God is and what He has done for us. We need to spend time reading the Bible, praying, and meditating on God’s Word. We need to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us in our daily lives.

We also need to surround ourselves with other believers who can encourage us and hold us accountable in our walk with God. We need to be a part of a community of believers who can support us and help us grow in our faith.

Lastly, we need to live a life that is consistent with our identity as a child of the King. We need to let go of the things that hold us back and embrace the things that God has for us. We need to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves.



Being a child of the King is not just a fancy idea or a dream. It is a reality that we can embrace and live out in our daily lives. We have been given the privilege to call God our Father, and we have access to all the benefits that come with being a part of his family. We have been given a new identity in Christ, and we can live a life that is pleasing to God.

However, embracing our identity as a child of the King is not always easy. We face many challenges and struggles in our daily lives, and it can be tempting to give up or to forget who we are. But we must remember that we are not alone in our journey. God is with us every step of the way, and He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us.

We can also take comfort in the fact that we are part of a larger family of believers. We can encourage one another, pray for one another, and lift each other up in times of need. We can share our struggles and our victories with one another, and together, we can grow in our faith and become more like Christ.

So, let us embrace our identity as a child of the King. Let us live a life that is pleasing to God and let us share the love of Christ with others. Let us remember that we are part of a larger family of believers, and let us encourage one another in our journey of faith.

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I’m a Child of the King With Jesus My Savior


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