
Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life


Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life by Saint Augustine

My God, wish I knew you who you know me. Wish I knew you, oh strength of my soul! Reveal yourself to me, my comforter! Wish I could see you, my eyes shine! Hurry, the joy of my soul, to meditate on you, the joy of my heart!

Inspire me with your love, you are my life! Do not leave my arms, O heavenly Groom, for when you come, my whole being is internal and external. Super overhead trance! Grant yourself, O eternal kingdom, that I may enjoy you, O blessed life, O joy of my unfathomable soul!

Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life
Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life

O Invisible Light

Yeah. I sing I love you. You are my God. You are my protector. You′ are my invincible fortress. You are my sweet hope in the midst of my distress. I cling to you, for you are the only good, and without you, there is no good for you. Open the depths of my ears, and I will hear you, O Divine Word, who pierces my soul like a two-edged sword!

Uh! My God!! Thunder from your thickening with your strong voice “Psalm 11:13”!! To roar the sea and all its waves, to shake the earth, and to terrify all that is upon it. And in the end, I reveal to my ears the depths of the waters and the foundations of the inhabited world” Psalm 18:15.

O invisible light, grant me two eyes that can see you! O scent of divine life, grant me a new sense of smell that draws me towards the sweet scent of your spices! My Lord, pure in the sense of taste, so that it may taste you, recognize you, and discover the richness of your pleasure, which is treasured by everyone who sips the nectar of your love!

Grant me a heart that only beats with your love, a soul that adores you, a soul that is faithful to your memory, a mind that perceives the depths of your secrets, and a mind that rests in you and unites with your ever-life-giving wisdom, and knows how to love you with piety, O love that is hidden in you all wisdom!


You are the Life

For your glory, every creature lives. You gave me life and you in my life. With you, I live, and without you, I die! With you′, I will rise, and without you your family! With you′ I will be filled with joy, and without you, my family will be sad! You are life, the source of life. Nothing equals your gentleness and beauty!

I beg you: tell me, where are you?! Where did I meet you? Uh! Hurry up and make myself a dwelling place for you, and from my heart stable!! God, I am sick with love. After me, the death of me and your remembrance revive myself! Your scent restores my strength to me, and your remembrance eases my pain. Your appearance is my satiation” Psalm 17:10!

Everyone who knows you loves you! He forgets himself! He loves you more than himself! Furthermore, he leaves himself and is attracted to you to gain himself union with you! Sir, if I have not loved you as I thought, it is because I didn’t have yet, but my lack of knowledge has made my love for you lukewarm, and my joy thought you weak! Wahi!! By my servitude to external temptations, I get distracted from you, the happiness that lies within me, and I am deprived of you, and I am going to be associated with unclean bonds with the vanities of the world!!

Behold, in the misery of the heart that you alone can possess with all its emotions, feelings, and sacrifices, I have given it to false things, so I became vain with my love for falsehood! That is why you are no longer my joy, but I left you and ran after the love of the outside world! Although you only rest in the depths of my soul!</p>

I want to enjoy the works of the body, and you want to rejoice in my soul! I, with the works of the body, fill my heart, occupy my mind with them, and make them the focus of my speech, but you, my God, live in an immortal, imperceptible soul!

You own the sky and I crawl on the ground! You adore the higher, and I seek the lower. You are occupied by the heavens, and I am drowning in the earthly. Do you see when such opposing tendencies meet?!

Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life
Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life

You are the Supreme Good

My God, I have made myself able to accommodate Your boundless majesty, lest it should have anything that can fill it but You! My God, you made us for your sake, so that our heart is always restless, restless, restless, and restless in you!

My God, the human soul is the progeny of your hands created by a thinking, rational, spiritual, immortal, eternal soul. And since her joy was no longer contained in the beauty of your face, you consecrated her with your baptism, in order to expand your majesty, and no one else could fill it but you!

When she acquires you, she satisfies all her inspirations, and nothing from the outside can satisfy her desires! Are you not the supreme good and all good is derived from you?! The heart that does not want you, what does it ask for?! Does the rich who does not fill the world ask, or should he ask, for created things?

And what is this desire to create things but a permanent famine?! Whoever acquires it, his soul will be left without seven, because it cannot be satisfied without you, my God, since you created it in your image. O Lord, my God, O Most Powerful One. Now He knows the place of your joy. It is the soul created in Your image, like Your likeness, that seeks only You and longs only for You! (Google Translate)

By: Saint Augustine


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Inspire Me with Your Love, You Are My Life

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