Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, Make My Heart Like Yours


Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, Make My Heart Like Yours

Embodying Divine Humility

Jesus Meek is a profound and inspiring aspect of the Christian faith that highlights the gentle and compassionate nature of Jesus Christ. The phrase encapsulates the humility and meekness demonstrated by Jesus throughout his life, teachings, and ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

In this article, we delve into the significance and Humble of Heart, exploring its theological implications, its relevance in today’s world, and the lessons we can learn from this divine attribute.

Understanding Meekness and Humility

Before we delve into the life of Jesus and his embodiment of meekness and humility, it is crucial to understand the true meaning of these attributes. Meekness does not denote weakness; instead, it signifies strength under control, a gentle and humble disposition that restrains anger and exercises patience and mercy.

Humility, on the other hand, is an acknowledgment of one’s limitations, a modest and unassuming nature that places others before oneself. Jesus, being the perfect embodiment of these virtues, exemplified them in his teachings and actions.

O Heart of Jesus

Save me: from the spirit of criticism and issue
Judgments of desire to order glory from the desire for arrogance and distinction
out of the desire to seek praise and congratulations
from a desire to strive for what makes me better than anyone else.

From′ the desire to strive for what dazzles my image in the eyes of others.
From the desire to strive to show my power arrogantly.
Lord Jesus, reign over me as my only master, and over my heart and my life,
May your person be magnified in me every day, so that I may live and die in you. Amen

▶ Jesus Meek and Humble (Video)

Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, Make My Heart Like Yours
Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, Make My Heart Like Yours

O Heart of Jesus,

My worshiped God, is full of holiness and mercy. I dare to dedicate to you because you are the heart of the Holy Saints, and my heart is only weak and inclined to error.
I am confident that your instinctive mercy will accept it from me in order to purify it, reform it, and sanctify it.

My beloved teacher, I dedicate to your sacred heart myself as a whole and all that I possess and possess, i.e. my life, my death, my mind, my discrimination, my conscience, my imagination, and my will.

Especially my heart, with all its movements and yearnings, I dedicate to you my body, my senses, my words, my deeds, and all my works. My joys and my pains, and as a result, I dedicate myself and dedicate it in its entirety to your Sacred Heart from now until forever.

This and me. I gladly promise you that I will honor your Sacred Heart and prostrate to it all the days of my life, and I will strive to spread its name, honor, and attract Hearts to his love. Your divine heart, which is truly present with your holy manhood under the wondrous mystery, will be since. Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, Make My Heart Like Yours.

Now, my refuge, my comfort, my consolation, my hope, and my love. O my beloved Savior, let your heart be the completion of my prostration and thanksgiving. My prayers and my repentance, and let your heart be the completion of my prostration and my thanksgiving, and my prayers and my repentance, and let everything be for me, that is, my light, my strength, my support, my residence, and my life.

My Lord Jesus

Jesus, I am weak, and you are the Lord of hosts my strength.
Jesus′, I am poor and you, Lord of treasures, enrich me.
Jesus, I am sick, and you are the physician of mercy. Heal me.
Jesus, I am hungry, and you are the bread of life. Fill me with your love.

Jesus, I am thirsty, and you are living water. Show me your love.
Jesus, I am a sinner, and you forgive my sins, forgive me my sins.
My heart and my will are yours and my kidneys are yours.
So, reign over me absolutely, O Jesus, I entrust your heart to our families,
Look and then do what pleases your heart. Let your heart do, I trust in you.
To you, I surrender myself. I’m sure you won’t let me down (3 times).

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you.
(In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the one God. Amen)
O Lord Jesus, as a manifestation of your good favor and in preparation for my betrayal,
I offer you my heart, dedicating it completely to your divine love,
Intending by your divine grace that I will never again insult you… Amen. (Google Translate)

Lessons from Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart

The life of Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart provides numerous lessons that we can apply to our own lives. Let us explore a few of these lessons:

1. The Power of Servanthood: Jesus, as the ultimate servant leader, demonstrated the power and impact of serving others selflessly. He washed the feet of his disciples, setting an example of humility and showing that true greatness comes from serving others. By following Jesus’ example, we can cultivate a heart of servanthood and make a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

2. Embracing Vulnerability: Jesus’ meekness and humility also teach us the value of embracing vulnerability. In a world that often associates vulnerability with weakness, Jesus showed that true strength lies in being open, transparent, and authentic. By embracing vulnerability, we can foster deeper connections, cultivate empathy, and experience personal growth.

3. Cultivating a Gentle Spirit: Jesus described himself as “gentle and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29), inviting us to cultivate a gentle and compassionate spirit. In a society driven by harsh judgments and criticism, Jesus’ gentleness serves as a powerful reminder to respond to others with kindness and grace. It encourages us to speak words that uplift, encourage, and heal, rather than words that wound or tear down.

4. Rejecting the Prideful Path: Jesus’ meekness and humility stand in stark contrast to the pride and self-centeredness prevalent in the world. Jesus teaches us the importance of letting go of pride and embracing humility, recognizing that all that we have and all that we are is ultimately a gift from God. By surrendering our pride, we open ourselves to God’s transformative work in our lives.

5. Finding Rest in Jesus: Jesus invites those who are weary and burdened to find rest in him, promising to be gentle and humble of heart (Matthew 11:28-30). In a fast-paced and demanding world, Jesus offers us a place of solace and peace. By humbling ourselves and surrendering our worries and anxieties to him, we can experience true rest and find comfort in his presence.

HEART OF JESUS MEEK AND MILD | HIMIG HESWITA | Worship / Gospel Song | Audio Song Lyrics


Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart serves as an essential aspect of the Christian faith, revealing the depth of God’s love and the transformative power of humility. Jesus’ meekness and humility, displayed throughout his life and ultimately in his sacrificial death, provide a profound example for us to follow.

In a world that often celebrates power, status, and self-promotion, Jesus’ meekness and humility challenge us to embrace a different path—a path of compassion, servanthood, and selflessness. By embodying Jesus’ meek and humble heart, we can transform our relationships, communities, and ultimately ourselves.

Let us strive to cultivate a spirit of meekness and humility, learning from the example of Jesus, and allowing his love and grace to shape us into individuals who reflect his character to the world. May we continually seek to be Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, bearing witness to his love and spreading the message of humility, compassion, and redemption.

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Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart, Make My Heart Like Yours

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