Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility


Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility

The Cross is The Wood of Salvation and Redemption

“He who does not take up his cross and follow me, is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:38) is Jesus’ call to his disciples. We read it in the Gospel of St. Matthew, which calls us to love, “Christianity without the cross is a journey that ends in the middle of the road”.

We cannot separate the Church from the Cross, and the spirit of victory constitutes an obstacle to the path of the Church, and it also constitutes an obstacle in the life of Christians.

A church that rejects martyrs is a church that rejects the path of the cross and seeks only victory and success — Does not know the “rule” of Jesus: the “base” of victory through humiliation, human humiliation, and the humiliation of the cross. This is an experience that we can all have.

Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility
Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility

Jesus on the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Enmity

One experience, but may take many forms according to the life situation of each Christian, but in the end, it translates into a single action: moving away from it. You are princes subordinate to a crucified king.

This is the throne of Jesus. Why the cross? Because Jesus takes upon himself the evil, the abomination, and the sin of the world, as well as our sin, and washes it, washes it with his blood, his mercy, and the love of God.

This is the good that Jesus gives us from the throne of the cross. And when we embrace the Cross of Christ with joy, it brings us joy, the joy that we have been saved, and that we share with Him what He did when He died for us.

It is the Paradox of the Cross

Embracing the Cross generously transforms pain into a profound source of joy, allowing us to bear the fruits of pastoral fertility. This fertility, which comes from proclaiming the Gospel, does not hinge on success or failure by human standards. Instead, it emerges from imitating the logic of the Cross of Jesus—a logic rooted in selflessness and sacrificial love.

The Cross, especially the Cross of Christ, is often presented to us devoid of its true essence. However, a cross without Christ lacks the power to effect change or ignite transformation. It is always the Cross of Christ that guarantees the fruitfulness of our mission and our lives.

What the Church teaches, upheld by the testimony of saints from two thousand years ago to today, is that the Cross of Christ embodies a profound message of love, mercy, and forgiveness. It illustrates how God leads us through His unwavering love for humanity. If we accept this love, we find salvation; if we reject it, we ultimately judge ourselves. For God does not stand as a judge over us but rather as a loving savior who desires our redemption.

The Cross of Jesus Christ

Serves as the response of Christians to the evil that permeates our world, both within us and around us. Jesus, the God who embraced the Cross for our sake, is a king who not only bears the Cross but loves it. He teaches us the true meaning of service and love. Therefore, we should not shy away from His Cross; rather, we should embrace it, recognizing that through self-giving, we discover authentic joy. In this act of love, God triumphs over evil.

We carry the “pilgrim’s cross” across continents and along the paths of life. We bear it joyfully in response to Jesus’ call: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (cf. Matthew 28:19). By carrying the Cross, we proclaim that Jesus has dismantled the walls of enmity that divide individuals and nations, bringing forth reconciliation and peace.

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Jesus On the Cross Broke Down the Wall of Hostility

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