Life’s Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning


Life’s Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning


When I returned from a long trip, the first thing that shocked me was the scene many people in my country live in. The vast majority of people live on the margin of life, as if they are racing after superficial appearances that do not reflect the essence of existence.

The focus on basic needs like food and drink, and the race for degrees and positions, highlights the superficiality of the life we lead. In this article, I will explore how life is not merely a struggle for survival, but a call for depth and reflection on the divine purpose of our existence.

Life's Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning
Life’s Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning

Understanding the Margin of Life

The margin of life is that space where individuals tend to deal with life superficially, limiting their focus to material matters and daily needs. This concept does not only apply to poverty or deprivation; it can also encompass those who have money and resources but live in ignorance of deeper meanings.

In this regard, individuals become like trees that exist in a forest while their roots are weak and fail to penetrate the ground. Life here resembles a race without a goal, where everyone is competing to fulfill daily demands without realizing the true meaning that embodies their existence.

Several factors contribute to the emergence of the margin of life, including a superficial education system that often focuses on degrees rather than developing spiritual and intellectual values. Additionally, the consumerist society promotes values of consumption, making individuals chase superficial appearances.

Furthermore, social pressure drives people to meet societal expectations, leading them to a life filled with superficial competition. These factors create a closed circle of superficiality that is difficult to break, making it essential to consider how to change these dynamics.

Cultural Trends and Their Impact

Cultural trends play a significant role in shaping our perspective on life. Arts and literature, for instance, can serve as a means of expressing human depth. However, often we find that arts are used to promote a culture of consumption and superficiality, leading to a loss of true values. When we return to the roots of the arts, we find they have always been a means to express profound human experiences. Thus, reviving this aspect of culture can help restore balance to our lives.

Seeking Meaning

We were created by God for deeper purposes than mere survival. Life is not just a collection of daily activities; it is a spiritual experience aimed at approaching the Creator and achieving self-fulfillment. Many people live in a routine spiral, ignoring the precious moments that can reconnect them with the meanings of their existence. Through reflection on our goals and values, we can discover that life holds many aspects that go beyond the mere struggle for survival.

When we look at religious texts, we find that the Lord Jesus called us to seek eternal life. This goal requires us to think about how we use our time and resources for spiritual matters. The search for meaning transcends material concerns to include genuine human relationships, where communication with others becomes a means to deepen our understanding of our existence. When we begin to see life from this perspective, we realize that there are many spiritual gifts we can acquire.

Spiritual Values and Their Impact on Daily Life

Spiritual values encompass a set of principles that guide individuals’ behavior and determine their priorities. Adhering to these values can help achieve psychological and spiritual balance. When we recognize the importance of spiritual values, we begin to reevaluate our priorities. Instead of striving for money and appearances, we start focusing on human relationships, sincerity, compassion, and forgiveness. These values enhance cooperation and empathy, contributing to the building of a strong and united community.

Raising Generations with Depth

The family plays a critical role in shaping children’s values. Parents should promote the importance of spiritual and human values, not just focusing on degrees and positions. Instilling a love for knowledge and critical thinking in children can contribute to building a generation capable of deep perspectives on life. Additionally, families should encourage their children to practice meditation and reflection, enabling them to connect with themselves and their hopes and dreams.

The educational system should include curricula that promote spiritual awareness and human values, making education a tool for spreading deep understanding of existence. These curricula can include lessons in philosophy, religion, and the arts, enhancing students’ critical thinking and encouraging exploration. Strengthening comprehensive education can contribute to building a society that recognizes the true values of life and moves away from superficiality.

The Role of Society in Promoting Values

The task of promoting values cannot be limited to families and schools; society as a whole must adopt it. Societal culture plays an essential role in shaping individuals’ behaviors. Therefore, it is crucial to involve the community in raising awareness about the importance of spiritual and human values. Workshops and lectures can be held to inform individuals about the necessity of seeking meaning in their lives.

Life's Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning
Life’s Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning

Challenges We Face

We must confront the challenges that promote superficiality by enhancing awareness of the importance of spiritual values. Resisting superficiality requires collective efforts, where individuals and communities must collaborate to create an environment that encourages deep thinking. Recognizing these challenges can lead us to innovative solutions that help promote human values.

Effective communication between individuals and communities serves as a vital tool for changing the superficial view of life. Through open discussions and deep dialogues, we can foster mutual understanding and expand our horizons. Building communities characterized by transparency and cooperation can help change our individual and collective perspectives on life.

The Generation Gap

A significant gap appears between generations in understanding the values of life. While the new generation strives for material success, the older generation may be more concerned with spiritual values. This gap can lead to conflicts within families and communities. Therefore, it is essential to open channels of communication between generations, where experiences and ideas about the meaning of life and its goals can be exchanged.

Recommendations for Living Deeply

1. Seeking Knowledge

Individuals should strive to acquire spiritual and intellectual knowledge that enhances their life experiences. The quest for knowledge is not limited to academic education; it also includes learning from life experiences and interacting with others. Being open to new ideas and diverse experiences can help deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves. It is essential to allocate time for reading books that nourish our minds and broaden our thinking horizons.

2. Practicing Meditation

We should allocate time for meditation on our life goals and meanings, away from daily pressures. Practicing meditation or even spending some time in nature can help reconnect us with ourselves and the values that matter to us. Meditation aids in calming the mind and clearing thoughts, allowing us to see things more clearly.

3. Engaging in Artistic Activities

Engaging in artistic activities can enhance our sense of meaning and purpose. The arts reflect deep human experiences and help us express our feelings and thoughts. Whether through painting, writing, or music, the arts provide us a means to connect with ourselves and others. Involvement in the arts can serve as a powerful alternative to delving into superficial worlds.

4. Giving and Sharing

Practicing giving and participating in the community can serve as effective means for achieving depth in life. When we help others, we begin to realize that life is not just about ourselves; it is also about how we impact the lives of others. Charitable work and participation in social activities can strengthen human bonds and deepen our understanding of life’s true meaning. Volunteering in community organizations can provide us with a sense of belonging and purpose.

5. Enhancing Human Relationships

We should prioritize human relationships. Deep communication with family and friends can contribute to enhancing our sense of meaning. By spending time with family and friends, we can exchange ideas and emotions, strengthening our human connections. Building a network of strong relationships can positively affect our psychological and spiritual well-being.

6. Opening Channels of Dialogue

It is essential to open channels for dialogue between different generations. Through open discussions, we can exchange opinions and ideas, contributing to mutual understanding. Dialogue facilitates communication and enhances cooperation, enabling communities to face challenges collectively. We should encourage discussions about values and meanings of life, whether in family or community settings.

Life's Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning
Life’s Depth: From Superficiality to True Meaning


Life is not merely a material existence; it is a profound spiritual experience that requires us to strive for the true margin of life. We must redefine success through spiritual and human goals. When we begin to view life from this perspective, we will discover the richness and beauty of meaning. Let us all strive to achieve this depth in our lives so that we can be part of a greater divine project. Life is not just what we live; it is also what we leave behind as an impact on the hearts of others.

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