Lord Accept My Repentance Hurry Up Stretch Out Your Hand


Lord Accept My Repentance Hurry, Up Stretch, Out Your Hand

Hurry up, Lord

O Tender Jesus, accept my repentance as you accepted the repentance of a sinful woman. See my tears as you saw her tears. Listen to the eagerness of my cry, which is loud to you, like a blind man of Jericho, saying: ‘Son of David, have mercy on me.’ He answered my supplication quickly, as I answered the supplication of the thief of the right.

I opened the eyes of the insight of my heart as I opened the eyes of the blind. Take pity on my weakness, and strengthen my will, as I did to the paralyzed man whom they dropped from the ceiling, and whom I, like myself, hang in the emptiness of my life without hope before you.

Hurry up, Lord

Stretch out your hand and rescue me from the sea of ​​my doubts, my confusion, and my grief, as I am a drowning person who is about to perish, like Peter. Save me from the bondage of sin as you saved the Samaritan woman, the harlot, and the publican.

Here I am prostrating before you, beseeching, ‘repentant’, repentant, weeping, ‘begging that you will accept my repentance and answer my supplication because I am weaker than all of them and more sinful than the greatest of sinners. But I am confident that He will not harden me, nor strengthen me, nor heal me, nor heal the wounds of my soul and my bleeding heart, except You, my Lord and my God.

Lord Accept My Repentance Hurry Up Stretch Out Your Hand
Lord Accept My Repentance Hurry, Up Stretch, Out Your Hand

Prayer Asking for Love From the Lord

Give me, O Lord, to love you. Teach me, O Lord, how to love you, turn my children into your love, and lead me into your love. Dwell your love in my heart with the Holy Spirit. O Lord, remove from my heart every other love that contradicts your love so that the whole heart becomes yours alone.

Do not allow me to love anything or anyone more than you, nor to love anyone or anything or lust or any desire that is incompatible with your love. You do not allow, O Lord, to exist in my heart.

Who competes with you or what competes with you or offends your love? Let your love be the one that preoccupies me and owns my heart, and it guides all my actions and is perfectly mixed with all my actions, all my words, and all my feelings. Grant me, O Lord, that I desire to sit with you and talk to you, and to find pleasure in prayer and to persevere in it.

Do not deprive us, Lord, of your love

You, O Lord, say, ‘I have upon you that you have forsaken your first love’ (Revelation 2:4). How can I return, O Lord, to my first love without You?! You‘ are the one who brings me back to your love.

You, O Lord, are the one who repents, and I repent (Rer 31:1). You are the one who gives me the heat of the soul, because you, O Lord, are a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). So, Lord, bring me back to my first love, and even more.

Lord Accept My Repentance Hurry Up Stretch Out Your Hand
Lord Accept My Repentance Hurry, Up Stretch, Out Your Hand

Praise Prayer

You, O Lord, are merciful and kind. You are long-suffering. How long have you longed for me while I am far from You, and how many opportunities have You given me to return to You, and how much You have forgiven me, O Forgiving and Loving One, and You have not dealt with me according to our sins. I, Lord, want to love you, but sin obstructs my way to you and controls my heart and my love, and I, Lord, tried to leave it and could not.

Give me the strength to leave it because, without you, I cannot do it (John 15:5). Save me, O Lord, from this sin, not to escape punishment. But to remove the barrier that prevents me from loving you.

David the Prophet calls the Lord with great love and longing

My soul longs for you, my soul thirsts for you, as the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.

About the prayers of the Coptic Church (Google Translate)

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