Love is Able to Restore Life and Heal Death – (true story)
Love is Able to Restore Life and Heal Death – (true story)
Greetings and Peace of Christ Be with You!
We convey to you the events of this true story that took place in one of the American states, and Woman’s Day Magazine wrote about it under the title: “The Miracle of the Brother’s Hymn to His Sister.” Follow her events!
Love Heals from Death
Like any good mother, when Mary felt she was expecting a new child on the way, she did everything she could to prepare her first three-year-old, who was named Michael, for the new visitor.
And since she expected that her expected child would be a girl, she taught her son Michael to chant to the new visitor to greet him. So Michael recited day after day, and night after night for the expected visitor while she was still in her mother’s womb! Thus, Michael began to tie the bond of love with his new sister before she was born, and before he met her!
The pains of childbirth began as normal. And everyone is waiting, it’s after 5 minutes, after 3 minutes, after every minute, they’re all on tiptoes waiting for the new baby. But the birth became difficult, and there were serious complications during the birth, as hours passed and labor pains continued.

The Birth of Michael’s Sister
Finally, after a long struggle, Michael’s sister was born, but she was in a serious condition. And if the siren blew the stillness of the night, and the ambulance came quickly to the house, where the newborn girl was transferred to the intensive care center for new births in the nearby hospital. The days passed slowly, and the little girl got worse and worse. The obstetrician specialist had to tell the parents sadly: “There is very little hope.
Wait for worse.” The parents began to prepare if the child should die, so they prepared the white box while they were very sad. They had prepared a small room in the house for the new baby, but found themselves preparing for the funeral! However, Michael insisted that his parents let him see his sister, and he said to them: “Let me sing to her.” And the request kept insisting on them with this saying: Let me recite to her.
And the second week came, and the child was still in intensive care, and it seemed that this week would not end until the funeral began. However, Michael did not stop asking and asking to see his sister, so that he could sing to her, but hospital laws prevent children from visiting their families in intensive care.
Mama Maryam thought and said to herself: “What if I take Michael with me, whether they want it or not, because if he doesn’t see her now, he won’t see her while she’s alive.” She dressed him in an oversized suit and took him to the intensive care unit. And he looked funny in this wide suit!

You are My Sunshine
But the head nurse, noticing that it was a child, shouted, “Get that child out of here now! Children are not allowed in.” Mama Maryam was very excited, and her eyes sparkled like molten copper in the face of the nurse, and she opened her lips and spoke sharply: “He will not leave the hospital until he sings to his sick sister!”
Mary led her son Michael to his sister’s bed, and he stared at this little girl who was struggling with illness to survive. After a while, he began to sing. In the innocent voice of childhood, Michael, three years old, began to chant, saying:
You are my shining sun, my only shining sun. You make me happy when the sky is dark. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Furthermore, you make me happy when the skies are gray. And behold, the newborn baby immediately seemed to respond.
Heart rate levels began to stabilize, and then completely normalized. And Mary began to say to her son with tears in her eyes: “Keep singing, Michael, you know, my love, how much I love you. Don’t let my sunshine go down!” The more Michael chanted to his sister, the more her labored breathing became like that of a kitten.
The next night, his mother, Mary, kept saying to her son: “Do not stop chanting, Michael, you who have a sweet heart!” And Michael’s little sister began to relax as a healing relaxation, and relaxation appeared on her face, while the mother urged her son: “Don’t stop singing, Michael.”
Tears covered the head nurse’s face as she heard Michael say to his sister in his childish voice: “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Don’t let my sunshine go down from me.” Please don’t take my sunshine away. The next day, the little girl was so healthy that she was ready to go home!
Dear Brother and Sister! Love is the source of life because God is love, so do not leave people until you love them, because love is stronger than death. Make love the goal of your life without any discrimination, St. Thomas of Jerusalem says: Love and do everything, because with love you will only do what is good and good for you and for all those around you.
About the book Christian short stories