Morning Prayer for Strength and Healing
Morning Prayer for Strength and Healing
Start your day with the rising of the morning sun with a morning prayer for a day full of goodness, blessing, and the grace of the Lord. You need a hand to help you and take care of you on this new day of your life.
Do not leave your house before you offer your prayers and surrender your day to the Lord, the miracle worker, and giver of goodness and blessings, and always remember that you are loved by the Lord.
Morning Prayer
‘Hear me your mercy in the morning, for I have put my trust in you. Let me know the way in which I should walk, for to you, I have lifted my soul.’ Save me from my enemies, O Lord, I have sought refuge. Teach me to do your will because you are my God, your good spirit guides me on level ground.’ (Psalm 143:8-10)
Oh my God, you are my heavenly Father and my Savior! Since you have willed to keep me by your grace during the night that has passed and until this morning that has begun, help me to use all this day in your service.
And not to think, say, or do anything if it is not to please you, nor to obey your holy will, that all my works may be done for the glory of your name and for the salvation of my brothers. And as you shine your sun on this world, also enlighten my mind with the light of your soul, so that I may walk in the path of righteousness.

Thus, O my God
Let my goal always be to serve You and honor You in all my works, expecting from Your grace only all good things. Do not allow me to start any business if it is not according to your will.
Help me, O God, as I work for this life, to raise myself also to the highest, to the happy heavenly life that you have prepared for all your children. Preserve my soul and body and strengthen me so that I may withstand all the trials of Satan and deliver me from all the errors that beset me without ceasing.
Since it is in vain to begin a matter if we do not persevere in it, I beseech You, O God, to lead and guide me not only on this day but throughout all the days of my life. Increase in me also the gifts of your grace, so that I may advance from day to day so that I may reach full communion with your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who is the true light for ourselves.
I beg you, my God, to obtain from you all these good things, to forget all my mistakes and to forgive me my sins according to your infinite mercy as you have promised to all who call on you with a sincere heart through Jesus Christ our Savior, Amen.
Related Prayers
- Morning Prayer When Waking Up From Sleep
- Thank You, Lord, for Your Countless Blessings
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- Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise To Our Lord and Creator
- Prayer after Waking Up In The Morning & When I Go To Bed
My Heavenly Father I pray to You