My Good God, I Pray that You Come and Enter My Heart


My Good God, I Pray that You Come and Enter My Heart

My Good God

Thank you for your bountiful blessings and for your boundless love. I kneel before your hands, beseeching you to accept me as a son, my father. You accept me as a son, despite the dirt of my dress, despite the sins of myself, and despite my distance from you, for you are my tender father.

My God, I invite you to come and stand at the door of my heart and knock on this door and enter it and dine with me. Come make this heart your abode. Come make of the cruel heart a heart full of tenderness. God has qualified me to be your son in all of your qualities, to imitate me, and in all my actions, to be your son.

My good God, I want to glorify you, but I am powerless for my sins, so teach me how to glorify you among all peoples, and raise your name among all nations!

People often stumble on me and often deviate from the path of goodness because of my stumbling towards them, so how can the son of the King of Kings be with these stumbles!

God purified me and gave me to live glorified. Hold on this morning to fill my soul with you alone as long as you have satisfied my body. Hold′ on this morning to quench my soul’s thirst through you alone, as long as you have quenched the thirst of my mouth. Hold on this morning to give me a home for your fish as long as you have prepared the ground for me here to walk on.

My Good God I Pray that You Come and Enter My Heart
My Good God, I Pray that You Come and Enter My Heart

I Love You, My Good God

I’m still looking for forgiveness and love. O love, this morning I invite you to take away the strife from me, for today I realized that I am in a quarrel that disturbs my soul.

In all this I do good, but the strife within me disturbs my life. O love, I invite you to calm the strife of myself with myself and with others and teach me safety for myself and others. Oh, love, how wonderful you are to the God of your blessed and great name at all times. My good, compassionate God, the father of all his mercy, I beseech you, you give me love.

In order to love all without distinction, today I kneel between your tender hands, which have always known love. Grant me to love because you are love. Teach me to declare to everyone your love. This is announced to those who offended me. I declare to those who love me that you are love, you who dwell in me.

My good God, I now bow myself in prostration to your transcendent love, which my mind cannot comprehend. I bow down, asking forgiveness for your love. I bow down, asking for the forgiving love that cleanses me from all sin. I′ bow and ask for your love, so give it to me, O God of love.

O you who left your sky and made your sky of shame because you loved humans, give me that love that purifies me from the inside. So I see that all around me are my loved ones, you who left life and died for your love for me.

Grant me that life is so full of love that I may love others, and in their minds, they make me dead. My good God, my soul bows down to You, and I proclaim that You are my God and You alone must be glorified.


Thank You, Lord Jesus

O you who suffered for me, who loved me and taught me love and the love of all, who loved me, I invite you to have mercy on me from the weight of my sins. Enlighten my eyes so that I may not see the vanities of this world full of evil, and cleanse me from the burdens of deadly sin.

O′ you who loved me, teach me that I will forgive everyone who offended me and everyone who wronged me, for I am dust and ashes, dirt and ashes. No one should complain, and no one should be angry with anyone.

O you who loved me, teach me, give me your forgiveness, not because I forgive those who offended me. Many times my heart gets angry and refuses to forgive those who offended me but forgive me as your love. You are the Forgiving Cross who forgives sins on the Cross, O′ you who loved me, give me love. O′ you who loved me, grant me to forgive with love. You who loved me, give me yourself all honor and glory forever, Amen.


Good God

I pray to you in prostration, asking for your pardon and forgiveness, for every time my sins are before me, they precede me as if they are all that I have in this life. And you, my Lord, possess a lot, so you control my heart and take away from me those things that possess me and occupy my mind and worry my heart. Come, Lord, take possession of this heart and do not let it be occupied by anyone but you.

My God, you are love, and to this love, in you, I am still praying for love, so give me yourself, O love. My God, prostrate humbly between your hands. Your hands made me. Those hands have always been extended to help me and to help me. Please give them to me now. I need them the most. Grant me to ascend and soar with my soul and body in Your heavens throughout the days of fasting.

My good God, I invite you to grant me a fast for my body from all that is not pleasing to you. My God, I invite you to give me a fast for my soul, so that at the end of the fast you are her bridegroom and she rejoices in you.

Give me, I live the true life of fasting, not only abstaining from food but abstaining from the sanctuary of this world. Give me heat in my soul to fast and offer you everything that pleases you, my God, for without you I cannot do something.

Behold, I have resolved that through You, I will fast, and with all my heart I beseech You to make it an acceptable and acceptable fast before You, O my good God. Oh God, my good master and the redeemer of myself. My Lord and my savior, I still seek love for others.

I still ask for forgiveness from others. Teach me that I always look at my sins, only me, my Lord. Teach me not to see my own sins, but to count all my other sins because of me. I thank you who created me and I have no refuge but you.

I thank You who created me, and You were my port in the time of the storm. In my anguish to whom I resort to, and I have no one but you! In my plight, I hope I don’t know anyone else! In′ my distress for those who scream, and you live in my heart!


My Good God

You are my father, and I am your son. No matter how great my sins are, I know that the Father always forgives, always forgives, and will always remain my Father. In the time of my joy, I invite you and I know that you will share my joy quickly. My good God, you are to be a fortress of a fortified refuge.

I see your arms surrounding me from the danger of tomorrow protecting me and those today who guide me and from the fear that overwhelms me. It comforts me that I have seen your eyes open on this house for a lifetime, and you see me and smile at me all the time. I see your fatherhood is my refuge, your tenderness is my reassurance, and your consolation is my joy.

A love that led you to leave your fish and your angels and brought you down to land. A few of them cried out, glorifying your name in it. Few′ were those who cried, thanking your love for it. Few are those who returned and prostrated, glorifying your good deeds with them. A love that led you to endure all the pain for my sake.

Love leads you to the cross, a symbol of humiliation and humiliation. For my sake, you carried all this disgrace. For my sake, they raised you on a tree whose title was a disgrace to all those who raised it. And you, with your pure blood, wiped away that shame, and you became that wood of pride and strength, of love and adoration.


Come, Lord

The plank that was titled Shame has become bearing one title, “This is my love.” In your holy fast, I can only carry that plank, carry that love. Teach me to live in this love. Teach me to carry that plank. That tree from which our father Adam and our mother Eve dared and ate from it by the trick of the serpent.

And it became a sign of sin and disgrace, the earth became cursed because of it, your love turned around when you stretched out your hands over it, pierced with nails, to the sign of victory and salvation.

The earth has become thorns and thorns after sin, and with the first drops of your blood, it pulsates with the love of a new kind. Everyone who passes by it lives a life unaccustomed to it before, a life of love. That plank I pay homage to, all kisses, all respect. It has become glorified, it has become the strength of the Lord after it was a disgrace to everyone who commented on it.

I thank you for everything you have given me. Thank you for my joy in you, because this is the true joy, but the joy of the world always creates sorrow for me. For this reason, I offer every prostration, because you alone are the source of my joy, my comfort, and the source of my reassurance. Accept it you. If you are my God and I am your son, it is enough for my heart to take away all sorrow. Come dwell in me, O good one, and dwell in your Holy Spirit, and make a home.

Come go deep inside me and discover what it hides and fix what’s inside it, like an eagle that renews your youth. Come′ stay with me, for the day has begun, and I have no one but you. Come take care of my heart with your love, take care of my feelings, my feelings, and all my senses. Come′ have this heart.

I surrender myself to you and submit to you my will and give you all my hope and put in you all that I possess to be under your hands and under your will. So grant me to be assured that you are my God and in your bosom, everything will be in peace. Amen. (Google Translate)


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My Good God, I Pray that You Come and Enter My Heart

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