Novena for Any Request – Special Need & Blessings from God


Novena for Any Request – Special Need & Blessings from God

First Day

– Oh God, come to help me
Lord, hurry to help me
Heavenly Father, you know everything and nothing is hidden before you by your mercy come to help me in my distress now and grant me my humble request (name it) in the name of Christ I ask you this. Amen
(Offer an act of mercy today to those in need of help.)

The Second Day

Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me. Be my helper, O God.
O Heavenly Father, your love for us never fails despite our sins and our failures. Amen.
(Learn about the image of Christ today among those around you).

The Third Day

Lord, do not turn away from me and be with me and defend me.
Dear Heavenly Father, you are not far from us, as we exist, move, and live in you. Increase our sense of your presence and take care of my needs now, according to the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ to us, that you respond to the requests of your children when they cry out to you. Amen.
(On this day, surrender all your affairs to God).

The Fourth Day

Oh Lord, show me your way and teach me your paths.
Great Father, your ways are amazing, and their purpose is often hidden from us. So I beg you to guide me now, in my sorrows, and by your strength help me to know your will, so that I may do it in my likeness to our good Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
(Consider seriously today what God’s will really is in your life and seriously try to implement it.)

Novena for Any Request - Special Need & Blessings from God
Novena for Any Request – Special Need & Blessings from God

The Fifth Day

Heavenly Father, in you I place all my trust, and in your hands, I leave all my anxiety and distress, and I strongly believe that you take care of me. For you alone are the power and authority in Christ Jesus, who intercedes for us before you. Amen.
(Help someone you feel unloved today.)

The Sixth Day

Do not rebuke me with your wrath, and do not be angry with me, O merciful Father. You know my sins, my disobedience, my weakness, and my denial, which all deserve punishment. But you have given me patience and forgave me, and with love you have accepted me, in the name of Christ Jesus come to help me quickly in all my problems. Amen.
(Preserve your tongue today from hurtful words or words of reprimand and blame).

The Seventh Day

The Lord is a refuge for the persecuted, and a refuge in times of trouble.
Heavenly Father, you can never refuse those who seek your help and are always ready to comfort grieving souls. He took pity on me in my needs and delivered me from all my sufferings. In the name of Christ Jesus, I beg for your mercy and compassion on me. Amen.
(On the example of Christ, do something good today with someone who does not have feelings of love for you).

The Eighth Day

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and a deliverer to the broken soul.
Heavenly Father, your goodness responds quickly to our misery. In my distress, I ask you to listen to me and answer my prayer, for in You alone, O Lord, I put all my trust against everything, and in the name of Christ, I ask You to respond. Amen.
(Help someone you know in most need today.)

The Ninth Day

The Lord came to save me, saved me, and set me free because he loves me.
Great Lord, I thank you every day for your infinite goodness towards me. With your help I will always praise you and praise your mercy because you were with me in my distress and saved me and in all fidelity, I will follow Christ Jesus, my beloved Savior. Amen.
(As an expression of thanks, be in your dealings today and every day a luminous sign for others). (Google Translate)

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Novena for Any Request – Special Need & Blessings from God

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