Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life


Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life

My faithful brother, the evil Satan’s wars have no limits, and his hatred of humans is indescribable. How can we protect our souls and our lives from the evil of demons, chasing the souls of demons, and undoing satanic chains? By reciting this prayer, you will be freed from this trap in Jesus’ name.

Saint Cyprian

Is the one who made this prayer. Whoever recites it with faith and submission to the Holy Spirit of God with his pure angels and all the saints and our Mother the Virgin Mary, who is completely holy and pure, will be freed from his chains and all evil spirits will flee from him and all works of magic will be nullified. This prayer is a savior and a savior for those who are bound, bewitched, and bound by evil and impure spirits.

Love and Life
Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life

Let’s Pray Together

We pray with a heart full of love and faith, lighting candles and incense.
Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, and goodwill to people. On Sunday, when God Almighty blessed and sanctified, because, on Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ stood, I begged him and asked him and said, “Lord of lords, King of kings, God of all and Controller of all, O dweller of the great and unapproachable light.”

O holy, glorified from ancient times, since you know my secret, I was your servant, when I was in obedience to Satan, and I did not know your holy name. And if I passed by flocks of sheep, what was in their bellies would fall, and if I passed by a pregnant woman who did not give birth, I would prevent sea serpents from going deep because of my many evils.

But now I know your holy name, my Lord, my God, and my master Jesus Christ, and I loved your pure memory, forsook disobedience, and returned to your obedience.

I Ask You, Your Father, and Your Holy Spirit

That the heavens dissolve, and the rain descends on the earth, that the earth gives their yield, and the trees their fruits, and that women give birth to their full children, who shall breastfeed from their breasts, and the life of the sea and what is in it shall dissolve, and the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth.

Every man who has done evil deeds shall vanish and be dissolved, and all that mankind has learned of sorcery, evil and envious eye, and every evil thing shall be dissolved and vanished by the power of your holy name, and shall flee from the bearer of this prayer and from the one to whom this prayer is read, and every evil and every evil thing shall not remain in his hands, and all magic shall be dissolved from him. And every knot and every bad bond, and drive away from it every evil and envious eye, and deliver him from it and from everything that harms him.

Correct, O Lord, his management of the soul and the body in your great name, O you who brought water out of the rock, so that the children of Israel drank from it, so is your hand filled with grace and mercy upon your servant who carries the book of this prayer. Yes, O Lord, who set Paradise in Eden, and four rivers flowed in it: Sekhon, Gihon, Tigris, and the Euphrates.

Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life

Prayer to Invalidate Magic

Do not let the cursed unclean devil dominate the prayer-bearer (so I mention the name).

And do not harm him by the power of your great name. No contract, no evil eye, no magic remains in his hands. Drive away from him everything bad, and drive away from him all who resist him, worry him, and oppose him, and make Gayun be deprived and shameful, he and all his forces, and expelled from before this servant of God. (mention the name)

Correct, O Lord, his management, his ways, his ways, his body, all his joints, his strength, and all his movements. By the power of the Great God, the Holy Spirit, and the sixty-six angels who descended upon my father’s Lantern in the name of the Cherubim, and who prostrated before the Lord and his living, glorified his Son, and removed from the bearer of this prayer the abolition of magic, the expulsion of Satan, the untie of bondage, the eye, and envy. (mention the person’s name)

Every sorcery, bondage, evil eye, and every evil, by the prayer of the holy angels. And save him, O Lord, from all the things that wicked people carry, and save him, O Lord, in the name of the one who rides on the Cherubim, who serves the great pulpit.

And nothing of the human race can prove in the hands of the bearer of this book of mine… by any means, neither by night nor by day, and Gaion will be deprived of him and all his aides and soldiers.

Prayer of the Miraculous Black Goat

The prayer is respected and feared by many for its undisputed power. This version below is used to bring your love back. But beware, only say this prayer if you are very sure that you want this person for you, as they are irreversible.

To accomplish this, you must:

1. Light a candle and hold a knife in your right hand before the flame

2. Pray on a midnight Friday for the best effectiveness.

3- Say the prayer for 7 days straight and then stay another 7 days without saying any prayer.

4 – Wait for the result.

“Miracle Black Goat, who climbed up the hill, bring me (desired name), which from my hand disappeared. (Name desired), just as the rooster crows, the donkey crows, the bell rings, and the goat roars, so you will walk behind me.

Just like Caiaphas, Satan, Ferrabras, and the Chieftain of Hell, who all dominate, make (desired name) dominate, to bring me a lamb, trapped under my left foot.

(Name of desire), money in the tub and in my hand shall not be lacking; thirsty you and I will not end; shot and knife, neither you nor I shall catch us; My enemies will not see me.

The fight I will win, with the powers of the miraculous Black Goat. (Name of desire), with two I see you, with three I arrest you, with Caiaphas, Satan, Ferrabrás.”

Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life
Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life

Prayer Against Brokenness and Evil Eye

When we are victims of brokenness and evil eyes, we feel the weight of this negative energy on our shoulders. To get rid of all this burden, pray with faith this prayer that St. Cyprian indicated to everyone. It is a prayer to the Holy Trinity that will create a protective and liberating barrier in your body:

“God, heed my request, come to my rescue. Come help me. Confused, let those who seek my soul be ashamed (make the sign of the Cross).

Go back and let those who wish me evil be ashamed. They soon returned full of confusion, and say to me: Well, well (make the sign of the Cross).

Rejoice and rejoice in you who seek you, and those who love your salvation, say, May the Lord be great (make the sign of the cross).

You are my favorer and my deliverer, Lord God, do not delay.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit.


Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life
Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life

Prayer to Break A Love Sell

Who never suffered for love. If you are heartbroken for your lack of love and need to have it by your side anyway, ask the wizard and sorcerer’s intercession and pray this powerful prayer with great faith. He will listen to your request:

“By the power of St. Cyprian and the three black souls that watch over St. Cyprian, (name of person) will now and immediately come after me. (Name of person) you will come in droves, in love, full of love, horny for me, you will come back to me and ask me for forgiveness as soon as possible.

St Cyprian, make that (name of the person) forget and leave every other woman who may be in your mind, just loving me. St. Cyprian removes from (name of person) any woman, that he seeks me at all times, today, and now, wishing to be by my side, that he be sure that I am the only woman in his life.

Saint Cyprian, make sure that [name of person] cannot live without me, cannot settle or rest, nowhere can he be, without always having my image in his mind, and in his heart, at all times. That when I lie down I have to dream, that when I wake up I immediately have to think, only I can wish, and only I want to be.

St Cyprian, who (name of person) thinks of me at all times of his life. That (name of person) wants to hug me, kiss me, take care of me, protect me, love me every minute, every second, every day of your life. To love me more each day and to feel pleasure only with me.

Saint Cyprian makes (name of person) feel love for me, affection, and desire, as never felt for any other woman and never will. May he have pleasure only with me, may he be horny only for me, and may his body belong to me alone, may he have peace and rest only if he be with me.

I thank you St Cyprian for working on my behalf and I will disclose your name in exchange for taming (name of the person) and bring you passionate, dedicated, faithful love and desire in my arms.

Ask you, my glorious Saint Cyprian, to come back to me for our dating / our love / our marriage as soon as possible. I ask this from the bottom of my heart to the powers of the three black souls that watch over St. Cyprian. ”

Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life
Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life

Prayer to Make Money

Among the rituals pointed out in his famous book, the call for financial prosperity has always been among the most sought-after. This famous prayer of St. Cyprian favors the energy of the arrival of money when done with great faith. See below:

“Save St. Cyprian, make much money, wealth, and fortune forever with me. Saint Cyprian bring me a lot of money, wealth and fortune.

Just as the rooster crows, the donkey rumbles, the bell rings, the goat screams, so you Saint Cyprian will bring me much money, wealth, and fortune.

Just as the sun comes up, the rain falls, let St. Cyprian make money, wealth, and fortune over me (your name), so be it.

Trapped under my left foot, with two eyes I see money, wealth, and fortune, with three I hold, money, wealth, and fortune, with my Guardian Angel I ask that much money, wealth, and fortune come to me.

Like a creeping snake that money, wealth, and fortune only feel very close to me, can’t stay with the undeserving, doesn’t stay with anyone but me, meets all my wants, buying whatever I want, spending as I please, never makes me suffer for running out of money, that when I always sleep and wake up there’s money, wealth, and fortune inside my house, my purse, my pocket, at my business place or wherever I am.

May money, wealth, and fortune not be far from me, that their values ​​are always high, very high, turned to me alone, that St. Cyprian money, wealth, and fortune be very valuable to me. So be it. By the power of St. Cyprian, so be it. May a great deal of money, wealth, and fortune come after me, so that we may have comfort, fame, power, health, help the needy, have a good life and be happy.

I ask Saint Cyprian, that money, wealth, and fortune seek me today, I ask this to the power of the Three Black Souls who watch over Saint Cyprian, so be it. May money, wealth, and fortune come all at once to my home, my life, my family, and my business. Let the enemies not see us, see us ever, so be it, it will be so, it is done.

O St. Cyprian and the Three Black Souls watching over St. Cyprian, heed my request.”

source: mytodayshoroscope — by Saint Cyprian

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Powerful Saint Cyprian Prayer for Protection, Love and Life


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