Prayer for Adversity Times to Keep Out the Forces of Evil
Prayer for Adversity Times to Keep Out the Forces of Evil
O Lord God, Eternal Father
Iknow that you love me and surround me with your infinite kindness. You are present in my life, knowing the trials I am through. You are aware of my sorrows, my pain, and my troubles. It is your infinite wisdom that has allowed me what I am into.
But you declare: ‘You transform everything for the good of those who love you and into their goodness’ (Romans 8:28). And you promised ‘You will wipe every tear from their eyes (Revelation 21:4). From the depths of my tragedy in which I am drowning, I thank You, O God, because this is Your will, even if I feel weak and let down.

I congratulate you and trust you because you allowed your son to break the pain drill, and for my country’s peak victory on the cross. I′ offer you, by Virgin Mary, Holy Wounds to heal the physical surgeon and me.
I am waiting for you to help you with Jesus sincerely. I suffer. I will win, as long as the eternal assigns me with your dark love. As I ordered myself, I forgive all my heart to everyone who deals with me or darkens me.
I am the original for them and their oldest for you in the name of our master Jesus Christ and our Virgin Mary. I do not make Jesus’ love in their hearts, and to touch the sweetness of the spirit of your holy place, we will come back to you and find your behavior.
Your brain is a living God because you are present for my physical epidemics. There is no hunger, poverty, no deprivation, and economic crises, to make me doubt your love and words.
You will not be afraid of my life and I do not care for my body by eating (Matthew 6: 31-33) nor what is necessary to do. I do not care for tomorrow, which seems, because you are a world with my needs, And you want to fill my needs with your riches for the glory of your anointed Jesus.”
My God
Let your spirit sustain me in what is special to me, so that I may fully fulfill the desires of your heart. And if the trials I am income from the consequences of my own sins, or the sins of my family, or the community to which I belong, forgive us, Master, our bad thoughts and our devious ways of passing judgment.
And in that, we have been hardened by it in others, and by which we are envious of one another. Forgive us our resistance, our accounts, our revolutions, our hurtful words, our grunts, our hatred, our selfishness, and our refusal to participate.
Give me, O Lord, a contrite heart and a humble spirit, and grant me the grace of sincere repentance. And may your Holy Spirit make me bear fruits worthy of repentance (Matthew 3:8) and live in the spirit of the evangelical beatitude. Treat me according to Your mercy and not according to my sins.
Show everyone your holiness and your goodness, so that I, your servant, may live in peace and joy, and that people may know that you are my Savior and my God (Ezekiel 20:44). A prayer held in the time of trials and tribulations
Praise be to You
O living God, for the blessings You have given me in the midst of my distress. Accept my praise as a pure and pleasing offering to the glory of Your glory. I rely on You, O Eternal Good Father. You are the one who gives strength to the weak and renews the activity of those who put their hope in you (Isaiah 40:30-40).
And you save those who are loyal to you, and you give them more than their hearts can hope for. You are the one who feeds the little birds and fills the children of the kingdom with your bounties.
You replace my disappointment with joy, my mourning with joy (Psalm 30:12), and my loss with gain. Glory to you, Lord God. I thank and praise you, through your only-begotten Son, my Savior, and through the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. Now and forever. Amen
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