Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities


Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities

Lord, keep Us Without Sin

Lord, we ask You to keep us on this day without sin. Blessed are You, O LORD God of our fathers, and a blessing is increasing, and Your holy name is full of glory forever. May Your mercy be upon us, O LORD, as the likeness of us, because the eyes of all will defile You: for You are the one to give them their food at the time. Hear us.

Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities
Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities

God our Savior

Please, diameters of the whole earth. And You, LORD, keep our reservation and deliver us from this generation and for ever. Ameen. Blessed are You, Lord, teach me Your justice. Blessed are You, Lord, you understand Your rights. Blessed are You, O Lord, enlighten my pools. O Lord, Your mercy lasts forever.

The works of Your hands, Lord, do not reject them because You have become my refuge from generation to generation. I asked the Lord and said, “Be merciful to me and save my soul, for I have sinned against You.” Heal me from the depression, help me, Jesus. O Lord, I seek refuge in thee. Save me, and teach me to do thy will.


For You are my God, and You have the fountain of life, and Your light, O LORD, is watching the light. Your mercy, come to those who know You, and pools of the upright in heart. You* must answer the blessing. You have the right to praise. You should be glorified, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, who is from the beginning and now and forever. Amen.

Good is the recognition of the Lord and sing to Your name, O Most High. To tell Your mercy in the temptations, and Your right every night of possibility. And if the enemies rushed, attacked, and continued their aggression, if we seek ambassadors for Christ as if God preaches to us. We ask about Christ reconciling with God (2 Cor 5:20)

Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities
Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities

Lord, You know that I love You

Jesus, my beloved God, healed me from the diseases and poured my soul from the impurities of sins. You are my purity when I invite You as a leper who wants to receive healing from You.

O Jesus, heal my soul from the impurities of sins; I cry with joy, Jesus. The sun and the moon shall praise Your name. We longed to meet You. When, Jesus, will I be with You for dinner?

Your name, Jesus, has passed the time and place with Your mercy. I said, “No, for a law that does not serve man.” The leper and the paralytic pray unto thee in silence, and in prayer, and in faith, Jesus taught me how to pray. Teach me how to see with Your eyes, not with my eyes.

I want to walk on Your path and extend my hand to every needy person who asks for Your name. Lord, You know that I love You. With all of my whole that I have, I serve You. Thank You, Jesus … Amen.

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Prayer for Mental Healing and Psychological Abnormalities

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