Prayer for Protection Against Satan and the Forces of Evil
Prayer for Protection Against Satan and the Forces of Evil
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen
O Heavenly Father, holy God, physician of souls and bodies, who sent your beloved son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal every sick, heal every disease, save the human race from the death of sin, and expel the rebellious Satan and all his evil angels from the heights of heaven to the depths of the earth.
Lord Heal Me
I am your creation from all pain of soul and body, and from every demonic act, by the grace of Jesus, your beloved son, deliver me and protect me from every disease with your holy cross and rebuke unclean spirits not to have a share and fellowship with me.
May Satan be crushed under my feet so that I may be delivered from all the power of the enemies, visible and invisible, through the intercession of the Holy Virgin, Mother of God, Mary.
And with the prayers of our father, St. Anthony, and all your saints. And to do good deeds, and I thank you for your great mercy on me, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, your only son, who is worthy of glory and your Holy Spirit for the ages of ages. Amen.

O Master
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God
Who, for us humans and for our salvation, became a human being from Mary the Virgin, and by your pain and life-giving death, you crushed the gates of hell and bound our strength and our strength to the plunder of his goods. You, our God and our Savior, drive away and avoid every satanic attack. I am your servant who bears the sign of your cross.
Yes, Lord, you who cast out the choir of demons and commanded the unclean spirits to come out of the converts and to stay away from them, and I said to your messengers: – “I have given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and all the forces of the enemy.”
Preserve me, my lord, I am Your servant, from all harm, from the fear of the night, and from the arrow of the bird by day, from the one who walks in the darkness, and from the devil of noon, that I may sing to you with your divine support and the prayers of your Virgin Mother Mary Most Holy, our blessed father Abba Anthony.
and the guard of the army of angels, in faith, hope, and love, saying: “The Lord is my help, so I do not fear what man will do to me.” Because you are our help, our strength, and our helpers, so we do not fear evil, and glory is to you with your Son and your Holy Spirit now and forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer of protection against the warriors of the forces of evil
O Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, who proceeds from the Father and is worshiped and glorified by the Father and the Son, who appears on the head of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the likeness of a dove, and above the holy apostles like fiery tongues.
O Lord, grant your strength to me, I am Your servant, and rebuke all unclean spirits and dispel all their harmful actions. Let them turn away and vanish from our bodies and our souls. We are your creation, the accursed devil, the unclean Satan, and all kinds of unclean spirits.
Yes, Lord, we beseech You, beseeching You, not to dominate one of our members, nor over ourselves, nor over our souls, nor corrupt anything in us, for the sake of the Holy Cross † which is with us and preserves us, so that we may always be safe in every place, through the intercession of the Mother of God, Mary and our blessed father Abba Antony and all the saints, and we glorify you, O The Holy Spirit is with the Father and the Son forever. Trustworthy
The power of the Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Be with us and with all those who pray this prayer, guarding them, and saving them from all harm to soul and body, through the intercession of the Saint, Mother of God, and blessed Abba Anthony and all the saints. Trustworthy †.
May God arise and scatter all his enemies, and let those who hate him flee before his face, and be scattered as smoke dissipates and wax melts before a fire. So let the hypocrites be scattered as smoke dissipates and wax melts before the face of the Lord. Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen †
O Lord God
Who gave Saint Anthony your servant the grace to conquer and trample all demonic forces, grant me, your creation, asking for your help, to be free and safe from all the affliction of demons and from all harms of soul and body, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and honor, and with your Holy Spirit, to the ages of ages. Amen †
Source: The Book of Prayers of the Coptic Church (Google Translate)
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