Prayer for Steadfastness in Front of Satan’s Warriors


Prayer for Steadfastness in Front of Satan’s Warriors

Be Alert and of Sober Mind

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.’(1 Peter 5:8) ‘Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.’ (James 4:7)

Due to the effects of evil tendencies in society, people follow crooked paths, seeking money, fame, profit, status, and carnal lusts. Even believers often fall into the temptations of Satan.

They also face many persecutions and hardships. Hence, spiritual wars were born. How can we rely on God to see Satan’s plans and overcome his temptations in all kinds of spiritual warfare? This prayer will help you find the way to victory over Satan’s fights. Prayer for steadfastness in front of warriors

Prayer for Steadfastness in Front of Satan's Warriors
Prayer for Steadfastness in Front of Satan’s Warriors

Let’s Pray

Establish me, O Lord, in my trials, and deliver me from the envy of the devil, and fight for me, my lord, because you promised me victory. So honest is your victory, O King of the Saints, after you established the secret of victory on the mountain of temptation, in Gethsemane, on the hill of Golgotha, and in the Garden of Resurrection.

O gardener, dig around me and put dung so that it may bear fruit, and keep my roots preserved, O venerable soul, grafting my seed into the good olive tree, so as not to suffocate from temptations, and not to be buried under the weight of affliction. I have nothing but your mercy and the generosity of your righteousness, and to you, I cry out to save me, and on you, I trust, so do not fear me.

O God, all patience and consolation, console myself, and make your patience preserve my mind and thought in you, and reveal to me, O Lord, the causes of distress and their meaning in you, my God, help me to rest and accept Your will with endurance and thanksgiving in secret and in public, if the reasons are from You and help also from You, then raise me to prostration and praise Your name.

O God of all Mercy and Lord of all Consolation

O you who made it not only that the afflictions suit me, but I also suit them, and that they are not made for me only, but I am subject to them for a double benefit.

Your hands have made me, so do not destroy me, O Lord. Your hands are like clay. Do not turn me back to dust, but make me of your own and heal me with your chastisement. You are sweet and righteous in your chastisement, so count me among the thankful worshipers of your judgments, and in my distress, support me as I humiliate before you, O Lord.

You have done good to your servant

And by your goodness, you have disciplined me. And in the way of narrowness, you bring me to your divine knowledge and bring me closer to you, O God, my God. You are goodness in yourself.

Teach me Your judgments and your rights, and make me understand Your goodness and your love, so that I may taste Your goodness, and experience Your kindness in practice, and transform my corruption into the fellowship of Your blessed nature.

And now, O Lord, to prove forever the words that You spoke, because I trust in Your promises and Your faithful promises, For You are faithful, just, good and a loving God.

You lift me up and give me good hope that you will not forsake me, O God of my help. Alive you, O Lord, a blessed God and maker of mercy. Grant me life and victory. Prayer for steadfastness in front of warriors

Do not, O Lord

Allow the rod of the wicked to rest upon the portion of the righteous, and do not allow me to be tempted more than I can bear. Rather, allow me to be comforted in my distress and distress, and to revive me with your words more, lest I become faint, weak, or defeated.

Help, Lord, that these guests of mine be the experience of your salvation, in which I trust in the riches of your inexhaustible mercies. Yes, Lord, treat me according to your rich grace and your vast mercy, and may your salvation come upon me.

Save me, Lord, and deliver me, my God, because you are near, and you are saved. Truly, Lord, you are with me, because I have sought you, so hear and answer, and do not forsake me, my lord, but support your servant, and with eternal kindness, have mercy on me and grant me mercy. (Google Translate)

Source: A letter to every distressed soul book by Father Athanasius Fahmy George – Saint Thecla

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