Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness


Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness

Oh Lord, Be a Light in My Mind

And peace in my heart, wisdom in my decisions, and love in my relationships. I need You, Lord. You are the only one who can relieve my pain. Only in You do I place my hope, and only in You will I be able to find a place to take shelter and leave no room for fear and all kinds of evil.

There are so many fears that I have every day. Therefore, today I confess before You that I am full of misery, and I turn to You as my friend and brother to fill me with Your joy and renew the power of hope that rises from the earth to all who seek help and trust in You.

Lord, You know that all the voids in my being are filled only by Your grace and presence. My fears, worries, pain, and confusion find solutions and cure only in You. I know that with Your help, I will be able to overcome all those fears that do not allow me to advance.

Move me with Your Holy Spirit. You are the one who accompanies me and gives me the courage to face those circumstances that cause my knees to tremble. I will remain loyal to You because I am sure You will not turn me back. Take my life, O Lord, take my mind and my heart and make me a faithful disciple of Your love.

Prayer for Victory and Freedom

Do not worry

You are the one who gives me confidence with a quiet hope full of joy when You say on several occasions in Your Gospel ‘Do not be afraid. He who believes in You will never be disappointed, nor will he feel any fear that shakes his faith.

I want to let You always come close to me and live in fellowship with You all my life, and that my slips never separate me from Your love, for I always seek Your forgiveness. Every fear that is in me vanishes when I kiss You and my mouth says confidently: ‘I believe in You, Lord’.

Touch and heal my heart, freeing it from fear and from the adverse circumstances which give rise to anxiety. You are my strength, and I am sure that Your love and mercy are not far from my soul. 

I trust Your faithful promise, I trust Your word that comforts me. And I desire that You also say to me the words of hope that I said to Joshua: ‘Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, for I am the Lord Your God with You wherever You go.’ Believing and giving true testimony of Your love to the world, without any fear.

O Jesus, move me with Your Holy Spirit, always accompanying me in all my challenges and in moments of sadness and weakness that sometimes I feel make me fall to the ground and become unable to continue the struggle to be better day by day.

Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness
Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness

Victory Prayer

Grant me the strength and Your power to overcome fears and be free from anxiety. Guide my heart and mind through the Holy Spirit, that powerful presence in Your three divine persons who enlighten our lives and make us steadfast and courageous in faith.

I love You, Jesus, and I trust that in these moments You break those chains that hold me to despair, and though I walk on dark roads, I will not waiver or be afraid because Your strength and power are with me, and they inspire confidence in me. Amen

Prayer summary

Trust in the Lord Your God! Leave those fears behind and bravely fight those feelings that want to put You down and make You feel like You’re worth nothing. Don’t give up! You are one of God’s children!

And all Your efforts in the almighty name of Jesus will bear fruit from one moment to the next. Your God is mighty, mighty, and full of love. He is able to make the impossible possible. Ask God at this moment to work in Your life and in Your family. Ask him to turn Your trials and hardships into joys and opportunities.

The prayer that You must repeat today is the following: ‘Lord, In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul.’ (Psalm 94:19). I am able to overcome all fears and anguish on the way because I walk with You, I am with You and I live with You. Amen.


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Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness

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