Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ


Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen. The prayer in honor of the holy wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ from the book: The Fifteen Inspirational Prayers of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Saint Brigitta An offering of the holy wounds and precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Savior Sevealed to Saint Brigitta:

“Know that I grant great blessings to everyone who recites daily and Over the course of twelve years Our Father and Peace seven times in honor of my Holy Blood.

The prayer of honoring the holy wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ is connected with devotion and prayer for the holy wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ because from them flows the holy blood of Jesus. The Savior recommended this practice to Sister Marie-Mart Chambon, making, in this respect, great promises to all who would follow it.

A brief summary of the life of Saint Birgitta (1303 – 1373), restored by the Latin Church on October 8. She is a descendant of the Swedish royal dynasty and the wife of Prince de Mérici. She was raised in holiness with her eight children, including the Swedish Saint Catherine, and established a monastic order according to the law of Saint Augustine.

Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The First Prayer – Prayer in Honor

Our Father, peace, and glory…
O, Jesus Christ. Eternal sweetness for those who love you, supreme happiness, every happiness, and every wish. Please and salvation of sinners. O You who, because of your great love for them, have shown that the perfection of your satisfaction is to be among humans, so you assumed human nature in the fullness of time.

Remember the pains you suffered from the moment of your birth, and especially during your holy passion, as it was ordained and ordained in divine thought from time immemorial. Remember, Master, when you were at the sacramental supper with your disciples, having washed their feet, you gave them your holy body and your precious blood, and while you comforted them sweetly, you showed them your coming sufferings.

Remember′ the Sadness and Bitterness

That you experienced in yourself, as you expressed it, saying: ‘My soul is sad to death’. Remember, Master, the fears, distress, and pains which you bore in your gentle body, before the torment of the cross, after you prayed three times in bloody sweat, and after your disciple Judas betrayed you, and the nation you chose seized and raised you, accused of false witnesses, and judged you unjustly, on the feast of Passover the Three Judges, you are innocent and in your prime.

Remember that you were stripped naked and put on sarcasm clothes. Cover your face and eyes. And that you received blows and were crowned with thorns, and a reed was made in your hand, and tied to a pillar, torn under glades, and strewn with curses and disgrace.

And in remembrance of those pains and aches that accompanied you before your torment on the cross, give me, before my death, true repentance, true and complete confession, sincere repentance, and forgiveness of all my sins. Trustworthy.

The Second Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
O Jesus, true freedom of angels, and a paradise of bliss, remember the horror of the sorrow you suffered, when your enemies, like raging lions, surrounded you. And with a thousand insults, spitting, slaps, scratches, and other strange torments that have been afflicted to the fullest extent.

For the sake of these calamities and these humiliating words, I beg of you, my Savior, to deliver me from my visible and invisible enemies, and to bring me, by Your protection, to the perfection of eternal salvation, Amen.

Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Third Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
O Jesus, Creator of heaven and earth. Which nothing contains or limits it. You are the master of everything in your power. Remember the bitter and bitter agony you experienced when the soldiers bound your holy hands and your gentle feet on the cross. And they pierced it from side to side with huge, not-toothed nails.

And when they did not find you in a condition in which they could satisfy their wrath, they widened your wounds and added pain to pain. With strange cruelty they stretched you out on the cross and pulled you from all sides, dislocating your limbs. I beseech you, by this holy and beloved suffering on the cross, to grant me your fear and your love, Amen.

The Fourth Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
O Jesus, Heavenly Physician, raised on the cross, may your wounds heal our wounds. Remember the severity of the weakness and bruises that you endured in all your limbs until not one of them remained in its place, and until there was no longer any pain similar to your pain from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

Not a single part of your body was left without torment, however, you forgot the pain, and you did not get tired of praying to your Father for your enemies, saying to him: ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do’. For the sake of this great mercy and in remembrance of this torment, let the memory of your bitter torment bear fruit in me as complete contrition for the forgiveness of all my sins, Amen.

The Fifth Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
Jesus, a mirror of eternal light. Remember the grief that befell you, as you contemplate the light of your divinity, the elect who will be saved by the merits of your holy passion, and at the same time, you see the great number of outcasts who deserved to perish because of their sins.

She grieves bitterly for these lost and hopeless sinners. For the sake of this infinite mercy, and this pity, and especially for the sake of the tolerance that I showed towards the good thief, saying: ‘This day you will be with me in Paradise. I beg you, meek Jesus, to have mercy on me at the hour of my death. Amen.

The Sixth Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
Jesus, the most beloved and desired King, remember the pain you endured while you were naked, hanging, and raised on the cross like a miser. All your family and friends have abandoned you, except for your beloved mother, who remained faithful to you in the strife, in the company of Saint John.

And you commanded them to one another, saying: ‘Woman, this is your son.’ And to Saint John: ‘This is your mother’. I beg you, my Savior, by the sword of pain which then pierced the soul of your holy Mother, to have mercy on me in all my troubles and my physical and spiritual hardships. And help me in my trials, especially at the hour of my death, Amen.

The Seventh of the Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
O Jesus, the inexhaustible source of his mercy. O you who were deeply moved by love, I said on the cross I thirst! But the thirst for the salvation of the human race. I beg of you, my Savior, to kindle in my heart the longing for perfection in all my works, and to quench in me the lusts of the flesh and worldly inclinations. Amen.

The Eighth Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
Oh Jesus, the sweetness of hearts and the sweetness of souls, by the bitterness of gall and vinegar that you tasted, for the love of us, on the cross. Grant me worthy to partake of your precious body and blood all the time of my life and at the hour of my death, that they may be my medicine and consolation, Amen.

The Ninth Prayer 

Our Father, peace and glory…
O Jesus, royal virtue, the happiness of the soul. Remember the pain you suffered, when you were overwhelmed with bitterness at the approach of death, humiliated and humiliated by men. Believing that your father had abandoned you, I cried, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ By this distress I beg of you, O my Savior, do not leave me in adversity and the torments of death. Amen.

The Tenth Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
O Jesus, who are you to all things, the beginning and the end, life, and virtue. Remember, for our sake, you were drowned in an abyss of pain from head to toe. And in honor of your great surgery. Teach me to keep your commandments with true love. These commandments, the way of which is broad and easy for those who love you, Amen.

The Eleventh of the Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Father, peace, and glory…
O Jesus, the depth of mercy, I beg of you, by the memory of your wounds that pierced the core of your bones and entrails, to deliver me from sin, the wretched one drowning in my guilt. To hide me, from your angry face, in the holes of your wounds. Until your righteous wrath and wrath pass away, Amen.

Twelfth Prayer

Our Father, peace, and glory…
O Jesus, the mirror of truth, the sign of unity, the bond of love, remember the many wounds that plagued you from head to toe. Torn and tarnished with your idol’s blood. What great and tremendous pain you have endured, for our sake, in your immaculate body.

Oh, so sweet Jesus, what could you have done, and what did you do? I beg you, my Savior, to imprint with your precious blood all your wounds in my heart, even without ceasing, always reading your passion and your love.

And a faithful remembrance of your torment, so that the fruit of your sufferings is renewed in my heart, and your love increases every day so that I reach you, who is the treasure of all the good and all the joys that, I beg you, to grant me, O Jesus, the sweetest, in eternal life. Trustworthy.

Thirteenth Prayer

Our Father, peace, and glory…
O Jesus, the mighty lion, the immortal and indomitable king. Remember the pains that befell you, when all your strength, bodily and heart, was lost, and you bowed your head saying: ‘All is done’. By this affliction and pain, I beg you, Lord Jesus, to have mercy on me at the last hour of my life when my soul is in strife and my soul in turmoil. Amen.

The Fourteenth Prayer

Our Father, peace, and glory…
O Jesus, the only-begotten Son of the Father, the light and the image of his essence. Remember the humble advice you made to your father, saying: ‘Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.’ Then your body is torn, your heart is broken, the bowels of your mercy are open for our ransom, and you surrender your soul.

I beg you, O King of Saints, by this precious death, to strengthen me and help me to resist Satan, the body, and the world, so that if I die to the world, I may revive in you alone. Accept, please, at the hour of my death, my exiled and alienated soul returning to you, Amen.

The Fifteenth Prayer

Our Father, peace and glory…
Jesus, the true, fertile vine. Remember your abundant blood, which you poured abundantly, like grapes under the winepress. From your side, which was stabbed by a soldier with a spear, I have given you blood and water until there is not a single drop left.

Like a bundle of incense rising from the top of a cross, your gentle body has dried up completely, the juice of your bowels has dried up, and your bones have dried up. For the bitterness of this torment, and for the sake of your shed blood, I beg of you, O tender Jesus, to accept my soul when I am in strife, Amen.


O tender Jesus, wound my heart, so that day and night, tears of penance, pain, and love may be my bread. I dedicate myself entirely to you. And may my heart be a permanent residence for you. And may my conduct be pleasing to you, and the end of my life to glorify you, that after my death I may deserve your paradise, and glorify you forever with all your saints, Amen. (Google Translate)

Source: The Book of The Fifteen Inspirational Prayers of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Saint Brigitta

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Prayer in Honor of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ

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