Prayer of Protection from the Evil Prince of Darkness
Prayer of Protection from the Evil Prince of Darkness
Protection from Satan
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am Your blood-bought child and that nothing can snatch me from Your hand. For You are my Saviour and I have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness Into the kingdom of Your dear Son, Who is the light of the world.
Thank You that I have been forgiven of my sins and covered in Christ’s own righteousness. And thank You that I have been baptized into Christ And set free from slavery to sin and Satan for which I praise and thank Your holy name.
But Lord, I also know that Satan is a roaring lion who prowls around seeking whom he may devour. And Lord, I know that he truly is the evil prince of darkness, Who delights to disguise himself as an angel of light and seeks to deceive many people.
▶ Click to watch the video Prayer of Protection
Enable Me to Resist Satan
Lord, I also understand that He seeks to destroy the faith of many and to deceive others into false teachings and doctrines of demons as he sows seeds of disruptive deceit and evil into the hearts and lives of many.
But Father, I thank You that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Thank You that by the blood of Christ He is a defeated enemy. But Lord, I pray that You will protect me and those I love from His fiery darts and evil attacks.
Enable me to resist Him and all His deceptive ploys and may I walk in spirit and truth, Covered by the blood of Jesus my Saviour and remain safe in Him, In Whose name I pray, Amen
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