Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins & Return to God


Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins & Return to God

What are the Fruits of Repentance?

St. Augustine said about the fruits of repentance: “Repentance from sins corrects humans, but if it remains sterile in the works of mercy, it will not be of any benefit. This is what the truth testifies on the tongue of John, who said to those who came to him.

‘Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves.

We have Abraham for our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. And now roots are also laid unto the roots of the trees: every tree, therefore, which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. ‘(Luke 3: 7-9).

Whoever does not produce these fruits that befit repentance does not have to think that he will obtain forgiveness through deep repentance, and John himself announced what these fruits are. Because after he pronounced the above, the crowd asked him, what should we do? He answered them, He who has two tunics, let him give it to him who does not have one, and he who has food, let him do likewise.

What would it profit you if you asked for forgiveness without preparing yourselves to be heard, by not producing the fruits that befit repentance, so you are cut down like a tree without fruit and thrown into the fire?! If you want to be heard when you ask for forgiveness,

‘ Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again.’ (Luke 6:37-38).

Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins
Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins

Prayer of Repentance

O Lord God, Pandemic of all, who trembles and trembles everything before the face of his might, you are long-suffering and abounding in mercy. You, my Lord God, according to your goodness, have decreed repentance for those who have sinned against you, and with your abundance of mercy, you have preached the repentance of sinners for their salvation.

You did not give repentance to the righteous, but to those like me, a sinner, because I missed more than the amount of sea sand. My sins are many, and I am not worthy of raising my eyes to heaven because of my uncleanliness.

In fact, I angered you, and I have no comfort because I did evil. Now I bend my knees and ask of Your goodness: I have sinned, O Lord. I have sinned and my iniquities I know, but I ask and beseech you.

O Lord God, forgive me and do not destroy me with my sins, for You are the God of the repentant. Appear in your goodness and save me in the abundance of your mercy, and I will praise you always all the days of my life.

Free my heart from sin, heal me, and I will be healed. Give me who is thirsty from the fountain of life that you have. Illuminate my heart, which lights up every man in the world. Guide me, the lost ones, to the path of life.

Knock on the door of your mercies. Strip me of every evil deed before death overtakes me, that I may find grace before you and be worthy of your kingdom. Glory and honor and prostration to you now and always.

Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins
Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins

Pray Too, My Lord,

My God, and my Savior, Jesus Christ, the treasure of mercy and the source of salvation, I come to you as the confession of my sins. I confess that I shamelessly dared to defile Your holy temple with my sins. And now I resort to your mercy and tenderness because His mercies are innumerable, and if you do not turn back a sinner, I may accept you.

So here I come, O Lord, acknowledging that my sins have fallen on my head as a heavy burden, and my strength has departed from me. Do not hide, O Lord, your face from me, lest I be alarmed. And don’t scold me with your anger. And do not discipline me with your anger.

Do not judge me according to my merits. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak. Remember, O Lord, that I am the work of your hands, and have compassion on me. Do not enter into judgment with your servant, for no living thing will be justified before you.

Come back and wear a new suit worthy of your glory. Forgive me and forgive me, let me sing, saying: Blessed is he whose iniquity is forgiven. And covered his sin. I confess my sin to you and do not conceal my iniquity. I said I confessed my sin to the Lord. And you lifted the sins of my sin. Trustworthy. (Automatic Google Translate)


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Prayer of Repentance for Forgiveness of Sins & Return to God

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