Prayer to Honor the Wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ


Prayer to Honor the Wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord God, whose divine nature is incompatible with bodily pain, bears a bodily nature, subject to pain. He suffered and died for us, to take our pains and aches and place them on the cross.

The Loving and Humble God

Surrendered himself and humbled himself in front of the proud and arrogant, so he tasted pain and pain in front of these cruel executioners. And endure all kinds of humiliation and shame for our salvation.

He tasted death to restore to us the grace of eternal life. Let us pray together a prayer to be recited in honor of the wounds and pains of the Lord Jesus Christ.

O He who trampled the winepress alone and instilled pain in him like the arrows of death. I realize how much you suffered alone, your disciples asleep. Let me know what I can do now for you. Gethsemane is before me, and you’re kneeling on the open ground.

Despite the cold night, your sweat was dripping with blood. Allow and consider my pains and my sorrows, humble fellowship in your sufferings. You have consented to drink the cup for me. I will serve you all days of my life. Just let me know how to honor you. You asked your disciples to stay awake and pray with you for one hour, and they fell asleep.

Prayer to Honor the Wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer to Honor the Wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ

Now I Know the Meaning of Love

I will stay awake and pray, and will not fail to mention your sufferings in Gethsemane. I will repeat it with gratitude and gratitude all days of my life. Pain Bleeding. Thirst. Dizziness, lump, and soul delivery. Finally, the grain of wheat fell voluntarily and died! Now I know the meaning of love.

The meaning of conquering the world. I offer you, my lord, my strength in honor of your bleeding wounds. And my health and my youth, I put them under your bloody feet. And all that’s mine, I put it in your hands. I will fast for your thirst. I′ will give my life to the memory of your death. I will do it in secret, and when necessary in public. Yes′, Lord. Yes, my crucified Jesus.

Yes, my Lord Jesus

The hours of darkness have passed you from six to nine. O you who spared all this from me, yes, Lord, remember me, remember me now while you are in your kingdom. And remember your people, that they may not be burdened by darkness when it covers them for three hours. And that they may never despair, as long as you break the curtain of darkness when you cover them for three hours. Prayer recited in honor of wounds

So that they never despair, as long as you break the curtain of darkness through your resurrection, as you rose, O true Light, and in you brought humanity into eternal light. Today, O Son of God, let us enter this cross, the Cross of the Beloved, to enter with you the judgment and bring out the forgiveness of sins and transgressions. Amen.

Forgive Us

O Son of God, and accept us on this day, to be partakers of your great love that led you to this cross. Amen. May your name be glorified in your church, from now and forever. Amen. O, tattered body covered with wounds, broken for me and many. The day has come for you.

What shall I offer today in honor of your body that was torn from me? I want to be like the energetic Mary, who preceded in a vision as a prophetess and blessed the body with ardent alive. I do not want to be like Magdalene, who went to anoint him dead and found the tomb empty.


I now offer you my youth before it withers. And I will pour out my whole life from now on in your love for the best of your heart. Today I ask you to crown me king of my heart. And I come to your table, to prostrate to your body, and to take it as a cure for my death and a cure for my pain. O breaker of the sting of death, O conqueror of hell, by your resurrection, the aches of the body were abolished, and the power of pain was broken. I did humility.

Love revived

I glorified the cross. It brought new life to our dead world. it dispelled human despair. And instead of helplessness, humiliation, and humiliation, the image of your authority was blown into it. It revealed the mystery of the Gospel, illuminated the way, and opened our minds to realize the mystery of immortality.

You established our hope in the invisible, with all the promise of the Father, and with all that is to come. Our faith was strengthened by the victory of the spirit over the body, the victory of truth over falsehood, and the reality of the age to come.

I raised love so that we may experience pain

overcome death, and be encouraged to exert it to the fullest extent. You brought into our hearts the secret of true joy that no one can take away from us. Today I smell from your grave the scent of my life. And he took from your kindness an anointing for the resurrection of the body.

Now the reality of my grave has turned from a residence to a crossing. Instead of the marks of sadness and bloodstains, the splendor of the light on your face is imprinted on my heart. Now the wounds of your hands and your feet make me sublime my wounds. And your open hand, a testimony of life, dispels all the horrors of death. Your resurrection, my lord, assured me of the promise of your coming. Do not delay, come quickly. (Google Translate)

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Prayer to Honor the Wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ

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