Prayer to the Holy Spirit – Resolved the Mercy in Our Lives


Prayer to the Holy Spirit – Resolved the Mercy in Our Lives

O Lord, in Your will, has mercy on us

O Jesus Christ, in Your will, has mercy on us, O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us, O God’s holy will, and have mercy on Your servant.

Let Your kingdom come to thank You. I will make up for our insults, the spring of light, O spring of holiness, O spring of unity, let Your kingdom come, O spring of knowledge, spring of mercy,

O You, who are the light of unity, who is the light of unity, who turns the souls in Your divine will, who grants the gift of the divine will, who created Adam and Eve in the divine will? Who wants to make man in the image of Jesus, to come to Your kingdom.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit - Resolved the Mercy in Our Lives
Prayer to the Holy Spirit – Resolved the Mercy in Our Lives

The Fire of the Holy Spirit

Who wants to be totally possessed by all the souls, who would like to sink the world with the fire of the Holy Spirit, who chose the Holy Virgin for Jesus, who made the Blessed Mother a Bride of the Holy Spirit? If You choose Louisa as the first daughter of the divine will, You have been blessed with Louisa’s gift.

What did Louisa, the little daughter of the divine will, have made of Louisa, who chose Corato as a place to radiate the light of Your divine will to all humanity, the divine will that You desire? Prayer to the Holy

To possess all the earth, listen to us. O Divine Will that You wish to have on the whole earth listen to us, the Divine Will that You wish to have on the whole earth We trust in You.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O Lord, in the hearts and souls of our souls, the light of the divine will is brought forth and made bloom over all mankind, in the Church and every soul, so that Your will may be on earth as in heaven. Trustworthy. Amen

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Prayer to the Holy Spirit – Resolved the Mercy in Our Lives

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