A Prayer When You’re Feeling Loneliness and Depression


A Prayer When You’re Feeling Loneliness and Depression

A Prayer for Loneliness and Depression

Lord, I feel so lonely at times that I am becoming more and more depressed. When I am left on my own, with no one to talk to. And I find that I am trying to fill my life with activities and people which do not address the root issue of my loneliness or what I am going through.

Lord, I know that You have promised to help the afflicted and set free those that are all alone in families. I pray that you will do just that in my life – so that I may rediscover the joy of my salvation. And overcome the depression that sweeps over me so often when I find that I am on my own and have no one to talk to.

You have promised to help the afflicted and comfort those that are hurting. Turn Your loving-kindness towards me at this time. I pray, comfort my hurting soul, and renew a right spirit within me – this I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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A Prayer When You're Feeling Loneliness and Depression

Heavenly Most Loving Gracious Father

We come before you to humbly ask that you comfort us in our moments of loneliness. That you are our shelter in the midst of the storm, and that you walk beside us every step of the way.

Lord, at times we feel so alone, crying out for attention, in desperation, looking for some sort of acknowledgment from a single soul. Remind us that you are always there, right at our side, whenever we call.

No matter the time, the hour, the situation, Oh Lord, you have promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

Lord, there are times we think we can turn to loved ones and friends in our time of need, but they forsake us.

Oh Lord, you alone know what we are going through. Sometimes we vocalize our thoughts but no one understands. There are many times we cry out to people to listen when we need a friend, but they hardly ever take the time to show compassion.

A Prayer When You're Feeling Loneliness and Depression
A Prayer When You’re Feeling Loneliness and Depression

Give us strength, dear God

To carry on when we are down and out and have no one to turn to. Let us always remember that You are our friend and our companion in our time of need.

God, let us feel the Holy Spirit as He comforts us. Help us to realize that You are the only one we need, especially in times of trial.

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 28:7

Touch the hearts of the people who feel lonely today, Oh Father. The ones who are broken-hearted. Those who are bullied. The ones who have everything and everyone around them, but they still feel alone.

People who have lost loved ones, and have no families, the single parent. Dear God, reach out to all of them.

Father, guide us as we pray for strength to fight against the feeling of loneliness and depression, help them all to experience peace, love and joy in these difficult times, in the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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A Prayer When You’re Feeling Loneliness and Depression


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