Purity of Heart and Mind – Spiritual Journey Towards God
Purity of Heart and Mind – Spiritual Journey Towards God
Purity of heart and thought, or maintaining the purity of heart and mind from thoughts against love and against chastity, against arrogance and arrogance is a fundamental goal for every Christian. From the heart springs good or evil, as it is the source of will and power of action.
The hermits and those who left the world and went to search for Christ and unite with Him… and with Him, they united with every person in the world, attach great importance to this spirituality, which is the purification of the heart and the mind and their continuous purification.

Saint Anthony the Great
Whoever leaves the world and goes with the Lord is freed from three struggles: useless speech, hearing polemics, and seeing lies. But there remains for him a basic struggle which is to purify his heart and his mind and purify them from evil thoughts (PJ II, 2).
How deep is this expression! The great struggle that awaits everyone who has dedicated himself to the Lord is a struggle against ideas.
The thought that enters the heart is accepted by the person and united with it. This thought then bears fruit for a good deed or a sin. Man’s strength and struggle lies not in fighting the act of sin, but in the root of an idea that may cause him to fall into sin. Our struggle against evil spirits that enter humans from ideas.
A person who feels lonely and feels that no one understands him or that his companion does not love him accepts this thought and unites with it is liable to fall into the sin of betrayal and satisfy his needs and desires in one way or another. Thought is the basis and after it the act of sin.
Therefore, fathers emphasize the struggle of thought. Agathon, one of the desert monks, says: The struggle and suppression of the body, like leaves, is important because it brings fruits, but it does not satiate anyone with grace, but the purification of the heart and thought is like the delicious fruit that satiates and feeds the hungry.
Purity of Heart
Yes, purifying the heart is like purifying a well from which a person draws water and irrigates others. Irnius, one of the fathers of the fifth century, says: What is the benefit of me being pure in body and without tangible sin, and my heart is full of lust and vile thoughts?
What is the use of my body being chaste and virgin, and my heart a shelter for every evil and unclean thought? Purity of heart and mind is a path and a spiritual path in order to live deeply our vocation as children of God. This is what I wish for you and me.
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