Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12)


Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12)

Peace of Christ Be with You All!

The first commandment in the Bible is the commandment of fasting in the Book of Genesis. And God says to Adam: ‘Do not eat’. (Genesis 17:2) The verse says: As for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for on the day you eat from it you shall surely die.

And in (Genesis 3:4-5), the serpent said to Eve: You will not die, but God knows that on the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will become like gods who know good and evil.

The Lord expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise because they ate from the tree, and they fell and became physically and mentally ill because of the sin that separated them from the grace and blessing of the Lord (I mean by disease, that is, falling into sin, because the disease was caused by eating. By saying: ‘Return to me with all your heart and with fasting and weeping and mourning (John 2:12)’.

Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12)
Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12)

‘Do Not Eat’. (Genesis 17:2)

That is why we must fast in order to be healed of our diseases and errors and to overcome our weaknesses… Fasting is the humiliation of the soul and the body, which leads to humility, and it is a condition for entering the kingdom.

One of the benefits of fasting is a discipline in it, insistence so that this fasting is a reason for blessing, healing, and strength for our life with Christ Jesus, who suffered, was crucified and died for us.

This fasting, which a believer practices, not only leads to purification or purification of the body and soul but leads to more than that. To awaken and alertness by becoming a person in a state of alertness and a state of alertness.

‘Fasting is a castration of the desires of the body. Stay away from evil thoughts. Freedom from sinful fantasies, the purity of prayer. Light for the soul, awakening of the mind’. Fasting gives alertness to the mind and heart together.

The heart is the center of the human being

Therefore, it is important that we fast on food and other things in order to overcome our weak and prone bodily nature during the blessed fasting period. If we practice it regularly for the purpose of purification and self-purification, then fasting will be a cure for the soul and body from all its diseases and weaknesses.

To come back and hold together again and walk the path of the Lord with confident and steady steps with the help and solutions of the Holy Spirit, who helps the believer to triumph over the body.

Brothers, at the end of my words, I wish you happy and blessed times with the Lord. Let fasting in your life not be by abstaining from eating and drinking and by conquering the body only. But also by fasting “from bad and abusive speech, from inappropriate actions and everything that is not pure and good in your life.”

More Spiritual Reflections

Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12).

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