Sacred Heart Prayer of Jesus Recited by Saint Padre Pio


Sacred Heart Prayer of Jesus Recited by Saint Padre Pio

saint Padre Pio was continually reciting the prayer of the Sacred Heart of Jesus daily for the many faithful asking for prayer. Let us share with Saint Pio this prayer for the immaculate heart of Jesus, from whom and in him alone we find the springs of love and tenderness.

Let’s Pray with Saint Pio

1. O Jesus, my life, you said: ‘Truly, truly, I say to you: ask, and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you’. Behold, I knock on the door and ask for grace (remember the grace).

Our Father… Peace… and glory…
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You I rely, and in you is my hope.

2. Jesus dear to my heart, you said: ‘Truly, truly, I say to you: whatever you ask of my Father in my name, he will give you.’ I ask in your name for grace from the Heavenly Father (remember the grace).

Our Father… peace… and glory…
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You I rely on, and in You is my hope.

3. Jesus, my friend, and all that is mine, you said: ‘Truly, truly, I say to you: Heaven and earth shall pass away, and my words shall not pass away. I rely on your infallible words and ask for grace (remember the grace).

Our Father… Peace… and glory…
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You I rely, and in you is my hope.

Sacred Heart Prayer of Jesus Recited by Saint Padre Pio
Sacred Heart Prayer of Jesus Recited by Saint Padre Pio

Prayer – O Sacred Heart of Jesus

The source of mercy and the faithful refuge of the wretched, have mercy on us sinners, and, with your mercy, respond to this request of ours through the intercession of the immaculate heart of your mother. O Saint Joseph, a Father who nurtures the heart of Jesus, intercedes for us.

Saint Father Pio, Pray for Us

Peace be upon you, O Queen, mother of mercy and compassion, peace be upon you, our life, our pleasure, and our hope for you. We, the exiles, children of Eve, cry out to you and sigh towards you, wailing and weeping. In this valley, the valley of tears. Oh kindness, oh compassionate one, oh sweet and delicious Virgin Mary. Trustworthy.

Novena of Reliance on the Heart of Jesus (No. 1)

Remember, O sweet Heart of Jesus, that it has never been heard that you have neglected any of those who have taken refuge in you and begged for your help and begged for your mercy. And behold, I come to you with the same confidence, and kneel before you, repenting of my sins. Do not despise my prayers, but listen to them and respond with tenderness. Trustworthy.

Prayer of the Heart of Jesus

O Jesus, in the name of Mary, I entrust your heart with this (grace or soul), so look, O Jesus, and act upon what your compassionate heart inspires you. Jesus, I trust in you and trust in you. Do not disappoint me. Oh Jesus, forgive me and have mercy on me. Remember.

O Divine Heart, everything you have done is for the salvation of our souls, so do not allow them to perish. Remember your great love with which you loved us, so do not drive out my soul, which comes to you, burdened with sins. Take pity on my weakness and save me from the dangers facing me.

I come to your heart, full of confidence, accept me with your infinite tenderness and make me feel your sympathy and love for me. Be my support and mediator with your Eternal Father. By your precious blood and your infinite merits, give me strength in my weakness, consolation in my misery, and grace to love you in this world and possess you in the hereafter. Trustworthy. Sacred Heart Prayer of Jesus Recited by Saint Padre Pio

Novena of Reliance on the Heart of Jesus (No. 2)

O Jesus, I entrust your heart (mention the desired grace, the soul… or the intention, or the pain, or the need…).
Look then, do what your heart pleases! Let your heart do! I trust in you, Jesus! To you, I surrender myself! I’m sure you won’t let me down!

Students of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison
O Lord Jesus Christ ————————- listen to us
O′ our Lord Jesus Christ————————- answer us
Heavenly Father, God———————— have mercy on us
O Son of God, the Savior of the world ———————– have mercy on us
O′ Holy Spirit of God—————– Have mercy on us
O Holy Trinity, one God —— have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, my joy and happiness – have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, my treasure and my inheritance —————– have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, my joy and my riches——have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, my protection and care – have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, my king, and my love —— have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, my guide and leader —————– have mercy on us

O Heart of Jesus, my goal and my desire ——————– Have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus presents us in sacrifice ———–have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, most merciful and tender————have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, who is patient with sinners————have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, who freed me from sins ——– have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, my salvation and peace, have mercy on us

Heart′ of Jesus, my love and my hope ——————– have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, who guides souls to repentance ——– have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, victims, and salvation of souls ——– have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, who does not reject anyone————-have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, do not deprive me of your love————-have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, my refuge and my salvation
O Heart of Jesus, who rejoices in man’s love for him —— have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, faithful friend of his lovers————have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus suffering for the sake of man——have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, the perpetual victim—————— have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, the salvation of all human beings —— have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus present with the tormented souls——- have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, offended by my happiness——–have mercy on us
Heart′ of Jesus, be steadfast in faith, hope, and love—have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, uniter of all human hearts ———- have mercy on us
Heart of Jesus, the mercy of the world and the salvation of the wretched—-have mercy on us

O Lamb of God, bearing the sins of the world, have mercy on us
O′ Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us
O Lamb of God who bears the sins of the world – answers us
Lord have mercy on us ——————————– have mercy on us
Lord′ Jesus Christ—————- have mercy on us
Lord ———————– Have mercy on us

Prayer to Jesus

O, my Jesus, I swear by the right of your loving heart. To inflame with the zeal of your love and glory all the priests of the world, all the apostles, and all those who are entrusted with spreading your divine word, until when the holy fire of jealousy inflames them. They will rescue souls from the hand of Satan, and lead them to the refuge of your heart, where you glorify without ceasing.

Prayer of the Heart of Jesus dictated by the Sacred Heart to Joseph Menendez on June 3, 1927 

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Sacred Heart Prayer of Jesus Recited by Saint Padre Pio

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