Saint Charbel – Intercession Prayer for Peace & Blessing


Saint Charbel – Intercession Prayer for Peace & Blessing

Saint Charbel, our beloved saint, remember us in your prayers before the throne of the great Lord

the Christians of Lebanon and the Arab world are in need of peace. O beloved Charbel, our beloved saint, do not skimp upon us by asking the Lord Jesus to grant us peace and protection. We are in dire need of this peace, as many monsters surround us wanting to prey on us.

In our beloved Saint Charbel, I convey our screams, our suffering, and our despair to the Lord Jesus, for our homeland, Lebanon. It has become an arena inhabited by destruction and devastation, in which predatory human beasts roam, which have reigned in the land of murder and crime.

We pray and ask through your intercession from the Lord Jesus that His goodness and peace be upon our country and all nations, and especially for everyone who recites this prayer.


Prayer to Saint Charbel, the Patron Saint of Lebanon

Oh, Saint Charbel, as you were in your life on the earth bearing the concerns of people and praying for them, you continued in the sky, raining goodness on the earth. So great miracles occurred on your hand, and many people received great blessings, and I am one of them. I trust you very much and ask you to stay with me in my daily life.

So you will be the intercessor, the example, and the closest friend who bears my concerns and who helps me to live always near and with the Lord, who gives me the comfort that comes from the Lord.

Lord, through the intercession of our beloved, bless my family, friends, and acquaintances, especially my children, and be with them and help them. Be with everyone who is weak and needy, and bring goodness, peace, and love everywhere. Amen

Saint Charbel - Intercession Prayer for Peace & Blessing
Saint Charbel – Intercession Prayer for Peace & Blessing

Charbel the Beloved

I beg you, especially now, to intercede for me, for the sake of my family, one by one. You are the friend who knows everything. Teach me to always surrender to the will of the Lord, to accept with joy the difficulties of life, and not to deviate from His way, no matter what happens in this world. Because with Him and in Him only perfect love and eternal life, on this earth and beyond. Stay with me, you are my ideal and my patron saint, Saint Charbel. Father, peace, and glory.

O God, glorified by the sanctity of endless glory, who captivated the heart of Father Charbel and embraced the ascetic life. He gave him the grace and the ability to free himself from the world through the monastic virtues of chastity, obedience, and poverty.

We ask you to grant us the grace to love and serve you as he loved you and served you, O Almighty God, who gave strength to the intercession with various miracles and graces. Grant us, through his intercession, the grace that we seek, so we thank you and glorify you forever, Amen.


Understanding Saint Charbel’s Legacy

Also known as Sharbel Makhluf, he was a Maronite monk and priest from Lebanon renowned for his devout spirituality and miraculous intercessions. Born in 1828 in the mountainous region of Northern Lebanon, he dedicated his life to prayer, solitude, and serving God.

His ascetic lifestyle in the hermitage of Saint Maron Monastery exemplified a profound union with the divine. Unwavering faith and selflessness continue to inspire believers worldwide, transcending cultural and religious boundaries.

The Power of Intercession Prayer

Intercession prayer is a sacred practice in many faith traditions, including Christianity. It involves invoking the assistance of saints or spiritual figures to intercede on behalf of individuals or communities, seeking blessings, healing, or guidance.

Intercession prayer for peace and blessing resonates deeply with those yearning for inner calm amidst the chaos of the world. It serves as a conduit for divine intervention, channeling grace and serenity into the lives of the faithful.

Finding Peace Amidst Turbulence

In today’s fast-paced and often turbulent world, the quest for peace is more pressing than ever. Amidst global conflicts, societal unrest, and personal struggles, intercession prayer offers a beacon of hope and reassurance.

Through fervent supplication and unwavering faith, individuals can tap into the transformative power of intercession, prayer for peace and blessing. It serves as a reminder that amidst life’s storms, there exists a profound source of tranquility waiting to be embraced.

Embracing Divine Blessings

Blessings come in myriad forms – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Intercession prayer beckons believers to open their hearts to the abundant blessings that flow from the divine.

Whether seeking guidance in times of uncertainty, healing in moments of distress, or simply a sense of inner peace, prayer serves as a conduit for experiencing divine favor and grace.

Cultivating a Spirit of Gratitude

Gratitude is the cornerstone of spiritual abundance. As recipients, cultivating a spirit of gratitude is paramount.

Each day presents an opportunity to express gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us, both seen and unseen. By acknowledging the divine benevolence that permeates our lives, we open ourselves to ever-deepening levels of peace and contentment.



In the tumultuous tapestry of life, prayer stands as a steadfast anchor, guiding souls towards serenity amidst the ebb and flow of existence. Through the power of prayer, believers can forge a deeper connection with the divine and experience the transformative impact of grace and blessing.

As we embark on this journey of faith and devotion, may prayer serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path to peace, blessings, and spiritual fulfillment.

Let us embrace its profound wisdom and allow its transformative power to permeate every aspect of our lives, fostering a deeper sense of harmony, gratitude, and divine connection. For in the sanctuary of prayer, miracles unfold, and hearts are forever transformed by boundless grace.


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Saint Charbel – Intercession Prayer for Peace & Blessing

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