Some People are Beautiful Outside, But Inside are Monsters


Some People are Beautiful Outside, But Inside are Monsters

There are Many People Who Have Become Like Monsters

Even monsters are more merciful than them! Monsters kill to satisfy their hunger! As for these types of human monsters, they kill without mercy or pity, they kill out of love for killing, bloodshed, and to quench their thirst with the blood of the innocent under the name of jihad! How many people are outwardly human, but inside they are predatory beasts, or rather an absolute satanic evil!

They fight in the name of God, they kill in the name of God, and they cut off heads in the name of God. They believe that they are defending God and striving for His sake by killing the apostate or the infidel, according to their belief! But in fact, they are tools in the hands of Satan! Because the true God is a God of love and life!


The True God

A God of Peace is not a God of Violence!
A pure God is not an unclean God!
God of Light, not God of Darkness!
God is good, there is no god of evil!
A loving God, not a hateful God!
The true God is a true God, not a false god.

Some People are Beautiful Outside, But Inside are Monsters
Some People are Beautiful Outside, But Inside are Monsters

Like Predatory Beasts

How hard and black their hearts are, inhabited by evil and permeated by the darkness of darkness! How blind they are from understanding the reality of God, who is love and life.

God is love, he has given us the greatest thing he has! He gave us himself. By His Spirit, we live, and by Him, we live!

For those savages, by killing a person, kill life! That is, they fight God’s will! They are like predatory beasts whose insight was blinded by Satan, which made their conscience a dead body.

Let this predatory human beast know that it is fighting God’s will by killing a man. He is not striving in the way of God, but by killing man, he is persecuting the life that is from God’s heart! The Bible warned that whoever kills will be destined for destruction, i.e. eternal death, as it said: “He who takes the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26:52).

This will be the fate of these human beasts. Hatred and ignorance blind the hearts and minds of those who kill people in the name of God! Does this terrorist realize that he will not be able to kill the human soul and soul because this soul is the conscience and this divine light that illuminates human hearts?

No one can extinguish it except God. What does this human beast do by killing the body of an innocent human being except because he brought himself death, eternal doom, and God’s wrath?!


Closing Prayer

Help us, Lord, so that with the power of your love we can be victorious over the enemy of good and all his helpers. Strengthen us, Lord God, in difficult times and bad times. Do not allow the enemy of good to prevail over us. Extend your hand, my God, and save us from trials and hardships.

Do not allow the ship of our life to sink in the seas of this evil world. Hurry up and save us, because we depend on you, and in your tender heart we put all our hopes, and to you alone befits glory, glorification, and honor, now and at all times and forever. Amen.


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Some People are Beautiful Outside, But Inside are Monsters

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