Some Things That Women Can Do It But Men Can’t
Some Things That Women Can Do But Men Can’t
God’s unlimited power and superlative love created man and gave him supernatural abilities; to distinguish him from other creatures by will; Perception, awareness, wisdom, and reason, and to make man different characteristics between men and women, and what distinguishes women from men is the paper and tenderness; What distinguishes men from their physical and mental biological composition as well.
For this we will present in this article some information related to things that women do with ease while being difficult for men. Certainly, according to experts and researchers in this area, it is not related to the difference between the two categories only in terms of biological or mental composition;
But it transcends the cultural, scientific, civilizational, family, and environmental environment in which he was raised and lived; quality of life and behaviors all play an important role in this area.

Things women Can do Faster than Men
We often see that the mother is more and more focused on her children. The man is most of his time on his work and does not give the necessary attention. And you have certainly noticed how much the mother responded to her child when he ate in the time of hunger, or disease, that you see rushing at her son more than the response of the man to the cry of the child.
So sure that most men do not care much for the crying of their children. Because they believe that this is the responsibility of the wife, and she should be interested in this subject in terms of feeding the child or other affairs.
A study prepared by researchers at the National Institute of Child Health, USA; The researchers found that women are more responsive to and affected by a child crying than men.

Ability to Understand the Feelings of Others
We always hear a woman’s complaint about a man’s inability to understand them properly. And to know their feelings and emotions; And how to think, especially in terms of emotional and romantic and this is certainly true and true because many wives suffer from it, especially in our Arab world.
In a number of scientific studies conducted on a large group of women and men; researchers have shown that women have a very high ability to know facial expressions, understand their feelings and feelings, and interact with whatever they wish. Thus, women have outperformed men in this area, according to experts and researchers in this area. Some Things

Women are able to do several things at the same time
What distinguishes women from men is that they can perform many tasks at the same time; with great concentration and mastery. While men can not do this; Our words certainly go back to scientific studies. Researchers have reported in psychology through some research they have done on a number of women and men that women are capable, with very high competence and superior intellectual abilities, that they do many things at once and more than men.
For example, we see a female employee able to achieve success in her job whether she is a doctor; a lawyer, an engineer, or in any other field. At the same time, we see her caring for her husband and her children, taking care of her beauty, cleaning her house and doing her housework effectively.
While we see the opposite in men, especially men separated from their wives, see we cannot manage all these things. And he is quick to return to his former wife or remarry to find someone to help him with the housework. And caring for the children. All these fail to do in the appropriate and correct manner as the ability of women in mastery and see his mother’s help in this matter, unlike the woman who overtook him in this area and clearly.
This is why the Arab man has to understand that. We leave the comment to you, and we hope you will give us your opinion in this regard. Is it true that women have abilities beyond the capabilities of men in certain ways?
Sources: Modern scientific research and studies
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