Holy Bible
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Loneliness Depression (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Loneliness Depression (English-Arabic) 1. أخيرا أيها الإخوة كل ما هو حق، كل ما هو جليل، كل ما هو عادل، كل ما هو طاهر، كل ما هو سر،…
- Bible Verses by Topic
Gospel Verses about Spiritual Growth – What Does Bible Say?
Gospel Verses about Spiritual Growth – What Does Bible Say? 1. But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.…
- Bible Verses by Topic
Gospel Verses about Rest in The Lord
Gospel Verses about Rest in The Lord 1. And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Exodus 33:14 2. Stand thou still a while, that…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Deviation & Abnormality (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Deviation & Abnormality (English-Arabic) Bible Verses about Deviation 1. لأن غضب الله معلن من السماء على جميع فجور الناس وإثمهم الذين يحجزون الحق بالإثم. إذ معرفة الله…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Pride (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Pride (English-Arabic) 1. لا تكثروا الكلام العالي المستعلي، ولتبرح وقاحة من أفواهكم. لأن الرب إله عليم، وبه توزن الأعمال. صموئيل الأول 2: 3 1. Talk no more so exceeding…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Joy and Happiness (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Joy and Happiness (English-Arabic) 1. ويفرح جميع المتكلين عليك. إلى الأبد يهتفون وتظللهم. ويبتهج بك محبو اسمك. المزامير 5: 11 1. But let all those that put their…
- Bible Verses by Topic
Gospel Verses about Difficulties – What Does the Bible Say?
Gospel Verses about Difficulties – What Does the Bible Say? 1. And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Simplicity & Gentleness (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Simplicity & Gentleness (English-Arabic) 1. يا بني اقض أعمالك بالوداعة، فيحبك الإنسان الصالح. يشوع بن سيراخ 3: 19 1. My son, do thy works in meekness, and thou…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Supply (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Supply (English-Arabic) 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalms 23:1 2 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Freedom from Fear (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Freedom From Fear (English-Arabic) 1. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about The Word of God (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about The Word of God (English-Arabic) 1. Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee. Psalms 119:11 2. The entrance of…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Vice (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Vice (English-Arabic) 1. ولا تسكروا بالخمر الذي فيه الخلاعة، بل امتلئوا بالروح، أفسس 5: 18 1. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Resting In The Lord (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Resting In The Lord (English-Arabic) 1. And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Exodus 33:14 2. Stand thou still…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Rest and Sleep (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Rest and Sleep (English-Arabic) 1. أنا اضطجعت ونمت. استيقظت لأن الرب يعضدني. المزامير 3: 5 1. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Forgiveness (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Forgiveness (English-Arabic) 1 فإنّه إن غفرتم للنّاس زلّاتهم يغفر لكم أيضا أبوكم السّماويّ. وإن لم تغفروا للنّاس زلّاتهم لا يغفر لكم أبوكم أيضا زلّاتكم. – متى 6: 14,…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Fight of Faith (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Fight of Faith (English-Arabic) 1. اسمع يا إسرائيل: أنتم قربتم اليوم من الحرب على أعدائكم. لا تضعف قلوبكم. لا تخافوا ولا ترتعدوا ولا ترهبوا وجوههم. التثنية 20:…