Holy Bible
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Rest and Sleep (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Rest and Sleep (English-Arabic) 1. أنا اضطجعت ونمت. استيقظت لأن الرب يعضدني. المزامير 3: 5 1. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Forgiveness (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Forgiveness (English-Arabic) 1 فإنّه إن غفرتم للنّاس زلّاتهم يغفر لكم أيضا أبوكم السّماويّ. وإن لم تغفروا للنّاس زلّاتهم لا يغفر لكم أبوكم أيضا زلّاتكم. – متى 6: 14,…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Fight of Faith (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Fight of Faith (English-Arabic) 1. اسمع يا إسرائيل: أنتم قربتم اليوم من الحرب على أعدائكم. لا تضعف قلوبكم. لا تخافوا ولا ترتعدوا ولا ترهبوا وجوههم. التثنية 20:…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Strength (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Strength (English-Arabic) 1. لأنّ الرّبّ إلهكم سائر معكم ليحارب عنكم أعداءكم ليخلّصكم. التثنية 20: 4 1. For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Faith (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Faith (English-Arabic) 1. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: Job 13:15 2. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Spiritual Growth (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Spiritual Growth (English-Arabic) Bible Verses about Spiritual Growth 1. لأنّه يعرف طريقي. إذا جرّبني أخرج كالذّهب. أيوب 23: 10 1. But he knoweth the way that I…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Pastoring / Guidance (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Pastoring / Guidance (English-Arabic) 1. معرفة اعرف حال غنمك واجعل قلبك إلى قطعانك. الأمثال 27: 23 1. Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Giving (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Giving (English-Arabic) 1. اشفوا مرضى. طهّروا برصا. أقيموا موتى. أخرجوا شياطين. مجّانا أخذتم مجّانا أعطوا. متى 10: 8 1. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Healing – English-Arabic
Bible Verses about Healing (English-Arabic) 1. كثيرة هي بلايا الصّدّيق ومن جميعها ينجّيه الرّبّ. المزامير 34: 19 1. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Protection (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Protection (English-Arabic) 1. فتعملون فرائضي وتحفظون احكامي وتعملونها لتسكنوا على الارض امنين. اللاويين 25: 18 1. Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Prayer (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Prayer (English-Arabic) New Testament – Old Testament 1- When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid; The sorrows of hell…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Repentance (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Repentance (English-Arabic) New Testament Repentance (King James Version) Bible Verses about Repentance Matthew 3:8 Bring forth, therefore, fruits meet for repentance. Matthew 3:11 I indeed baptize you…
- News
The Names of Wicked Angels as are Listed in the Bible
The Names of Wicked Angels as are Listed in the Bible Throughout the pages of the Bible, there are references to various spiritual beings, both good and evil. Among these…
- Christian Prayers
Heart of God – How Long, Lord? Will You Forget Me? Psalm 13
Heart of God – How Long, Lord? Will You Forget Me? Psalm 13 the Psalms is a school in prayer to reach the heart of God! Psalm 13 expresses the…
- Bible Verses English Arabic
Bible Verses about Invitations and Claims (English-Arabic)
Bible Verses about Invitations and Claims (English-Arabic) 1. قم امش في الأرض طولها وعرضها لاني لك أعطيها». التكوين 13: 17 1. Arise, walk through the land in the length of…
- Bible Verses by Topic
Gospel Verses about Pride – What Does the Bible Say?
Gospel Verses about Pride – What Does the Bible Say about Pride? 1. Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD…