
Human Subject

General Culture

Star Wars Movie The Force Awakens has Earned $ Billions

Star Wars Movie The Force Awakens has Earned $ Billions According to a Reuters report on The Force Awakens, the film is the latest in the Star Wars series, earning…

Stories and Tales

Story of the King and the Servant – Inexhaustible Treasure

Story of the King and the Servant – Inexhaustible Treasure The King and the Servant one day, somewhere, a king was living in his kingdom. This king should have been…


Who Is St Valentine & What Is the Truth of Valentine’s Day

Who Is St Valentine What Is the Truth of Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day, everyone is rushing to buy roses and gifts to express his love for his current or…

Stories and Tales

Jesus Knocking on the Door of Your Heart

Is someone opening the door? Jesus Knocking on the Door of Your Heart Jesus Knocking English artist Holman Hunt drew a famous painting over the years. That painting represented the…

Stories and Tales

The Story of the Man and the Three Gold Coins

The Story of the Man and the Three Gold Coins a poor man married a woman, and they had a child. So the man decided to travel to seek a…

Human Development

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Free by Joseph Murphy

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Free by Joseph Murphy Unlocking the Potential of Your Mind our mind is a powerful tool that shapes our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. However,…

Stories and Tales

The Humble King Disguised As A Poor Man (True Story)

The Humble King Disguised As A Poor Man (True Story) The Story of the Humble King it is said that a king used to, from time to time, like to…

Human Subjects

God’s Commandment Says, Honor Your Father and Your Mother

God’s Commandment Says, Honor Your Father and Your Mother Honoring parents is a sacred duty, so think carefully before you utter any letter or do any act that insults your…

Stories and Tales

Mother Sacrifices Her Life for Her Child – A True Story

Mother Sacrifices Her Life for Her Child – A True Story a true story that happened during the earthquake in Japan, following its events, discovering the power of love when…

Human Development

How to Learn to Apologize and Win the Hearts of People?

How to Learn to Apologize and Win the Hearts of People? The life we ​​live has happy days and at other times we are flooded with sad days. We deal…

Stories and Tales

Saint George Biography – Story of his Life and his Torments

Saint George Biography – Story of his Life and his Torments The Meaning of the Name and its Nicknames Saint George is a Syriac expression meaning Saint George, and it…

Christian Prayers

Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness

Prayer for Victory and Freedom from Fear and Weakness Oh Lord, Be a Light in My Mind And peace in my heart, wisdom in my decisions, and love in my…

Human Subjects

We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma)

We Are the Dirtiest Nation Ever Created (Writer Wafaa Salma) Muslims We Isn’t it shameful, after 1400 years of immigration, that we need a crutch to lean on the foolishness…

Human Subjects

Every Five Minutes a Christian Is Killed for His Faith

Every Five Minutes a Christian Is Killed for His Faith Around the world, about one hundred and five thousand Christians die every year for their faith. The large number does…

Spiritual Reflection

Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12)

Return To Me With All Your Heart, With Fasting (John 2:12) Peace of Christ Be with You All! The first commandment in the Bible is the commandment of fasting in…


Sylvester Stallone Gives His Life To Jesus Christ

Sylvester Stallone Gives His Life To Jesus Christ Sylvester Stallone announced to give his life to Jesus Christ. This is one of the most crucial decisions he makes in his…

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