Thank You God for Not Leaving Me, You Saved Me from the Nets


Thank You God for Not Leaving Me, You Saved Me From the Nets

Constant thanksgiving to the Lord is one of the things that makes the heart of the Lord happy. Repeat the word “Thank you, Lord” constantly! Thank you, my God, thank you for your love and generosity and all that you have given me in this life, your countless blessings.

I thank the Lord at all times for every good gift from Him, even difficulties, trials, illness, and pain. It is a good gift that he allows us to renew our lives, heal our souls, and purify our hearts, so we return and follow the path of holiness.

Thank him for your money and your health, for your family and your family, thank him for every new morning of your life and thank him for the work and success you have accomplished. I always thank the Lord.

He repeated with the psalmist: ‘You have turned my mourning into a dance for me. You have loosened my sackcloth, and have girded me with joy. That my spirit may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will praise You forever.” (Psalm 30:11-12).


Thank you, my God, for your abundant and renewed mercies. O He who accepts the repentance of sinners, has mercy on his people and bestows upon their salvation and deliverance. Savior of our lives from corruption and crowned with mercy and compassion, you are the true physician of our souls, souls, and bodies.

It turns our souls back from the path of error, guides our feet to the paths of righteousness and peace, turns our sadness into joy, and gives us the spirit of love, advice, and strength.

And change our despair into hope, and our darkness into light, and our doubts into faith and certainty, so we sing praises to your work of salvation and live the power of repentance and the life resurrected with you. O Lord our God, how wonderful is your name in all the earth.

Thank You God for Not Leaving Me, You Saved Me from the Nets
Thank You God for Not Leaving Me, You Saved Me from the Nets

Thank You God for Not Leaving Me

Let’s Pray

Thank you, my God! Because you did not leave me, from many nets you saved me! You were help and a fortress to me. Your tender hand saved me, from a deep valley you saved me! I do not call you because I am alone in a far country! I call to you because I am close to your mercy. In your tender heart, my hopes reside and my joy rejoices!

Your love has not left me. In my sojourn, you were my father, lover, friend, and companion. You are my everything! From you, I derived my strength and steadfastness. With you, and with you, I have completed my path!

On the cold nights, you covered me with your robe and protected me from the dread of storms. You saved me! How much I love you, my God. Thank You God for Not Leaving Me, You Saved Me From the Nets

Words can not express your love!

How thank you! Because you allowed these experiments and trophies in my gym. Because you are close to me, and you returned me and have learned that you are alone in life and everything without your death and loyalty.

It taught me that your love is the spring of life and from him alone, interested, every other love far away from you is a minus love, false, empty, distorted, selfish, and interests! Thank you, my God, I do not want anymore for my life, but they will be conflicted with your pure blood on your sacred altar! 

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Thank You God for Not Leaving Me, You Saved Me From the Nets

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