Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy


Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy

Thank You, Jesus

1- O beloved Jesus, let me go to you to express my gratitude to you for the grace that you gave me to dedicate myself to your holy mother by voluntary and free devotion to her, so that she may be my advocate before your greatness, and my constant help in my misery. Alas, O Christ my Master! Without your kind and gracious mother, I would be a despicable person who is undoubtedly lost.

okay! I am in dire need of her help at every time and place, to compensate for my offenses against you, to calm the wrath of your divine justice, and to vanish the eternal scraps of your justice that you brought upon me by insulting your supreme honor.

I am in dire need of the Virgin, your mother, to look into my affairs, and to speak to you, and to plead with you, and to please you in my place; And therefore, for the salvation of myself and the salvation of others.

And in fulfillment of Your holy will, and constantly striving to glorify You in all my works. I wish I could announce to the whole world the news of this gift of mercy that you gave me so that all people know that without Mary, I would have perished!

Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy
Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy

Remember me, Mother Mary

It would be better if I were able to perform acts of thanks and gratitude worthy of you, in order to meet this great charity that you have bestowed on me, which is that Mary lives in my heart. What a precious treasure and a great consolation, and could I not be for Maryam at all?!

And if I have not yet fully surrendered myself to the Holy Virgin, and I am ungrateful, an infidel of grace, then allow me, O my beloved Savior Jesus, to die before this misery descends upon me again. I would prefer death to life if you are ungrateful for this gift and talent!

I have taken Mary a thousand times, but for me and my only good, the equivalent of John the Beloved at the feet of the cross, and I have repeatedly offered myself wholly to her, and if, to my misfortune, I have not done it according to your holy desire, my beloved Jesus,

I will do it again, as it pleases your greatness. If, O my Savior, I find in my human being something that does not belong to your venerable Virgin Mother, then I swear to you that it should be avoided, because if it was not for Mary, it would not be worthy of you!

Soliloquy to the Holy Spirit

In you, Holy Spirit, grant me all these blessings, so that I plant in my heart the beloved Mary, the true tree of life, nourish and take care of her, so that it may grow, sprout and blossom, and bear the fruit of abundant life.

Grant me the grace of supreme honor and great love for your divine bride. Grant me strong reliance on her mercy and tenderness, and a continuous return to the confines of her motherhood, so that she may have Jesus Christ in me spiritually, as she formed him physically in her womb, so that I may reach his full stature. Trustworthy

Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy
Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy

Thank you, Lord 

Because you were with me through the hard times I went through. From a traffic accident, disease, or surgery. I ask you to free me now from the melancholy I have felt. It also freed me from the annoyances and fears and the memory of the pain that was imprinted in me.

Thank you for being with me in times of sadness, too. Because you walked with me hand in hand through the valley of darkness. I thank you for relieving my burden, my sorrows and tragedies, and the mourning period. I thank you for giving me your joy and peace. And I thank you, Jesus, for being with me now. You always walk with me, through every moment of my past life, up to this very second.

Thank you that you heal me of all my pain, my wounds, my painful memories, and my fears and that you set me free. I thank you for filling me with your love, helping me to love myself, helping me to love others, and most importantly, helping me to love you – this is my desire. I thank you with all sincerity and awareness and, from the bottom of my heart – I mean what I say.

Thank you for filling me with joy and peace – thank you, Jesus. Thankˆ You for stepping into the depths of my mind and being completely purified. Thank you, Jesus, for healing my feelings and my mind, and healing me from painful memories. Thankˆ you, Jesus, for making me perfect as you wish. I give you all glory and praise. In your name, Lord Jesus Christ – Amen.

We always thank our faithful God, who bestowed precious redemption. Alleluia, glory, hallelujah. We worship the great name of Christ. We worship with reverence our beloved Jesus, as he sheds all tears. Furthermore, we testify to every one of his wonderful love, for he is forgiving and always listening. We walk in his footsteps, we are guided by his guidance, for he is the guide and the Lord of life… Amen

Private individual prayer – (Google translate)

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Thanksgiving Prayers to Lord Jesus for His Love and Mercy

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