Today I knew How Weak I Am, without Jesus Love
Today I knew How Weak I Am, Without Jesus Love
I knew that God would send His grace to me.
oftentimes, the Lord allows suffering, diseases, and trials to invade our lives and destroy our bodies, but the Lord’s purpose is good and holy for His children, as He allows these afflictions! In order to return to Him with sincere repentance and true confidence in His righteousness and righteousness, difficulties, painful experiences and incurable diseases make us return to Him, asking for forgiveness and healing.
Even pain and illness are a blessing from God because they purify us, purify our souls from the impurity of sin, and save us from eternal perdition. Through it, we experience the depth of the love and mercy of our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, to Him be eternal glory forever.
Let Us Follow these Words
That carried grace and holiness from a believer who knew that his days are numbered on earth, so he wrote this prayer:
“I came back from the doctor’s office and after conducting medical examinations, I knew that a terminal disease was ravaging my body. I had this feeling a long time ago that I was going to have a disease. It was not pessimism or fear, but I knew that God would send His blessings to me.”

I Offer You this Prayer
O Lord, in my last days on this earth. I know that you are able to heal me, but in return, I want to thank you for this disease, with him, and with him, I will share the cross with you, so that I may cross it to see your beautiful face. Thank you for remembering me at a time when I thought you were far away.
Today I find out how weak I am without your love. Today the doctor was surprised when I said to him, thank you, thank you for telling me the truth, a wonderful truth, a truth that will make my last days different from the ones that passed”. I will not cry, I will not grieve, but I will live holiness. God gave me this opportunity to restore my life in the light of Christ’s light.
How beautiful you are, God
Who am I to live my life better than my teacher Jesus? Who am I to live this life in luxury and tranquility while you are tormented by me on the cross? Thank you for choosing me to purify myself in my last days on this earth.
Above, I will meet you, I will meet my mother and father, I will meet the congregation of saints, martyrs, and the elect. Make me live these days with love for others, with prayers and masses. And you, Mother of God, do not leave me when that hour comes. It may be hard to wait, waiting, longing to meet your beloved Son.
Despite this painful longing, longing to wait to meet the beloved, I know that your son loves me and that is why he wanted me to carry this cross a little, and it is not at all comparable to the pain of your cross, O Most High.
Accept me, Peter, in the paradise of angels and saints, and in that hour let the angels carry me with resurrection songs to see the splendor of the pure face of Christ. Amen (Google Translate)
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