What is Happiness and How do You Achieve it?


What is Happiness and How do You Achieve it?

Road to Happiness and Strive to Achieve

Happiness A feeling that a person feels in himself is the result of several factors combined, which caused him or the reason for his existence. Many times, he is off the outside, and sometimes it is a result of a person’s work toward others that gave him this feeling.

For example, helping a poor and needy person or saving a person from inevitable death. Throughout history and all ages, man has sought happiness and given it different definitions and concepts in different cultures, religions, and peoples for their consideration of happiness. There are many concepts and theories I spoke about happiness and described in multiple descriptions:

  • Spiritual happiness is the relationship of the human spirit to the Creator, and because God is a spirit, this person tries to build this happiness through his spiritual relationship with the Creator.
  • Joy carries a positive energy that drives towards giving and good work in building a comprehensive human goal, which gives the strength of productivity and satisfaction to the person who sees it from his point of view and pays it for the continuous giving through this energy that he carries to improve human life in this world.
  • Many people derive happiness through these lofty human goals.
  • Happiness increases health, beauty, and body beauty, explains the chest and gives reassurance to the heart, and helps the human to succeed in many aspects of his life, material, emotional, and family.
  • Is the acceptance of human reality and not rejecting the will of the Lord and this is the result of his faith in the person’s love of God for him?
  • Happiness is the sense of joy and joy and enjoying the grace of life and constant thanks and living simply and transparently.
How do You Achieve it?
How do You Achieve it?

Types of Joy – How do You Achieve it

The heavenly happiness is in the other world and the earthly happiness which we live in materialism. Heavenly happiness, no certainty that we will be in a place that will be filled with joy and this is what we call the language of faith in the hope of eternal life with those who loved us and gave us life, and this is the true joy that every human being must seek for any religion or belief.

Worldly happiness has many balances: happiness in the life of a healthy psyche and family happiness through family and parents, happiness in achieving our goals in practical and material life, and happiness in building a successful and happy family.

Certainly, we can also derive from food sources such as nuts, chocolate, and some types of fruit such as bananas and others. For example, chocolate produces the hormone Endorphin, a so-called hormone of happiness. Some people do sport, which in turn helps them to feel active and happy.


The Way to Happiness is to Walk Together in Its Steps.



Every person looking for happiness should ask himself. Do I know what happiness is, and how do I achieve it? Here comes the work of motivation to try daily by writing his concepts and personal convictions about happiness.

And put in many scales and begin to search for answers to reach the knowledge of the reasons for happiness or unhappiness in life. And this is due to the person and concepts of happiness and how much time will need to discover the location of the imbalance in his feelings of satisfaction. Here comes the role of the positive motivational factor that is submerged in our subconscious mind to turn negative concepts into positive and constructive ones.

Those who believe that joy is remote and impossible turn these negative ideas into positive ones about the concept of happiness. For example, he says, ‘I am seeking peace, a feeling that I can achieve. I am the source of it. I know it is not easy, but I can achieve it.’ Some people believe that peace is the possession of wealth and money!

He must change this belief to another concept. ‘ He says that happiness is the source of the person and not the substance. Its real place within the self stems from internal psychological sources. He continues with these positive revelations that will change many of his convictions about joy.

What is Happiness and How do You Achieve it?
What is Happiness and How do You Achieve it?

Write Notes

Record a paper by feeling happy moments and times when your mood is not happy, write it in detail on another paper, and then compare what you wrote in the two papers. This will help to strengthen the desire for happiness.



Always convince yourself to be able to achieve happiness, and it is close to you and you can be happy yourself. He always said: ‘I am the master of myself and I can overcome the spirit of fear and anger and unhappiness and that I will succeed in reaching my goal and achieve the ability of the Lord achieving this success will not allow the feeling of sadness to overcome me’.



Those who seek joy are always hopeful and interested in a number of things that help them and affect their level of happiness. Focus on happy memories and keep away all painful and sad pasts, solve the qualities of a strong and happy person, and carry lasting enthusiasm for a bright future with hope and optimism.

You manipulate and upset your mood, but look at it as events that will help you find the right opportunities for change for the better. What is Happiness, and How do You Achieve it?

Look at the others you have to develop to be positive and constructive in dealing and cooperation to build and develop your life and the life of everyone in your surroundings. Always help yourself in scientific and cultural development and development and the civilizational and human integration in various fields of life.


What is the secret of joy and whether it is a mystery?

As work requires effort and fatigue to achieve success and hope, happiness is not a mystery or secret. It is difficult to achieve this inner feeling that we must strive and work hard to reach what makes us happy. All our goals in this life need fatigue, effort, and continuous and tiring work, and joy is only from these goals as well.

Today we live in a time when peace is a distant demand for what we hear from the events and disasters of wars and many problems at various levels of humanitarian, political, security, and physical climate. The first step to achieving happiness in yourself is first to wish for others.

This is the first step that will lead you to the path of joy, and the best for every person seeking happiness to live every day through the positive events of the day, to put aside all that is sad and negative and the news of wars and disasters and death and focus on what is beautiful.

And due to the past and happy events, then you will see that the happy times were not if you did not live through what you wished and love and feel happy. ‘I will be the source of the happiness of others.’ You will not imagine how this word will affect you and all those who need a glimmer of joy and hope in a world immersed in sorrow, sorrow, despair, and despair.


Subject Summary

Happiness lies in what we are looking for and not what others are looking for. For example, a prisoner is happy when he is freed from his prison. The poor achieve wealth and material gain, the sole joy is to meet their beloved and his old partner, and the patient is happy to receive health and healing, oppressed and oppressed to obtain justice and dignity.

Finally, to be happily approached by the God of peace and love will be immersed in love and joy and nothing in this world can take away this happiness.


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What is Happiness and How do You Achieve it?


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