Where Are You From Your Humanity? A Cry for Lost Humanity


Where Are You From Your Humanity? A Cry for Lost Humanity

A Cry from the Depths of Lost Humanity


I don’t know what the echo and impact of this question are on you! Where are you in your humanity? We were created in love and for love. Do we live this love in our lives and embody it in our humanity? Where are we from this love that we were created with and for?

These questions are not just passing words; they are a call for deep reflection on our human nature, on the extent of our commitment to the values of love and giving, and on how aware each of us is of our role as human beings who carry in our hearts feelings of love and compassion.

These inquiries extend beyond the individual to society, where we all need to reassess our behaviors and actions, ensuring that we do not lose our humanity amid the challenges of daily life.

Where Are You From Your Humanity? A Cry for Lost Humanity
Where Are You From Your Humanity? A Cry for Lost Humanity

The Essence of Human Love

Noble Love

Noble love—generous, compassionate, forgiving, merciful, and filled with goodness—is the essence of our humanity. It is not just a fleeting feeling but an essential value that connects us with others. True love represents the force that drives us to help others and to provide support to those in need. Where are we from this love that heals the wounded, cures the sick, raises the dead, has compassion for the needy, extends a helping hand to every human, and forgives every sinner?

In a world filled with turmoil, love remains the most powerful force capable of bringing about change. Let us look around us—are we willing to give ourselves for others? Love is what makes life worth living, and it grants us the strength to overcome difficulties. We must think about how to embody this love in our daily lives and how we can be more generous.

Redemptive Love

Where are we from the redemptive love that sacrificed itself through death on the cross for its beloved? This love, which offers the ultimate sacrifice, prompts us to reflect on the values we live for. Redemptive love represents the highest degree of giving, showing us how a single sacrifice can profoundly impact many lives. Where are we from sacrifice, giving, and sincere generosity?

Every day, we face choices that may affect others. Do we choose the path of selfishness, or do we choose to be kind? Sincere giving that comes from the heart is what we need today, as we live in a time when needs are increasing, and the values of cooperation and sharing are fading. Let’s remember that every small act of love can create a significant difference.

Alienation of Existence

Alienation of the Self

Awake, O sleeper, and return to your humanity before it is too late. Return to the nature with which you were created and for which you were created, and dive deep into yourself to realize that you are lost in the alienation of existence… wandering in a world strange to your human nature. The alienation of the self means distancing oneself from the genuine connection with others and losing the deep communication that binds us as human beings. How can we regain this connection?

Manifestations of Alienation

  • Selfishness: How has selfishness hindered our ability to connect with others? In a world focused on personal success and individual gains, we find that selfishness dominates our behaviors. We must learn to consider the needs of others. Selfishness leads to isolation and prevents us from building healthy, impactful relationships.
  • Pride: Arrogance and superiority over others—how does this separate us from our humanity? Pride creates gaps between people and drives us to ignore the suffering of others. Therefore, we must remember that humility is the key to effective communication, and that acknowledging our weaknesses can strengthen our bonds with others.
  • Materialism and Desires: How do worldly desires control our hearts and distance us from true values? Immersion in materialism makes us forget the essence of our existence, which is love and giving. Let us think about how to reorder our priorities and how we can live a balanced life that promotes the values of love and generosity instead of solely pursuing material gains.

The Evils That Afflict Humanity

Negative Influences

Many corrupt evils have taken control of you, and you have sunk into their swamps, caught in their webs, until you have become a slave to them. These evils manifest in every corner of our lives—ranging from violence to hatred, from division to corruption. How can we overcome these evils and reclaim our humanity?

Internal Conflicts

  • Psychological Conflict: How do psychological pressures affect our human behavior? Daily pressures can make us overlook others’ feelings and ignore their needs. Therefore, it is essential to work on enhancing our mental health so that we can be better. Techniques such as meditation and yoga can help us cope with stress more effectively.
  • Spiritual Conflict: How can we make faith a source of inner strength? Spirituality gives life meaning and helps us overcome difficulties. We should seek ways to enhance our spirituality through meditation and prayer, developing a deeper relationship with the spiritual values that assist us in facing challenges.

Christ the Redeemer

The Redemptive Message

Thus, Christ the Redeemer came and gave Himself as a ransom for us, to save us from the fire of eternal damnation. He shed His precious blood on the cross to wash us with His pure blood from our sins and ailments, granting us the ability to bear His nature, the nature of love and holiness. This message reminds us that love is the foundation of everything and that sacrifice for others represents the highest levels of humanity.

A Call for Change

Does today’s human carry the qualities and behaviors of Christ, who created him in His image? Or has this individual lost his humanity and sonship to the Lord, becoming a robot driven by the corrupt software of this materialistic age? The question here is: how can we reshape ourselves to be closer to the divine image we were created in? We must remember that each of us has the power to effect change and that we can be examples for others through our actions.

A Call to Return

Returning to the Self

Awake, O sleeper, and return to the place for which you came to this world. Return to your humanity before it is too late, and return to the supreme goal for which you were created! Return to your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. We must remember that in every moment we live, we have the opportunity to return to the right path, and that love is what guides us on this journey.

Practical Steps for Returning

  1. Reflection and Contemplation: Take time to reflect on your behaviors and decisions. Do they reflect love and compassion? Reflection helps us understand ourselves better and enables us to make positive changes. This could involve journaling or meditating on the nature of life around us.
  2. Community Involvement: Engage in charitable work and be a support for others. Working together for the common good strengthens human bonds and restores our sense of belonging. Volunteering not only helps those in need but also enriches our lives and provides us with a sense of purpose.
  3. Building Relationships: Listen to others and try to understand their situations and feelings. The art of listening is one of the most important skills we can develop to enhance communication. We must learn how to communicate effectively and express our feelings sincerely.
  4. Repentance and Forgiveness: Do not hesitate to acknowledge your mistakes and seek forgiveness. Forgiveness opens the doors to healing and restores our inner peace. The ability to forgive others represents true strength and helps us free ourselves from the burdens we carry.

Recommendations for Returning to Our Humanity

Enhancing Human Values

  • Teaching Love: How do we teach our children the value of love and giving? Education in human values begins at home, where parents must set an example of love and generosity. We should instill in their hearts the importance of helping others and how giving can change the world.
  • Emotional Support: The importance of providing psychological and emotional support to others. Emotional support can make a significant difference in the lives of others, so we must be present for those in need. By building a network of support, we can enhance feelings of belonging and affection.

Building a Cohesive Community

  • Collaboration and Teamwork: How can we work together to build a better community? Through teamwork, we can achieve goals that seem impossible when working alone. Collaboration enhances feelings of unity and belonging, showing us the power we possess when we come together.
  • Reviving Collective Spirit: The importance of shared events to strengthen human bonds. Social activities bring people together and facilitate the exchange of ideas and feelings. These activities enhance human communication and remind us that we are part of something greater.
Where Are You From Your Humanity? A Cry for Lost Humanity
Where Are You From Your Humanity? A Cry for Lost Humanity


Returning to our humanity is not merely an option but an urgent necessity in a world that needs love and peace. Amid the challenges we face, let us return to our human essence and make love our guide in every step we take. Let us make our lives a message of love and peace, and prepare to welcome the light that illuminates our paths.

A Call for Reflection

Let us contemplate our lives and think of the ways we can enhance our humanity, making every day a new opportunity to be better and to live with the love for which we were created. Ultimately, humanity is what makes us human, and it is what we must strive to preserve and promote at all times. Let us turn every moment into an opportunity to return to the values that enhance our humanity, to express our feelings sincerely, and to build a better world, filled with love and giving.

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