
Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith


Wonderful Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith

Wonderful quotes by Father Padre Pio, do not miss it, give a little of your time to read what is good and useful, and take a lot of wisdom and useful meanings for your life.


Father Padre Pio’s Quotes

1. I know that the presence of Jesus in our lives is due to the warmth of our faith in Him, and to the depth of our love for Him. By faith, we approach him, and with love, we seek him, and he is always revealed before those whose hearts have been purified and their souls purified.

2. I cannot refuse anything my brother man asks. This is what the Lord wants of me because he himself does not refuse anything that I ask of me.

3. Never allow yourself to be sad, or live in spiritual depression, or suffer anxieties and confusion, because he who loved this soul and who died so that it might live, is tender, kind, kind, and generous.

4. Satan is like a mad dog tied to a chain.

5. More than the length of the chain he cannot catch anyone, and you, if you get too close to him, will catch you, so keep your distance. Remember, Satan has only one door to enter into our souls: it is our will.

6. There are no secret or hidden doors.

7. There is no real guilt if we do not have a full will.

8. If you have the courage to imitate Mary Magdalene in her sins, have the courage to imitate her in her repentance!

9. Pray please, do not worry, it is useless. God is merciful and hears your prayers.

10. Stay close to the Church at all times, for only the Church can give you true peace, given that she alone has Jesus, the true Prince of Peace, in the Eucharist.

Wonderful Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith
Wonderful Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith

Treasures from the sayings of Father Padre Pio

11. Prayer is the best weapon.

12. Oh, how precious time! Blessed are those who know how to benefit from it.

13. Oh, if we could understand how precious time is, no doubt each one would do his best to spend it in a commendable manner.

14. Prayer is our best weapon, it is the key to God’s heart.

15. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips but with your heart.

16. In fact, on certain occasions, you have to speak to him only with your heart.

17. Do you not always see the Madonna next to the temple? (Madonna is a pagan deity in Greece, meaning that sin is found everywhere, even near holy places).

18. The length of the trial that God will test you with, the greater the consolation He gives you during it, and the blessing you receive after it.

19. To attract us, the Lord gives us so many blessings that we believe we can easily obtain heaven for ourselves.

20. We do not know, however, that to grow, we need the bread of affliction: cross, humiliation, trials, and renunciations.

21. Who can assure us that we will be alive tomorrow? Let us listen to the voice of our conscience, to the voice of the royal prophet: ‘Today, if you hear the voice of God, harden not your hearts’.

22. Prayer is the melting of our hearts in the heart of God.

23. Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

24. By studying books, one seeks God. Through meditation, one finds it.

25. Faith leads us as we follow the light on the path that leads us to God and our heavenly home.

26. Every Mass, which we attend with reverence, produces in our soul’s wonderful effects, abundant spiritual and material blessings that we ourselves do not know.

27. It is easier on earth to exist without the presence of the sun than to exist without the sacrifice of the Holy Mass!

28. I don’t want to be anything but a poor monk who prays.

29 If God sees flaws even in angels, can you imagine what he sees in me!

30. The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against the soul, and there is no flourishing of the soul to the beauty of its perfection except through pain.

Wonderful Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith
Wonderful Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith

31. I am nothing but a praying priest.

32. Prayer is the melting of our hearts in the heart of God. If it is well-made, it affects the divine heart and invites it to respond to us always. Let us pray with all our hearts and let God help us.

33. Humble lovingly before God and people, because God speaks to him who keeps his ears low.

34. Be loving silently, for gossip is not without error. Be alone as much as you can. In solitude, the Lord speaks.

35. Humility and love go hand in hand. The one glorifies and the other sanctifies.

36. Always humble yourselves with love before God and people, because God speaks to him who truly keeps his heart humble before him and enriches him with his gifts.


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Wonderful Padre Pio Quotes about Spiritual Life and Faith

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