Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life


Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life

Saint Augustine’s Quotes

  • Calmness is the foundation and aid of chastity, fasting is the wealth of the body, and a contrite heart drives away ugly thoughts.
  • Everything in the world is fleeting, so hurry up and remember the name of God before your eyes, and be careful to repent, because your time in this world is short.
  • Let us examine and test our ways and return to the Lord, to raise our hearts and our hands to God in the heavens.
  • Do not reveal what is in your heart to every human being, as he may not reward you with thanks.
  • Prayer is like a candle that lights up the human heart in its darkness.
  • Stay away from looking and hearing what does not help, so get rid of doing what does not help.
  • If everything is lost from me and God remains alone, then I am with everything because God is all in all, so he does not want me.
  • Everything that makes a person happy is for a moment, and everything that grieves a person in this life is for a moment. But everything that is eternal is worthy of every moment.
  • A grateful patient is better than a devout monk.
  • If you see a humble-hearted person, this is greater than all other scenes, because, through him, you see the invisible God.
Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life
Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life

Ask for repentance at every moment

  • Do not shed fresh tears on past sorrows.
  • A heart that is satisfied with what he has, Satan cannot break into it.
    Ask for repentance at every moment and do not allow yourself to be lazy for a single moment.
  • Quiet your heart from talking, and move your heart with your hidden work, so that grace may always rest upon you.
  • The only victory that lasts and does not leave behind regret is victory over oneself.
  • Blame yourself, for this, is better than being blamed.
  • The kind word you say today will bear fruit tomorrow.
  • Flee from sin as you escape from a serpent. If it approaches you, it will sting you.
  • The mouth of the pure speaks every hour of his Creator and his peace with joy and is comforted by him.
  • Thinking every day that it is the last thing you have left in the world, that saves you from sin.


A pure heart is a simple healthy heart

  • Whoever does not find in himself the fear of God, let him know that his soul is dead.
  • I will repent now, not tomorrow. This moment is in my hand, but tomorrow is in God’s hand.
  • Repentance is the mother of life, and blessed is he who is born from it, for he will not die.
  • Silence your tongue so that your heart may speak, and your heart so that the spirit may speak in you.
  • Sympathize with the grieving as if you are also sad with them.
  • We meet people every moment, but we rarely meet ourselves.
  • You read and God speaks to you, and you pray, and you speak to Him.
  • Those who don’t cry don’t know the value of smiling.
  • God loves every human being as if he were alone in the universe.
  • Make sure you don’t make your clothes the most expensive thing in you so that you don’t find yourself cheaper than what you wear.


In all the trials that come upon you

  • Do not blame a person, but blame yourself, saying: It is because of my sins that you have come upon me.
  • Always make your eyes look up, at the one who holds all the reins of life.
  • Trust that tomorrow will always be better than today because it is in the hands of God.
  • Life is short… hang out with your brother.
  • I saw traps set up, so I cried, “Who will save me?” A voice answered me: ‘Humility.
  • I will treat all people as Christ treats me.
  • If you want to be known by God, make sure that you are not known to people.
  • Do not rejoice in the fall of others, for you do not know how the days will behave with you.
  • Forgiveness is the scent that roses smell when our feet trample them.
  • Do not quarrel with a person, as you may not live until you reconcile with him.
Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life
Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life
Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life

The body craves against the soul

  • When the Lord puts you in the furnace of trials, be sure that He will be there with you.
  • Lust is the root of all evil.
  • You may sin, out of greed for the satisfaction of bodily lust. so the pleasure ceases and the sin remains.
  • With lust, we tend to what we want and with fear, we retreat from it.
  • The body craves against the soul because of weakness.
  • There are two different things in man (love and lust) to make love be born in us.
  • Lust cannot be annihilated. Let us make love increase and lust decrease until love is complete and lust is quenched.
  • In every sin, there is undoubtedly an act of lust against Christ.
  • O invisible light, source of lights, source of lights, the light before which all lights made by your hands. The light from which lights derive their light, the light from which lights take their light, the light that dispels darkness and illuminates the darkness, the divine light that clouds can not cover, nor clouds that the light that does not cover it.
  • A curtain and no shadows shall overshadow it, O Word who said.


The world shakes, but faith is unshakable

  • Let the light repeat this word now as well. Because far from your lights the truth hides the truth, I wish I could see your glory, to discern the reality of my weakness and the reality of your lights.
  • The victorious, victorious, the light that hates every sin, because you are holy and pure, so where is the heart from which you made a temple for you and a beloved dwelling for you!?
  • Many have learned how to offer the other cheek, but have not learned to love their hitters.
  • Man is able to tame beasts, but he is unable to tame himself, especially his tongue.
  • A friend is the one who rejoices in your success and grieves in your calamities and manages you in your problems.
  • Love is the guardian of celibacy, and its den is humility.
  • Choose your message lest punishment hurt you, for a bad message is not rewarded.
  • Want to know what kind of love you have? See where it leads you.
  • Love your enemies, lest you hate the ignorance of your friends.
  • Forgive others their sins, and pray for yours.
  • I scream, but the Father knows his mark more.
  • That you desire what you have no ability to be tormented.
  • The Old Testament is revealed in the New, and the New Testament is hidden in the Old.

Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life

Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life
Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life

Pursue what is higher than you

  • If you want to be better, seek something higher than you.
  • Some women became believers through their believing husbands.
  • Some men became believers through their believing wives.
  • If you learn to pray for your enemies, you will be walking in the path of the Lord.
  • Your need in prayer is to piety, not to gossip.
  • If you are satisfied with yourself, God is not satisfied with you.
  • If you want to observe the system of true love, do righteousness and be merciful, and flee from extremism.
  • Learn to discipline wisdom when you are calm.
  • If you say a word and people praise you because of it, do not attribute it to yourself because it is not what you intended.
  • Can a tree rise if it does not rely on its roots in the ground?


The ability to silence is the title of strength

  • If you do not like what the Lord promised, at least fear what He has threatened.
  • We often provoke God to please our friends and lover.
  • If our pleasure is to carry out God’s will, then we must ask God that we will not be fulfilled.
  • Through the woman, the serpent carried the first human news of death, and the woman conveyed to people the news of life.
  • If your tongue is silent, let your prayers be from the heart.
  • Let God lead you to where you cannot reach on your own.
  • The Lord blessed the little ones, not because of their holiness, but because of their simplicity, that is, their simple, non-double heart.
  • The Pharisee was haughty in the good deeds, and the tax collector was humble in the bad.
    Neither the cluster becomes wine, nor does the olive seed become oil, unless the stone of the press passes over it.
  • Do not misbehave with your freedom, so you will err of your own free will.


Your faith is a gift from God, not your right

  • God does not push anyone into temptation, but rather allows him to enter into the temptation of everyone who has forsaken him.
  • There is nothing that comforts a grieving man as if he sees someone grieving with him for his distress.
  • Christ was silent in his trial, but he will not be silent when he comes to judgment.
  • God has commanded some things that we cannot do, so we know we need to ask Him.
  • God has become humble, and you are ashamed of your pride.
  • Christ was born of a woman, to console the sex of women.
  • You will not be happy if you get what you love and that loved one is harmful.
  • You won’t be happy with what I see if you don’t get whatever you like.
  • Suppose that God wants to fill you with honey, and you are overflowing with vinegar, so where does he put the honey?
  • From Paradise, the woman announced death to her husband, and in the Church, the women announced salvation to the men.
  • Christ should be silent in his suffering, but he will not be silent in his judgment.
  • O greedy why long for heaven and earth? Isn’t their Creator better than them?


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Wonderful Saint Augustine Quotes about Faith and Life


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